We took Ridlon Road! Over the tiny bridge. Past the turf farm. Turned onto the tiny dirt road on the right. Last time we were there, we took the dirt path road, which led to the water, but it was also all those pipes and things...remember?
Today, we took the other road, which led to a beach! And there were three other cars there! Other adventurists, presumably. Actually, that would be 'adventurers,' duh. So, we hung around the beach area a little, in awe, before heading down an ATV trail leading into the woods. I was hoping to get a better view of the lake.
So, we were headed into the woods, braving the threat of deer and bear and werewolves, even though Kara says that wolves don't live around here, and that werewolves don't even exist. Kara also thought the further we walked into the woods, the further we were walking away from the lake, but I have studied enough of the Google map photos to know the shape of the lake. I figured we would see the lake at some point.
And then! Through the trees!! We saw water to our right! So, we walked up a little bit to a clearing that led down a hill, and opened up to something beautiful...
This is like ten minutes from my house!!! And for 25 years never knew it existed!!! Amazing, no?
We walked a bit further down the path and it opened up again....
A diving board!! We also saw lots of bonfire remnants, which makes me think that lots of awesome high school parties take place at this lake. Which makes me wonder WHY WAS I NEVER INVITED TO AWESOME HIGH SCHOOL PARTIES AT THE LAKE?!?!?!!? It also made me wonder if Berwick has like, a high school make out spot. Like a "lovers lane" type deal. Anyone know? If there is such a thing, again it makes me wonder, WHY HAVE I NEVER BEEN THERE TO MAKE OUT!?!?!?! Seriously guys, I feel pretty lame.
It was so beautiful being there. I want to go to that lake all the time and hang out. Once Kara and I get a canoe, we will be spending all our time there. And we will be the type of people that say, "hey, let's take the boat to the lake for the day!" We will pack light sandwiches and eat them in the boat. And it will be awesome.
And it will all occur TEN MINUTES FROM HOME! Like, right now, as I sit in my living room writing this, that awesome lake is just sitting there, ten minutes away from me, its water tempting and tantalizing in the moonlight. CRAZY.
I will take ANYONE to this lake. ANYONE who wants to go. Anyone reading this who is like, 'that looks pretty cool,' just let me know, we'll meet up, and I'll take you there. Or, for anyone who doesn't believe this place really exists in Berwick, Maine - I'll take you there.
Anybody know if you can swim in the lake? How clean is it? We saw two people out on kayaks and one guy fishing. So, it's not completely unknown and deserted.
But, it's a great place. Super cool. And there are islands in the lake! Like, three of them, maybe. I said today,
JULIE: I wonder if there are any Island Folk that live on those islands...
KARA: Ummm...I don't think so.
You never know.
Other than awesome adventures, I haven't done too much. Saw The Hangover 2 with Greg on Sunday night. It was really funny. I enjoyed it more than the first one. It didn't seem as rude, or something.
I just made brownies. I hope they turn out yummy or else everyone in my house will hate me. I don't know why they made me make them. I hate baking and Kara is a professional baker anyways.
OH WELL. Tomorrow is back to work. I'm working 9:30-2 in Kittery and then 3-10 in Springvale. Wednesday is my marathon day. Today I decided that I'm just not cut out for the workforce. That's that.
Have you all had a nice week? A good Memorial Day? Been enjoying the super hott weather? I haven't been. I hate summer. That's that.
Okay! Hope everyone is having a good night. Talk to you again soon!!!
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