17 March 2009

beautiful passage

i was reading the reader just now and came across this beautiful passage that i 1) wanted to remember and 2) wanted to share with you. also, it reminds me of myself. and the experience of not being able to sleep....

"through the long hours of the night you have the church clock for company and the rumble of the occasional passing car that throws its headlights across the walls and ceiling. these are hours without sleep, which is not to say that they're sleepless, because on the contrary, they're not about lack of anything, they're rich and full. desires, memories, fears, passions form labyrinths in which we lose and find and then lose ourselves again. they are hours when anything is possible, good or bad."

thank you, bernhard schlink.

16 March 2009

transitions and such things

wow! look at this great blog! it's so classy and hip!! i love the chandeliers!

i've been really into light blue and black lately. it's like i want all my rooms to have this coloring. light blue walls with big black chandeliers hanging. or, i guess i'd take crystal chandeliers.

today was a good day. i kept feeling like i had something to do, but i didn't. i got an iced coffee, which was good, but made me really shaky. i keep saying that i am going to eat something, but then i get distracted.

there was lots of traffic tonight when i was driving. it made me a little annoyed. but then i was happy again because it really meant that i just got to sit in my car longer and listen to music.

so far i like writing this post. it's pretty similar to the livejournal postings. i feel kind of bad for retiring my livejournal. i'm worried that this new blog means "starting over." maybe that's what i want. not that i want to start my livejournal over from the beginning. i think i just need a new blog scene. i'm living in a new place, new town, new house, new job, new people, new places to go. seeing as blogging is a big part of my life, it would only seem right to update my blog with my changing life. right? right!!

hm. i'm not sure about this font, though.

let's see if this one is any better. this is Trebuchet, which makes me think of Lost for some reason that i can't think of right now. the other one was Georgia. i have to find a good font that matches the style of my new blog! this could take some time. let's try another.

how's this?! oh wait! is this my old journal font? arial? this looks familiar. hm. maybe i'll keep this one. is this the same font? David? the 'y's' look different.

anyways. really i just wanted to get some text onto my front page so i could really see what it looks like with a good solid entry. right now there's just too much blue.

i've been thinking about it, and i really want to start spelling 'blue', 'bleu'. do you think people would mind or get mad? it just looks so much more fancy. and it's like, different, but not too different.

Julie Bleu.

hm. i think i'm going to go eat supper now. i'm hungry. and it's ten o'clock. man, i can't believe it's ten o'clock. it's been a weird day. weird, but good. warm! it's supposed to be warm all week!

ok. suppose i'm finished. maybe i'll write again later. i'm not quite sure how this transition should take place. i want everyone to feel comortable here. i wish i could have a New Blog Open House. or, a New Blog Grand Opening.

OR OR OR OR!!!!!! EVEN SO MUCH BETTER!!!! a New Blog Ribbon Cutting!!!!!!

O.M.G. it will happen. i promise! i will plan this. i will make it happen. the first ever online ribbon cutting reception. I WILL MAKE INTERNET HISTORY! and then my new blog will become as famous as my old one. which, i think is pretty famous.

ok. i have to start planning this. man, i'm getting excited! what kind of snacks should we have? beverages? i wish saga could make a cheese platter!

oh man, i love you guys. i love blogging. i should be a professional blogger.

OK! for serious now friends, i will be back later. but probably in the livejournal. i think i need to do both for a few days. i have to make sure i'm nice and comfortable here as well.

so far though - i like it :)

love love love you!!!!


15 March 2009