27 February 2011

like fuel on a fire

1. My birthday was Friday. 25 on the 25.
2. River City Extension was yesterday.
3. Academy Awards are tonight.
Julie's Ultimate Birthday Weekend

Last night was so fun. The band was playing at The Space, down in good ol' Hamden, CT. This was the third time I had been to this venue. It's so great. If I lived closer, I would definitely hang out. Although, I would spend way too much money on trinkets found in the vintage store.

It was great seeing everyone! Wonderful people like Holden and Ben Silver and Jo! And all the fabulous people that make up River City Extension. It had been way too long since seeing them. Like, unacceptably long.

And MAN they killed it. It was a crazy good show. I have pictures and videos that I'll post soon. Like maybe tomorrow. They played a great set. Like, A GREAT SET.

And then - we all went to a diner. "We all" meaning, us and the band. Um, yeah. Ya know. Cause sometimes you go to diners with awesome bands. Yeah, that happened in real life. IRL.

It was a classic night that was made of awesome. Followed by a terrible, horrible, awful, did i mention terrible, drive home in a snow storm. I thought I was going to die. But, more on that later.

Oscars tonight!! I'm rooting for Michelle Williams and Jesse Eisenberg!! Neither of whom will probably win. Also - CHRISTIAN BALE. If he doesn't win - I'm going to be angry. That should be one of the very first awards of the night.

Ok! Have fun at your Oscar parties! I won't be dressing up this year. Definitely going to pajama it up for the event. I'm exhausted today.

Have a great end to your weekend! I'll be in touch soon. With PICTURES. :)!