22 May 2010

just one thing real quick

::: in the midst of all these amazing Crash Kings adventure road-trips, i find myself in such shock that i love this band so much. i think it's the great music, the pretty boys who play their instruments so well, and all the great friends i've made.

it's so awesome.

Crash Kings are so awesome. for serious.

tonight Ryan and i watched the entire concert from Friday night on youtube. (she recorded the whole thing!!!) and not for one half second did it get any less exciting. i still found myself grinning ear to ear just watching the videos on the computer.

they're so good. and so cool. and such nice people.

and tonight at the Mercury Lounge will be my TENTH show. since december. and i'm pretty proud of that.

that's all. goodnight :)



we're just home from Earth Fest and very tired. but it was great!!!

that's a picture up there of the Hatch Shell next to the sign. it was my first time at the hatch shell. it's very pretty on the inside.

guess who else was there?

CRASH KINGS. yep. and it was awesome. the radio guys hosting the event REALLY played up the fact that Mike and Tony are from Andover. and then when they got onstage Tony said something like, "it's always great to be in Boston because we're from.....Andover....." and then he started laughing. it was great.

they had some sound issues at first. the clavinet had no sound during You Got Me. so, there was minor panic from Tony as well as me and Ryan. Mike stalled for a minute and Tony and the crew ran around with plugs and things trying to make it work. eventually, there was sound.

but even after they fixed the sound the drums were too loud, and then the drums were too quiet. and Tony kept frantically making "drums are too loud" motions to the sound guys during the piano breaks.

ONCE EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT they played a great show. and the people seemed to love them. they played after Marcy Playground. i didn't really care about their music. they played Sex and Candy and it was the only song that everybody really clapped and cheered for.

of course - more later in the complete recap with photos and links.

we heard Gin Blossoms play. i knew more songs than i thought i did! that was exciting. and then the main attraction, Collective Soul. we didn't stay for the whole set because we figured there would be total madness trying to get back home on the T.

not sure what's up for tonight.... hopefully low key something since we're tired and tomorrow will be a loonnggg exciting day. really exciting. we're all REALLY looking forward to it.

alright friends.

Ryan got an awesome Crash Kings swag package in the mail today!!! perfect timing. and it came with these ski documentaries that feature Crash Kings music. we're watching them right now. skiing is crazymaking. and so far, there's no Crash Kings music.

ALRIGHT. i hope everyone is having a great day. stay cool. stay classy.

talk to you later


"you got the shit that's gonna make my head spin"

in boston right now, back from the Crash Kings show in portland, maine.

i haven't blogged much this week so LET'S DO A QUICK RECAP:

FRIDAY, 5/21 = my mom's birthday, and Crash Kings in Portland, Maine
SATURDAY, 5/22 = Crash Kings at EarthFest in Boston
SUNDAY, 5/23 = Crash Kings in NYC

cut to tonight. right now. i'm sitting in Ryan's apartment. just home from the show.

NEVER have i been rocked so hard. NEVER has a city been rocked so hard. HOLY CRAP TONIGHT WAS THE BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!

and this is just 1 of 3 that we have to look forward to this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

wow they were awesome.

the guy from WCYY radio came out in the beginning and introduced them as the "band taking the city by storm" or something like that.

MAINE = AWESOME. who knew that people in Maine loved Crash Kings so much!?!?!?

anyways. i'm very tired because i only got 4 hours of sleep last night. and it's currently 3:16am and i have to be awake again by like....9? we're getting to Earth Fest early.

Crash Kings are on at 1:15!!! we learned that tonight when Tony told us. :)

that's a whole other story. let's just say it involves.....

- me
- all my new friends
- tony
- 3 couches

yep. that last one was COUCHES. like, things that you sit on with people. YEP. couches.

i'll have the full report later. after these marathon concert adventures i seem to do a big post with all the days wrapped into one. i'll probably do that again. but, to tie you over, here are some little posts full of excitement.

um, wow i still can't think straight.

i can't believe what an awesome band they are. i think i could literally see them perform 100 times in a row and never get sick of it and still be crazy with excitement.

tonight was my 8th show!!!!!

Tony kind of felt bad because he said they would basically be playing the same songs for all three shows. we were all like, "THAT'S GREAT!!!!!"

(also, while we were hanging out with Tony at the end, some very drunk girl came over to him, wrapped her arms around him and started groping him. it was very awkward and he looked very uncomfortable. he looked at us and made a very funny face.

and then drunk girl's friend was like, "can she get a picture so she'll remember this in the morning?" and so Tony smiled and took a picture with her. and then the drunk girl kissed him on the cheek.

it was awesome and disturbing at the same time. and we giggled about it a lot on the way home. and thinking about it almost made me run a blinking red light. but i didn't!!!! Ryan stopped me in time!!!!)

OH MAN tonight was so great. i can't even think of words to use to describe it. these words to describe crash kings are not even invented yet.

AAHHHHHHH damn you person who invented sleep!!!!! if the person who invented sleep had known that such things like Crash Kings would exist in the future then they probably wouldn't have invented it.

because it's too impossible.

actually, i think i have to force myself. because i am tired. i'm just also very excited. and Crash Kings excited is different from all other exciteds. it is the best. it is the strongest.

OK. Earth Fest on saturday.

i hope everyone has a great weekend.

take care. be well.


to my dear friends emily, david, jenny, josh, ross,

much love.

16 May 2010


  • i realize i haven't taken down my 'Crash Kings on Kimmel' banner. i like it. and it makes me remember how awesome it was.
  • i think this is the first post where i am using actual bullet points. i'm not sure how i feel about it, but will continue anyways.
  • i left NH saturday morning/afternoon and drove to Scarborough, Maine to visit my friend Jenn and also attend a beach/birthday party for her landlord's roomate/maybe cousin. Tammy was there! we had fun.
  • stayed the night in Scarborough; drove down to Berwick mid-afternoonish
  • my mom and i watched 'In the Valley Of Elah' which i loooved for the second time

  • TODAY IS MONDAY AND MY DAD IS COMING HOME!!!!!!!!! for a visit!!!!! i'm soooooo sooooo excited to see him!!!!!! Kara and i are driving to pick him up from the airport this evening. OHHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

(i separated that bullet point because it's so awesome and i'm so excited.)

Crash Kings in San Francisco tonight/last night!!! my #CrashQueen sister Christina went! i'm sure they rocked and can't wait for all the details.

Kara and i are having a sister day today that will, i believe, involve getting hot dogs from Flo's. which, if you don't know, are possibly the best hot dogs in the United States of America. possibly the whole Northern Hemisphere.

ok! it's 1:19am on the east coast right now and i'm going to bed. i'm suuuper tired and really excited to hopefully sleep through the whole night. normally i am either woken up by Ruby Tuesday or the phone.

hope you all had a great weekend! i'll talk to you soon!!!!!
