Anyways, SAD Days are when Kara and I take off for the day, usually with a map, and pick a place to discover. We've had SAD Days to:
1. Northeast Kingdom - creepy northern Vermont area where we accidentally trespassed into someone's house.
2. Lake George, NY
3. Lake Morey and Lake Fairlee, VT
4. Rutland, VT
5. North Conway-ish area, NH
6. Bath, ME
7. Ridlon Road, Berwick, ME
SO. The most recent discovery in my town, which I talked about in the previous entry, was the discovery of a GIANT LAKE in my hometown. Now, the locals call this lake, Hatfield Pond, which I had definitely heard of before. I never realized it was IN my town, though. Kara and I both agreed we thought it was in Lebanon. And, it's on the way to Lebanon, so, it makes sense.
(Lebanon, ME, mind you, not Lebanon, NH, where I used to live up until recently..)
This past Monday, Kara and I ventured out into the town to try and find the lake.
First, we took Long Swamp Road, because we saw a connecting road that went around the lake. We got to the road, and it was closed. Like, there was a gate in front of it. So, this route was a no-go.
Then, we decided we'd take this road called, Lower Guinea Road. Now, we were in Lebanon, ME. I had driven past this road a billion times and never been down it. Turns out, it's kind of the creepiest road in history. Then we took this scary road with run-down houses with lots of junk in the yard and lots of 'No Trespassing' signs. We figured everyone in this area has lots of guns, so we got out of there pretty quickly.
We needed to try the other road to get to the lake. So, we headed to Rt. 202 and turned onto Hubbard Road. I feel like I've been on this road a lot recently, which is funny, because I NEVER used to come out to this part of town.
From Hubbard Road, we took Ridlon Road, which is my new fave road ever. Seriously, I'm obsessed with it. Like, in a weird way. Who is obsessed with a road, anyways? Why am I obsessed with this road? Because it leads to THE LAKE.
Seeing this road in the daytime was pretty awesome. We saw this giant sandpit which is apparently home to a lot of illegal ATVing as well as parties. Sandpit parties? Yep. Vacationland!
We headed down the first path that leads to the lake. Then, we saw that someone had a truck parked down there, and we got scared, so we turned around.
We took the second path, a little ways down the road. It's all dirt, everywhere.
This is where we parked the car:
That's Kara's car, Maci. Morgan's little sister :)
That's an island in the middle of the lake. Because it's a huge lake. I love it.
Kara by the lake.
GREAT, RIGHT???!! Um, yep. I can't believe that I've lived in this town for like, 24 years and have never been to this lake. It makes me sad almost, because like, what else am I missing???
That night when my mom came home from work she said,
MOM: So, what'd you girls do today?
JULIE AND KARA: Ohhh you know... went to the lake...
"The lake" that's what I've been calling it. Like, we have a house on it or something. Yeah, just going down to the lake. It's my new fave place.
Also, note this beautiful Maine winter day! Haha, it was like the most gray day ever. But, I like how you can see the reflection of the trees on the ice.
These next pictures are leaving the lake and driving down Ridlon Road.
Mini-bridge!! Cutest bridge ever!
I really like this last picture. The road looks so whimsical at the end.
GREAT DAY, right?!!? I seriously could not believe how excited I was this day. Like, this was such a great Sister Adventure.
I actually way more appreciate my town more after discovering this gem. I want to go here all the time. If you ever come to Berwick, ME, I will take you to this place. Murdock Lake or Hatfield Pond, however you prefer. Beautiful place.
Today was a good day. I saw ANDREW! I went over to his house and he made me pancakes and tea and we talked for a long time. It was great. I hadn't really hung out with Andrew since New Year's Eve last year, so a hangout sesh was wayyyy overdue. Lots of life updates. Great.
Then, I needed to get gas for my car. I was on my last bar! I got $15 worth and it brought it up to over half a tank! I was shocked at this. Small tank + great gas mileage = happy Julie.
Then I went to Target because I needed more shampoo and conditioner. I ended up with two extra bottles of hair product. I love buying hair products and then never using them. However, I always convince myself that I will use them when I'm in the store, and that's what happened today.
I got some kind of volume boosting stuff. Extreme level. I also got some kind of super moisture 3 minute hair treatment for really damaged hair stuff. Lovely, right? Hey, the teal hair may be pretty awesome, but it's also pretty hard on your hair. I don't know how Ramona Flowers does it.
ALRIGHT!!! I think I'm done for tonight. Pretty good entry, eh? Yeah, I thought so too.
Hope you enjoyed your trip to Murdock Lake! Have a great rest-of-the-week!!
Talk to you soon :) Take care, friends!
nice to see this side of Berwick.
ReplyDeleteimagine the ice thick enough to skate on, wow!