03 December 2009

the blanket truth

i just watched the first two episodes of True Blood!!!! so far, so good. i like it a lot. geeze, Anna Paquin is seriously hott. i love her blonde hair.

so far, i think the show is pretty interesting. it's kind of paced like a movie. like, during the first episode i actually forgot it was a tv show. because it just felt like i was watching a feature length film.

and i REALLY love the music. there must be a soundtrack. it's totally beautiful.

and so far, i think the opening credit sequence is the creepiest thing about the show. although, it was pretty gross when she was drinking his blood. but, the opening credits are just plain spooky.
i'm bummed there are only 2 episodes per disc.

but! i was putting the disc into my dvd player and suddenly thought, "oooo this is an HBO show! i bet they'll have an emotionally charged opening montage of their tv shows and mini series!"

and they did!!!! i know i've talked about these montages before. and i've done extensive youtube and hbo.com searching to try and find one to post for everybody. but i can't find one. but man, i love 'em.


VIRUS UPDATE ON MY COMPUTER: the computer is still "working." there's no sound. and i can't open Firefox anymore. (i'm on Safari right now) there's the big virus that infiltrated the other night, and since then, there have been littler virus popping up. those are trackable and delete-able. the first, big virus, i cannot seem to delete.

but, i'm going to visit my dad on saturday to see if he can lend some expertise.

UGH but the thing i hate most about these fake anti-virus viruses, is that i WISH they were real! because they look awesome! and so helpful! and just for one second i want to believe that they are not viruses and will actually help me out. but then i quickly snap back into reality.


so, last night i sat down to watch the past two weeks of Heroes. i got all ready and comfy and was really excited because the episode last week was called 'Thanksgiving' and i got really excited to picture the whole cast sitting around a big dining room table eating turkey. but, then the episode started to play, and i remembered that i have no sound on my laptop. so that was a major bummer. not even if i plug in my speakers.

so then i had to find something else to watch. and quick. i decided on I Heart Huckabees. me and Courtney were talking about J.Schwartz at work on wednesday night. and she said that her mom really liked Bored to Death. anyways, so i wanted to watch Huckabees.

so, i did. and, duh, i really enjoyed it. because it's super funny and there's a great score.

and then something really weird happened.

so, the movie ended. and i watched all the credits. and then it brought me to the special features menu. and the only special features are watching the movie with different commentary. and i saw that one commentary was with David Russell (the director), Jason, and Mark Wahlberg. and i thought, ".....yep."

and i hit the 'play' button again. and i thought to myself, "eh, i'll only watch like, 20 minutes of it."

but, the commentary started, and it was soooooooo funny and interesting.

in the first 15 minutes, i learned the David Russell went to Amherst College! he was talking about some professor he had when he was at Amherst. and i was like, "hold on - what?!!" so that i immediately IMDb'd it. true. awesome.

and then! something even weirder happened. they were talking about zen and meditation and all those peaceful things, and then David Russell says, "Jason, this is a lot of the things that your friend Ben Lee practices, and I'm sure you experienced some of it when you were on tour with him." and Jason was just like, "oh yeah, Ben Lee, yeah..."

but i was like, "what the what?!?" now they're talking about Ben Lee!!!!??? it was crazy. but, i got really excited about it.

it was a good commentary. i learned a lot.

but, technically i watched the movie twice in a row. like, right in a row. and after like, 4 hours had gone by, it hit me and i was like, "holy crap. i really have nothing else better to do."

after that, i forced myself to go to bed. it was like, 4:30am or something. i was actually a lot more tired than i thought i was. i slept from about 5am until my alarm went off at 6:22am. then i woke up and shut off the house alarm system. and then went back to sleep.

and then the phone woke me up at 7:47am. it was the director of the program. he was supposed to be in at 8, but he said he wouldn't be in until about 8:45.

so, i had to stay awake and go down to work. i was kind of bummed, but i was prepared in case it happened. and i ended up working from 8-9am. and man, it was super busy. i couldn't believe it.

then at 9am i went back to bed and slept until 1:13pm. then i was super efficient and got up, got ready and went to the post office. i got two movies.

went back home. hung around before work.

work from 3:30-10pm. it was a pretty easy breezy night. it was quiet. and i spent like, an hour and a half playing with a Jack in the Box and reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

A told B and B told C, 'i'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree!'
'wheeee!' said D to E F G, 'i'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree!'
chicka chicka boom boom! will there be enough room?

it's a cute book. and yes, i did that from memory.

hmmm. what else can i tell you?


so, one of the previews on Paper Heart was for this starz tv show called Party Down. has anyone heard of this? i just added it to my Netflix. it's basically like the entire cast of Veronica Mars. Vinnie Van Lowe, Dick Casablancas, Keith Mars, and the Dean. i can't remember the Dean's name. from season 3. PLUS: Lizzy Caplan AND Martin Starr.

it's a watch instantly thing so AS SOON as i get sound back on this laptop, or i get my new one, i will watch it.

i definitely didn't appreciate the hottness of Dick Casablancas until i rewatched season 1. and part of season 2.

speaking of casablancas.

JULIAN CASABLANCAS. i feel he is coming up in every aspect of my life right now. he used to be in The Strokes? he's still in The Strokes? i don't know. is that true? but, i feel like every which way i turn, there is some mention of Julian Casablancas. and how amazing his new record is.

and so i make the same promise, AS SOON as i get sound back on this laptop, or i get my new one, i will listen to his new record. do any of you listen to it?

what else can i talk about? hm. surprisingly not much has happened.

i'm hoping i can get to sleep early tonight because i have to wake up semi-early on friday to meet my mom. if i can go to bed by like, 2:30. wake up at 10:30. i should be ready to leave at like, 11:30ish.

actually. it's almost 2am right now. maybe i'm tired now.

man. i wish my sound was working. or, my computer in general, actually. if we can't get the computer to stop having viruses this weekend, i think i might just go to the Apple store. and just do it. just buy it already. it's a big purchase. i'm putting it off. but, i really need it and i really want it.

kind of like when i bought my tickets to Ireland. that was a big purchase too.

okay. my left eye is really itchy and really watery. i have to get up and put eye drops in. and it's not worth trying to move the laptop off of my lap, and then back on. it may crash, and i don't want to lose this entry.

so, i'm gonna sign off now. i hope you all have a wonderful end of the week!! friday yay! i'll talk to everybody later!!!



02 December 2009

it's tumbling down, hard

still using my computer!!! i'm doing the whole, "no, i'm not gonna fight this in a hospital. i'd rather be at home, living" thing. ya know?

i woke up and my lip was swollen. so that was a bummer. i had a really good sleep, though. got into bed at 5am and was totally wide awake. so, i sat there for like, 35 minutes and then i was finally tired. and then i had a great sleep!!

horoscope for today::

If all the world's a stage, you're definitely a star at the moment, and boy, do you look good in that spotlight. Love is also on the program, so plan your costumes and performances accordingly.

sure, i'll take that. yeah, i DO look good in the spotlight.

ok. it's 1:39pm. i'm gonna eat a bowl of cereal and then get in some messy clothes to help do a belly cast with the other Julie. yeah!

alright. have a great day! i'll talk to you later on tonight.


"can we talk this through and make things right? oh, i'd sure as hell like to try."

yeah. i'm on my computer. i have no idea what's happening. computer won't start in any safe mode. none of my virus scans are working. anytime i search for anything that sounds helpful, the computer crashes. i'm kind of at a loss.

i don't think i should even be on the computer right now. all my passwords and bank accounts are probably now free game out there in internet land.

and i believe i mentioned that my screen is partially falling off? yeah. so, my computer is not only falling apart on the inside, but also on the outside.

i don't know whether or not to laugh or cry.

i cried during Paper Heart. the movie i saw tonight. it was released on tuesday. but, for some reason they mailed it to my on monday. so i GOT it on tuesday. sweet deal!

it was so sweet. and so nice. and heartbreakingly awkward. Bill Haverchuck was only in one scene. it was still worth it. he's a good looking guy.

i decided i want to find a great guy. like, a really great guy. ok, thanks!

so, let me talk more about my horoscope. this is way more important than protecting my personal information that may be hacked into due to viruses. duh.

so, today is a new month. it's december. i must admit, i was excited for december to start. i had this feeling about december. i'm not joking. it was kind of like, a magical type feeling. even the word 'december' looked and sounded just a tad more sparkly than it ever had before.

and so i thought, "hey! it's the last month of 2009, i'll read my monthly horoscope."

so, i'm reading my horoscope for the month, and suddenly i feel very nervous. it's saying some pretty intense things. like, i actually got a nervous feeling in my stomach. and i thought, "uh oh, i hope i can live up to what the planets have in store for me."

this is what it reads:

December 1, Uranus turns direct in the first house of you and your personality and the change you've been experimenting with for several years take even your best friends by surprise. On December 2, the Full Moon in the house of your early childhood literally paints "the end" to a certain period of your life. Your daily routine is turned upside-down when Mars in daredevil Leo literally stands still in the house of everyday activity on December 20 to linger in that sign for months to come. Mercury, the planet of communication, follows on December 26, and you could make a startling statement to someone in your group and the story may spread like wild fire. You are going for broke this month, Pisces, and on December 31 with a Lunar Eclipse in Cancer (a Blue Moon) it intensifies the shock. In one full sweep, you could encompass both a brainchild and a love affair.

okay, those last two sentences totally freak me out!!

You are going for broke this month, Pisces, and on December 31 with a Lunar Eclipse in Cancer (a Blue Moon) it intensifies the shock. In one full sweep, you could encompass both a brainchild and a love affair.

ok, that LAST LINE totally freaks me out!!!!

In one full sweep, you could encompass both a brainchild and a love affair.

um, WHAT?!?! totally whoa.

when i first read the second to last line, i read, "you are going broke this month, pisces," and that really freaked me out. i immediately thought, "oh no! don't buy the laptop!!!" but then i reread it. going FOR broke. yikes. better or worse?

i think i was recently talking about how LAST new years i was reading my 2009 horoscope and it said that i would have 9 unfavorable months and 3 favorable ones. i feel that maybe this is one of the favorable ones. and i can't screw it up.

so, after reading this monthly horoscope, i went to another site and read a few different ones. all of them talk about something big happening at the end of the month.

another one said that i should "be careful" on the 25th. which, should be fairly easy because i just signed up to work a double. 8am to 10pm. or technically, 3pm december 24th to 8am december 26th.

and another one said that the 13th and 14th will be very great, very romantic days for me. hey, i'm fine with that.

anyways. all this is making me nervous. and i'm even more nervous for january 1st to come, only to find out that nothing exciting has happened this month. like, i guess that would be the worst. if, after all this hype, nothing happened.

and, it says that something that happens on 2 december (today) will paint "the end" to a certain period of my life. what does that mean? my computer dying?

i guess i don't take that to mean that something will END today, but that something will start forming today that will eventually lead to the end of something. something will start to paint.

i don't know. it's 4:35am.

i'm kind of excited for work tonight. which is strange. i'm just excited about interacting with people. that's even weirder, right?

hmm. i don't know.

i guess maybe i should go to sleep.

oh!!!! i know something great that happened today. i went to the post office. (do you know where this is going???) yeah, i saw the ruggedly handsome postal worker. he waited on me.

JULIE: I'm good! How are you doing?
JULIE: [says p.o. box number]
RUGGEDLY HANDSOME POSTAL WORKER: (walking into the back room) Is it a movie??
JULIE: (omg he knows who i am!!!!) It should be!!
RUGGEDLY HANDSOME POSTAL WORKER: (comes out from the back) Yep!

oh, it was great. he remembered me. and that the only mail i ever get are Netflix! one of these days he will come out from the back room with my movie and i will say, "do you want to watch it with me?" won't that be great? yeah. it will be.

ok. now that all my personal information is available to all the world, i guess i'll go to sleep now. maybe. i'm not tired. it's 4:45am. why don't i ever want to go to sleep??

so, i don't know what tomorrow holds. hopefully nothing but good. for you and for me.

goodnight friends.


01 December 2009

Hey friends.

so, i'm updating from my mobile phone because i'm fairly sure that computer is on it's last breath. Meaning, i've basically done about everything except call in the priest.

it's on it's way out. Much more sudden than i anticipated. Basically i'm not only getting the fake virus messages constantly, but i'm getting actual messages from windows basically saying, "sorry buddy - you're screwed."

and i think this might actually be it.

it won't let me boot up in safe mode either.

i'm a little worried right now, i'm gonna be honest. I'm not sure what i'm gonna do.

but on the other hand, i'm also kind of done, ya know?. Like, so freaking fed up with dealing with these things. And is this a sign that today was payday and i can now afford my mac??.

i don't know. But, it's currently 11:54pm and i've been trying to get rid of this virus since just after 10pm. I think i'll take a break.

in other news, i read my december monthly horoscope and my month sounds fantastic. More on that later.

love you all.

30 November 2009

my closest hand was halfway round the world

i have found the most beautiful version of my favorite Phantom Planet song. i would love it if you watched it.

THE SONG:: I Don't Mind
THE SINGER:: Alex Greenwald
THE SETTING:: the beach

it's really a beautiful song and i think it shows Alex in a different kind of way. plus, it's the only song i know which features the word, 'unbeknownst.'


ps: look how easy and fancy this is for you!!

pss: <3

hot box!!

hey everybody. me here. i'm gonna do this real quick. it's 10:34pm. monday night. i'm getting hungry for supper. so, i'm probs going to eat soon. and watch I Love You, Beth Cooper. that's what i've got from Netflix right now. tomorrow i'm getting Paper Heart and i'm really excited about that. i think Bill Haverchuck is in it. nice, right?


so, i've been looking for these shoes. shoes to buy. here's the story about these shoes:

i was watching Away We Go and during the scene where John Krasinski is walking back from his job interview (he's all dressed up) you can see these shoes that he's wearing. and you only see them for a split second, but i thought, "i like those shoes. i want those shoes."

and then one day, i made it my JOB to find out what those shoes were. i only had them in my memory. i googled every possible version of "john krasinski shoes away we go" and found nothing.

then i started googling things i remembered about the shoes, "brown suede tie moccassin." still nothing.

but then! i did an image search. for something like, "tie moccassin" or something. and i finally found them.

yes! those are the shoes i want. i first saw them on John Krasinski. only the men's version.

anyways. then!!! the other night, i was googling pictures from the Fantastic Mr. Fox premiere and a full shot of Wes Anderson came up - and HE'S wearing the shoes too!!!!! so then i googled pictures of Wes and basically in every single picture he's wearing these shoes. as far back as Rushmore.

so then i really wanted these shoes.

so, the next day i went to Red's Shoe Barn in dover, new hampshire to look for them.

oh, they are Clark's shoes. in 'wallabee' style.

i went to Red's, and they had a whole section of Clark's - but not theses. i asked the worker if these were all the Clark's they had, and she said yes. bummer.

so then i went downstairs to the men's section and they had a pair, but in the boot version, and not in the right color. bummer again.

so then today, i went to the Super Shoes in west lebanon, new hampshire to look for them. they said they had them on their website. but, i went to the store and they were not there. i saw only two different Clark's shoes. and, there was like, nobody working there to ask. i was in there for probably 15 minutes and i think i was the only one.

i don't think there are any other shoe stores around here. i guess i could google that too. but, i might have to end up getting them online. i think they're super cute shoes.

but it's hard for me to buy shoes without trying them on because my feet are so weird. they are wide, high and short. most of my shoes are 6.5. and from the reviews i've read on these shoes, they run big. one person said to order a half size down. a 6? i don't know. my Adidas sneakers are a 6. we'll see.

anyways. that's the shoe saga. i was pretty proud of my googleing skills the day i found out what they were. it took a long time. i read through the entire Away We Go message board on IMDb to see if someone else had posted about them. but no.

alright. let's see.

OH OH OH OH OH!!!!!!!! i have the most exciting news ever. yeah, this is pretty good. it actually totally made my day.

so, via twitter i happened upon an article on new tv shows to be thankful for. like, the best new tv shows of the year.

which tv show has the NUMBER TWO spot, you ask???? um, BORED TO DEATH!!!!!!! that's right! #2!!!! there was only ONE new tv show better than Bored to Death this year, and that was Glee.

now, i don't know why i feel partially responsible for making Bored to Death the number 2 best new tv show - but i do. i read that article and was like, "YEAH! we did it!!!!"

but, i am not a part of the show in any way. i do not work for HBO. heck, i've only seen the first 2 episodes because i don't even have HBO. but yet, i still feel like i had a part in this. anyways. i'm really super excited. and i kind of can't believe it either. again, like i am intimately connected in some way.

congrats, Bored to Death!!!!! i'm so excited. and can't wait for season 1 to come out on dvd so i can buy it.

and speaking of totes awesome things that Jason Schwartzman does - let's talk about Fantastic Mr. Fox.

i saw it!!!!! with Andrew, Kara, and Kara's boyfriend. we went saturday night. so, let me talk about how i didn't stop smiling for 90 straight minutes.

what a great movie!!!!! so funny. so sweet. so beautiful. wow. what a great movie. like, so funny. GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!! that's not a suggestion.

it was amazing to watch. oh, it was so funny. it was like, a kid's movie for adults. there weren't any swears. whenever there would be a swear word, they would say the word, 'cuss.' so there was a lot of, 'what the cuss,' 'are you cussing with me,' 'clustercuss.' it was very funny.

i thought the voices for the animals were matched perfectly. especially George Clooney. he was great. and he was like Ocean, cause the whole movie was Mr. Fox planning a job to steal from the three farmers. fans of the Ocean's 11 movies will love this.

oh. it was great. i really loved it. i immediately rated it five stars on netflix. Best Animated Feature. you read it here. and Wes Anderson should be nominated for Best Director already.

FANTASTIC MR. FOX = loved it. five stars. i'll go see it again with you.

MORE GOOD NEWS = they turned on my star!!!! my star on the mountain!!! remember from last year???? my viewing of the star has not been tainted since i saw those deer around it when i climbed the mountain. no, it's still beautiful. i came back from thanksgiving break and it was lovely. what a warm welcome back to this strange little town in which i live.

i'll try to get a good picture this year.

SOME BAD NEWS = the screen is starting to fall off my laptop. i opened it the other night, heard a popping sound, and then like, this whole panel came off. and my screen is really loose and keeps falling all the way back. and i keep having to snap this panel thing back into place so there won't be "inside computer" exposed. i kind of can't wait to get rid of this thing.

i emailed my uncle because he is the master of all things Apple. and ran my Mac choice by him. he said it was a great choice. there! it's done. decided. and now i can't wait. maybe by the end of this week i'll place the order.

hm. was that all? i had a list of things to tell you.

1. fantastic mr. fox
2. bored to death
3. my shoes
4. computer screen

that was my "blog things to talk about" list that i constantly keep in my head.

ok! i think that's all. it's 11:16pm now. i'm hungry. so i'm going to go eat and watch that movie. and then maybe i'll tell you about it.

just today i've really been appreciating 'By the Bed' by Phantom Planet. it's really a beautiful song.

ok! have a great night. have a great day!!

aw, i just got really excited to talk to you! i'm really happy we have this online connection together. i heart you.

ok for realz!!

bye :)

"Basically, there's three grabbers, three taggers, five twig runners, and a player at Whackbat. Center tagger lights a pine cone and chucks it over the basket and the whack-batter tries to hit the cedar stick off the cross rock. Then the twig runners dash back and forth until the pine cone burns out and the umpire calls HOT BOX! Finally, you count up however many score-downs it adds up to and divide that by nine."