27 July 2011

feather extension fail (part 1)

GUYS. UGH. So, yesterday when I blogged, I said I was going out later to get my feather extension, which I've wanted for a very long time. And I just kept talking and talking and talking about it but never actually did it. SO, yesterday I was like, "TODAY IS THE DAY." So I went to the walk-in hair place that does feather extensions and I walked in and said,

JULIE: Hello! I would like some feather extensions please!

And the girl brought me over to her chair and I was getting omg omg omg soooo freaking excited and she gave me the selection of feather extensions and there wasn't any teal. And I said,

JULIE: Ohh, I'm actually looking for teal...
HAIR LADY: Ohh, well, this is all we have today, but the truck is coming with more tomorrow.

What is this no teal business???? Why didn't they have teal?! Clearly it's THE BEST. So, we worked out a deal where she was gonna call me when the truck came in and ASSURED me that there would be teal feather extensions on the truck.

So, cut to today, and I get a voicemail while I'm at work that the feather extension shipment has arrived and that I should come in tonight!!!

Now, ALL DAY at work I'm thinking of how awesome things will be once I get a feather extension. Awesome things will start to happen, I'm sure of it.

So, I RUSH home after work, CHANGE my clothes and RUSH BACK out the door to SPEED to the hair place.

I get there, the excitement building, and go inside... it's not the lady from yesterday. And on top of that - there were no teal feather extensions in the shipment.

NO TEAL. Twice in a row. They did have neon yellow, which would have been my second choice. And, I knew how badly I wanted one, and I was tempted... but knew that I just wouldn't be satisfied unless it was teal.

But I'm also thinking - maybe I'm not meant to get a feather extension?! I mean, I tend to think that everything happens for a reason, and this is twice now that I've been denied teal feather extensions.

So here's my next move: I knew that my friend Brittany has some feather extensions and that her sister is a hairdresser. So, I facebooked Brit to ask her if her sister did the extensions, and she did. So, I think I'll try and call to make an appointment at Brittany's sister's hair place to ensure I get teal and also (obvi) a great hairdresser!!

Don't worry, friends, I'll keep you updated on the feather extension saga. I'm sure you're on the edge of your seat!!


1. The coffee shop that I work at is maybe becoming a bar! Which means that I would become a bartender! I'm excited about this prospect.

2. Kara's birthday is FRIDAY!

3. I took the very first step in becoming a boat captain!! Yeah, like, for realz!! I've been in touch with this guy, Captain Greg, and he teaches courses on how to get your master captain's license through a registered Coast Guard approved class!!

I've been feeling very bored and stuck in my life lately, especially still not knowing what I want to "be," and I keep coming back to boat captain, which I've joked about becoming ever since I was in like, 6th grade. More recently, the goal has turned to water taxi captain.

And so finally I was like, "WAIT. How come I can't actually do this if it's what I want to do???" So I said, "screw you, world, I'll become a boat captain if I want!!!"

The class doesn't start until October, but already the thought of learning navigation and charting skills has gotten me SUPER excited. Like, silly excited.

4. Kara got a grill this week for free!! Which means that everything we now eat is grilled. It smells really good. I like it. It's like Bobby Flay moved in or something.

5. I had a neon coral-y shirt that I had been wearing lately to hang around in, and I had been thinking it might look better with the neck cut out. So last night, I took the scissors to it and cut the neck out!!! It's amazing how much sexier you feel when something falls off your shoulder. Even if you're also wearing sweatpants. :)

6. I kinda want to go into work with Kara tonight. She said she might go in at like, midnight. Is it bad if I go in with her, eat a bunch of bakery items and then leave...?? You have to be quite disciplined when you have a baker for a sister. Something of which I am not..

7. Last night I was bored so I painted gold sparkly nail polish on over my bright pink nail polish and it was like, OMG HOW COME I DON'T DO THIS EVERY DAY?!?!?!



The other day I had some time to kill before work and I was sitting in my car doing my hair and makeup (second time this summer), and I noticed that my nail polish was all chipped. And I couldn't go into work like that! But luckily, I carry a bottle of hott pink around with me at all times! In case of emergency!!! Like this!!! So, I quickly repainted and voila! Instant hott!


Alright!!!! I think that's it! I hope everyone has been having a lovely, great day and week!!

Talk again soon!!!!!!!

26 July 2011

Remember when I rewrote the ending to Harry Potter?

Yeah. Me too. I have a lot of things to talk about in this entry, and perhaps I'll make a list, but first - I want to talk about Harry Potter.

Remember when I rewrote the ending to HP7 after I finished reading the book?? I feel that was one of my best entries. I encourage you to go back and read that. That's vintage Livejournal, right there.

Anyways, so we went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter. Watched it. And then it was over. Like, over. Folks, can I talk about how sad I am that Harry Potter is over? I was way more sad than I thought I would be. I first started reading the Harry Potter books RIGHT when they came out. Like, RIGHT.

Actually, I like to think that I was the first person in the country to read the first book. (Another reason why I should get some kind of compensation for this whole mania.)

And I actually remember like, opening the first book for the first time and starting to read it. In the back of my dad's car. The day before Kara's birthday. And I remember talking with my high school friends saying, "can you believe that we'll be in our 20's when the movies end!?!?!!" and how like, that was in FOREVER. And now it's already gone.

The end of Harry Potter is a big thing. It's been such a constant thing for like, almost half of my life, and I was very, very sad that everything was actually over.

I thought 7.2 was great. I had to keep reminding myself that it is just the second part to the first movie, and like, all these things have happened before. It jumped RIGHT into the story, which I was happy about, but I would compare it to watching the second disc of Titanic after not watching the first disc for like, 6 months.

I also had to keep convincing myself that YES, Lord Voldemort IS the same dreamy actor in The English Patient and The Constant Gardener. Also, Maid in Manhattan. Classic Ralph Fiennes. Man, I just hate Voldemort so much. The scene in the end when he tries to give Draco a hug is heartbreaking. I mean, it's funny, because it looks like he's never given anyone a hug before. But, it's heartbreaking because it looks like he's never given anyone a hug before.

I just think he's such a great character.

Anyways. It's a great movie. Great books. I am very sad it's over. It was a very emotional night.

ALRIGHT. Moving on.

I dyed my hair the other night! It's once again dark brown. I did this in preparation for my FEATHER EXTENSION, which I am getting today. I know, I know, everyone has them and it's probably not even cool anymore. But - I don't care. Like, at all. I want one very badly and today I am finally going to get one. Or two. There will be teal in my hair once again!!!!!! Ooohhhhh I miss my teal streaks sooooo badly.

Also, I still really want my tattoo.

So, the other night we were all watching something and there was a preview for the TV show Pretty Little Liars, on ABC Family. Kara and I finished watching the commercial and were both like, "WHAATTTTTTT?????" This show looked amazing. Both of us thought it was a show similar to The Secret Life of the American Teenager, or whatever it's called, so we thought nothing of it. But after seeing this commercical - WE HAD TO KNOW MORE.

So, we started downloading the first season. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS SHOW IS ABOUT?!?!?! Let me tell you.

This group of high school girls are super hott. Also, super gossipy, thanks to the "queen bee" of the group, Alison. One night, they're out having a sleepover in this creepy barn place, and Alison disappears. And she's missing for an entire year and the rest of the group of girls lose touch and aren't friends anymore. Then, the police find Alison's dead body. The girls are brought together at the funeral for their former best friend, and it's very sad. BUT, after the funeral, they all receive a text message from an unknown number, and the message is signed, "A."

So then, this person "A" starts leaving them notes, and texts and emails, saying things that only Alison would know. So, the group of girls are brought back together as friends and are trying to figure out who is sending the messages.

The show also includes: student/teacher make out sessions, affairs, lesbian affairs, car crashes, bombs, a mean blind girl (or is she blind?!!?), peeping Toms, plagiarism, girls making out with their future brother-in-laws, lots of secrets and lots of lies. AMAZEBALLS.

It's pretty awesome. It's like True Blood combined with Gossip Girl. We're loving it.

Hmm. I thought I had a bunch more to talk about. Like, a bunch more. But now I can't think of anything.

KARA'S BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK! I'm pretty excited. I love birthdays. Everyone has them!!

I've had a really relaxed work schedule lately. It's been weird and sporadic.

I'm excited for the Friends with Benefits movie to come out.. Kara and I were wondering if it could possibly end the same way as No Strings Attached...? Thoughts?? This is pretty important. I mean, you would think that Justin and Mila would be a good match, just like Ashton and Nat Port.

Also funny, that Ashton and Justin are friends, and Mila and Nat Port were in Black Swan together and they both did movies about literally the exact same thing. Although, I haven't seen Friends with Benefits and maybe there is some way deeper plot line that No Strings Attached didn't have. Buuuttt....... I doubt that.

Today is the anniversary of the 26th of July movement. The start of the Cuban Revolution! When Fidel Castro overtook the Moncada Barracks. A bloody, bloody day in Cuban history.

Alright! I'm off, I guess. I can't believe I can't think of more to talk about. I could've sworn there was more. I'll think of it later.

Everyone have a great day!! It's cool today! I like it!
