06 November 2009

close the door in case you stay


wow! what a crazy bad night at work i had!!!!!! awesome!!! by the end of it, me and Courtney were pretty much pulling out our hair and gouging our eyeballs out with spoons!!!!!!

oh it did not go well.

but! the 9 month old baby girl just started crawling this week and that has been very exciting. i walked into work the other day and her mother came running up to me and said,

RESIDENT 1: You have to see [baby]'s new trick!!!
JULIE: Okay!!!

so, we all gathered around in the living room; me, Courtney, baby's mother and baby's older sister. her mom positioned her on her hands and knees and......OFF SHE WENT!!!! she was crawling!!! it was the best!!

and then afterwards, she curled her legs under so she was sitting up and so i said,

JULIE: (clapping) Yay [baby]!!!!
EVERYONE ELSE: (clapping) Yay [baby]!!!!!

and then the baby looked up with the biggest smile and started clapping too. sometimes, it just doesn't get any better. it was so exciting. and it was totally like she knew she had accomplished something big. and even she was so proud of herself.

her older sister loves it. they had a crawling race across the living room tonight. oh, they are so much fun.


i also rocked the newborn to sleep tonight. he was being fussy so his mother called me down to her room. it was like midnight-ish. and i told her i would get him to sleep so she could go back to sleep. so, i took him to the rocking chair and rocked with him. that was also the best. because, i had him so his head was resting on my shoulder. and his little arm was around my arm, like we were giving each other a hug. and he was sucking on his little pacifier. he fell asleep in like, 10 minutes. but, i rocked him for like, 30. he was so warm and soft and i just didn't want to put him down. he is so beautiful.

let's see.

oh! so, 4.5 more hours and then i get a mini-vaca. meaning, i still have to work. but, i don't have to get up with the baby because him and his mom are going home for the weekend!

it's kind of depressing when my idea of a vacation is working, just not as much. hmm. i read my horoscope today and it said, "all this working is getting in the way of your social life!" and i was like, "social life?" and then i thought, "they must mean spending time with Ruby Tuesday." she's pretty much the only person i hang out with outside of work. actually, not even 'pretty much the only person,' 'THE only person.' and Julie, hate to break it to you, but she's a cat.

oh! i can tell you about my dream last night. it's going to be very quick.

so, i had a dream that i was talking to someone and they had their back to me. and then they turned around and their whole face was covered with the chicken pox!!!!! weird and creepy, right!? let's find out what it means!!!!!

hm, chicken pox isn't in the dream dictionary that i use. i'll google it??

hm. all i found were dreams of people who dreamt they had the chicken pox and then they got them. uh oh. i hope i don't get them. although, that would be the icing!!

Ruby Tuesday has been waking me up right around 11am again like she had been doing a while ago. she gets really close to my face and licks it until i wake up. which i don't like because

1. she wakes me up
2. i get little hives

so that sucks. i can't tell if she's hungry. one morning she just wanted me to lift up the covers so she could climb under them. she's a cutie.

oh! wanna hear something totally exciting and really awesome??? you do?!?!? GREAT! so, my great friend David who i used to live with in MOD 61 has just become EVEN MORE FAMOUS than he already was.

one of his beautiful works of art was featured in....(wait for it)........the new york times!!!!!

yes folks, the new york times. the big time. so, David frequently will make beautiful posters for the Science and Religion group at Hampshire College and this time they asked him to make a poster for this two day conference they were having, Darwin and Evolution in the Muslim World.

and this beautiful drawing he did ended up on t-shirts and everything!! it's great. David is great.

and also exciting! my former Div 2 member Salman is interviewed in the NYT article!!!! he organizes all the Science and Religion events, including this big one.

so, it's all very exciting. David. Salman. NYT. celebs!

i was just thinking about the time where Salman and Nell, my div 2 chair, met for the first time. MAN i was so nervous. like a couple whose parents are meeting for the first time. it was like, "oh no what if they hate eachother? what if they don't get along?!" it was scary. but, it went well.

i had the best Div 2 committee. and the best Div 3 committee. i wore my Hampshire College sweatshirt today. one of the girls was like,

RESIDENT: New Hampshire College?
JULIE: No, Hampshire College.
RESIDENT: Ampshire College?
JULIE: No, HHHampshire College.
RESIDENT: Oh. What's that say at the bottom?
JULIE: Non Satis Scire. It means, 'To Know Is Not Enough.'
RESIDENT: (blank expression)
JULIE: It was kind of like, the motto...
RESIDENT: .....oh. What's that....1970? Is that when you were there?
JULIE: Umm....nooo.... That's when the school opened.

discussions of Hampshire College bring about much confusion. but, did she really think i went to college in 1970?? come on.

reminds me of the time in my tap class when Julia and i tried to explain to everyone that Hampshire doesn't have grades. and one Mount Holyoke girl said something like, "oh, that's cool. we didn't have grades in my kindergarten."

anyways. this baby is fussy tonight. he doesn't want to sleep for very long. i'm headed to bed right now. currently 4:34am. friday morning. hey, it's friday!

yesterday was the 5th. anyone celebrate? remember remember the fifth of november.

oh hey! i wanted to shout out to Morgan and Laura! both of whom i haven't talked to in a very long time, but was super happy to hear from. i hope you are reading this now!

Morgan and Laura are two of my facebook readers!!! wow, i have known Laura pretty much since forever. like....1st grade? and kara is great friends with laura's sister Mary! and i've known Morgan since we appeared together in a production of Annie at Hackmatack Playhouse!!! i think that was between 6th and 7th grade. wow, that was a long time ago.

anyone else reading this from facebook? if you are, you should make yourself known!!! you'll get an awesome shout out!!!

i know a while back, Kati unveiled herself as a facebook reader. did i shout out to her? i think i did on facebook. but, welcome kati! welcome morgan! welcome laura! so happy you guys are reading and enjoying.

and i would welcome you to check out the actual blog! the people who read the blog are awesome too. and! there's an awesome search feature, an email address, and a cool picture of me wearing avaitor sunglasses.

anyways. i'm happy to know that friends are reading.

ok. now it's almost 5am. how did it get so late??? why am i not asleep?!?! sometimes it bothers me that i have absolutely no sense of time.

one of the residents here always laughs at me because she says that everytime she looks at me, i look like i am totally in my own world. and i don't disagree with that. my own world is better than the real one. so, there.

ok. i'm getting wheezy. and i need to put in my eye drops. that means it's time for bed. and the baby will probably want to eat again in like, 20 minutes. or, 30. awesome.

ok or realz!!! this is the last time i am ending this. return of the king style.

goodnight! good morning! good afternoon!!!! good day!!!! wherever you are, whatever you are doing, i hope you are having a good time. GOOD.

i'll talk to you later.

love. heart. love.

04 November 2009

"reel me in! reel me in!"

things that have made my life richer in the past week or so:

1. finally going to the Tom's of Maine outlet in Kennebunk, Maine. and buying a total of 6 tubes of toothpaste.

2. discovering the band The Candles. they friend requested me on myspace with the message, "hey, i sometimes played guitar with Ben Kweller and with Jason, who also plays with Kweller." and i suddenly remembered JASON. the super hott guy who played with Ben Kweller and who is also in The Hymns, i believe. maybe not??? and i was super in love with him. AND THEN i think it was Jenny who found a picture of him online with Jason Schwartzman. it was the double hottness of Jason. but, The Candles are pretty good. they sound like Tom Petty.

3. The Tale of the Haunted Firehouse. Jonas episode that i watched with kara. BY FAR the most hilarious episode of Jonas so far. O.M.G. i was laughing so freaking hard. DAMN YOU KEVIN FOR BEING SO FUNNY!!!!! ok, here's the deal: if you didn't watch the last episode of Jonas i posted here, then you missed out. BUT YOU MUST watch this episode. it will take up 20 minutes of your time. and you won't regret it. KEVIN. he's so great.

i'll give you a minute to grab a snack or a beverage. maybe you're cold - grab a sweater. need to move to a more comfortable location? for sure! take some time, get situated. and now get ready to laugh, as i present to you: The Tale of the Haunted Firehouse!


4. Veronica FINALLY discovered who was the on-campus rapest. although, i have a feeling things are not what they seem. (because i'm only like, halfway through the season. there has to be a big twist.)

and finally,

5. today at the post office i found out the name of the ruggedly handsome man i have had a crush on for almost a year. he has waited on me the past three times i've been in there. today he got me my movie and i paid my post office box bill. he's so wonderful and friendly. and funny. and.....ruggedly handsome. and i was kind of embarrassed because i couldn't stop smiling at him. like, yeah, i couldn't stop. and, his name is Matt. <3

talk to you later. Veronica calls me.


hey all

me here.

so, pretty fine night so far. i must say, i am quite pleased and surprised. baby has been sleeping for almost 2.75 hours! straight!

and my baby Ruby Tuesday is sleeping on my lap. she's had a tough night.

so, we took a nap together on my bed starting around 7pm. i set my alarm for 8pm. woke up at 9:24pm and Ruby wasn't on the bed anymore.

i got up and saw she was sitting in the doorway, very suspicious like. she was staring at the floor. and she kept putting her paw over a crack in the floor. i can only imagine what she had been following.

she ate her supper and then immediately went back over to sit at that spot, looking for whatever had been there.

hours pass.

i am watching The Reader. and then i think, 'hm, i wonder where Tuesday is.' so, i pause the movie and go into my bedroom, expecting to find her asleep on my bed.

but no! she is sitting in front of my bureau staring up at the wall. i walk over to her and she starts making little cry noises. then she does the paw thing. i pick her up and give her a hug and a kiss. and then i put her on my bed, so she can settle down for a nap. nope. as soon as i put her down, she jumps over the bed post onto my shoulder. so, i hold her for a minute and then put her on the floor. she continued to sit there.

and then! i was watching The Reader some more, and something compelled me to look into my bedroom.

so, i turn around, and look into my bedroom and Ruby is sitting on the floor, staring up at the window this time.

so, i pause the movie and go into my bedroom. she does the paw thing up at the window. and she's purring sooooo loudly. i hang out with her for a little while. and then put her back down.

i have no idea what she had been following around the room allllll night long. if it was three separate situations, or one big one. did she really see anything? i have no idea.

anyways. she's so cute.

so, i watched The Reader. it was really good. i just bought it last week and hadn't watched it yet. i mean, i had seen it before. but hadn't watched the new copy.

but did you hear?!?!!? Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin are HOSTING THE OSCARS!!!!!! i think it will be great! what a gig!

and, once again, my favorite season is fast approaching. AWARDS SEASON. oh, i am so excited. tonight, while watching Kate Winslet, i thought back to last awards season.

HOW DID I KEEP IT TOGETHER?!?!!? Kate and Leo were everywhere! they were BFF at the Golden Globes?!?!?!? HOW WAS I FUNCTIONING?!?!!?!? i kind of can't believe it.

the other day i randomly started thinking about Kate and Leo. about how they should be married. and then i felt bad for thinking that. but then i didn't.

anyways. i'm so excited. it should be an interesting season. the Academy Awards are on 7 March this year. Happy Birthday Emily! everyone should experience the incredible feeling of euphoria that comes with the Oscars being held on their birthday.

so, tomorrow is wednesday. actually, today is wednesday. i have to get up early and do some errands that i didn't do tonight because i was too tired. i have to go to the post office. walmart, maybe. and the grocery store.

i should have mailed my Netflix today. and i got alll dressed and ready to go out. and then i just sat down on my bed and thought, "nope." and i got back into my sweats.

anyways. it's currently 3:22am. i might get ready for bed. i'm feeling tired.

i'm thinking of starting to sleep with music playing. the other night when i had the baby up here, i put on lullabyes while we slept. like, my ipod lullabye playlist on repeat all night. and i slept so well. and it was so calming. and i had my nightlight on, which also makes me feel better. it was just so nice hearing those lullabyes as i fell asleep.

and it's not annoying lullabyes. like, the trad lullabyes. i have radiohead, coldplay, no doubt, and u2 in lullabye form. and the beatles. it's just so great.

i wasn't going to tell you that. but then i just decided to. i figure, i tell you everything else.

the other night i had a dream i was at Woodstock! the concert! but, it wasn't called Woodstock. it was called something that began with an S. and it was awesome.

and i had another good dream during my nap tonight, but i can't remember what it was.

the other night at home, i had a bad dream that kara and i were driving somewhere, and i looked out the window and saw a moose emerging from a lake. like, he had been under water and he was coming up. it was horrible.

which reminds me, the other night while i was driving back up here, i saw lots of police lights ahead of me, so i slowed down. and there was a car pulled over, and a dead deer laying in front of it. THAT was horrible.

THAT is my worst fear. EVER. i am sooooo paranoid while i am driving that i am seeing things move in the woods. sometimes i have to force myself to concentrate on the road, and NOT the woods. oohhhh i just hate thinking that deer and moose are out there walking around.

ok changing the topic.

ummmmmmmm. ok i'm going to bed. i'm making a lot of typing errors that i am erasing and correcting. but it's taking me a long time to type because i keep messing up. so, i'm going to feed Tuesday again and then go to sleep. i don't know when this baby will wake up. he controls the night.

hope you all are having a great night! and i hope everyone has a great wednesday! i'll talk to you at a later time.

OH WAIT! i totally forgot something.

i wanted to post this totes ridic music video by SOLOBOB. yes, that would be Robert of the band Rooney. solo project. he has a new music video and it's kind of insane. it's like, Huggy Bear, meets Speed Racer, meets the '80's. the song is called The Victim. and Roberto is handsome as ever.

ok. now that's it. have a great day!


03 November 2009

the who? no, the dead.

just watched my last Freaks and Geeks. i'm sad about that. i got teary in the end when Lindsey met up with Kim after getting off the bus. i was really happy for her. (and so totally jealous of the VW bus)

man, i just really like Daniel. aka James Franco. watching him and Seth Rogen makes me want to see Pineapple Express. but then i think about it and i really don't want to see it. Dafe, Renee: have you seen that movie?

man it's just really sad when you finish watching a tv series. and with Freaks and Geeks, there's no more. it's all over. it will be the same with Veronica Mars when i finish that. it's like, you kind of feel like you're really friends with all these people. is that normal? or just because i have no friends around me?

anyways. my final analysis of Freaks and Geeks was that it was totally great. super funny and super sweet. why was it cancelled?

moving on. today is tuesday. i finally went to sleep around 6am, i think. it was a very rough and frustrating night. and i'm preparing for another one tonight.

staff meeting was good. then we had a meeting with a resident to discuss things discussed in staff meeting and that went very badly. we met in the basement and as she stormed out of the room screaming and swearing, we could still hear her screaming and swearing all the way outside, all the way onto the porch and all the way in the living room. not a success.

but then i was able to escape into Freaks and Geeks, whereas the rest of the staff had to go back to work. so, i was lucky in that sense. but, i have to deal with it all night. without any other staff around. so, unlucky there.

i think that's also what makes it more frustrating at night, is that i have nobody to complain or vent to.

wow. so i just got a phone call from my boss. tonight should pretty much suck! great news. now i don't know whether to take a nap or cry.

man. okay, when's my next night off?

know what i need? i need to go back to Ireland and sit on the Hill of Tara. if i could teleport, that's where i would go right now. and then i would teleport myself to that bar in Doolin and drink lots of Bulmer's.

ok. i don't know what i'm gonna do right now. man. now i'm really dreading the overnight. 5 hours of freedom. 10 hours of crap. then 7.5 hours of more freedom. and then 16.5 hours of probable crap. the cycle continues, 7.5 hours of freedom. 16.5 hours of crap. and then it's friday! and i have the whole day off.

i think i'll go find Ruby Tuesday and give her a kiss and a hug.



UGH. this night is a struggle to get through. it's 3am. i really, REALLY wish it was 8am. you don't even know. sunday night was a struggle too. i was busy that night. i just feel like my job is arguing. that's all i do during the overnight, basically. or, all i feel like i'm doing. tonight especially i just want to scream. like - oh my god - right now.

ok. just came back upstairs. 4.24am. i fed the baby. hopefully he'll sleep for a little while now. he's almost 4 weeks. as he gets older, he gets more challenging. he's awake more. he's fussy more.

ok. i have to get some sleep now. Ruby Tuesday has been very demanding since i have returned from my home weekend. ALL she wants to do is be held and cuddled. she follows me everywhere around the house. like, even from counter to counter. a few times she has jumped from the coffee table into my arms. and she RACES me to the door everytime i have to leave. she just does not want me to leave her alone.

in sad news, i only have ONE more episode of Freaks and Geeks!!! i can't believe it. i watched five episodes today! i couldn't watch the last one. i have to stretch it out just one more day.

it was awesome when the boys went to the make out party. OH and when Bill's mom started dating the gym teacher. i love that gym teacher. that was really funny.

and Ben Stiller was on as a George Bush secret service guy. and Leslie Mann was on.

i also really liked the one where Kim and Milly became friends. and they all wanted to go to The Who concert. so good.

i'll watch the last one tomorrow and then be sad.

k. bedtime. tuesday i have staff meeting at 12:30pm. wow, that's in 8 short hours. yikes that sucks.

hope your week's beginning has gone well. i'll do a more complete entry later on.



01 November 2009

Hey there. Currently it's um.....actually i have no idea what time it is. I'm phone blogging from my bed in my house in maine. It is great to be home. Kara is coming home tomorrow and i can't wait. It will be so much fun.

so, incase you didn't notice, the whole "sending a picture from my phone to the blog" didn't work. I'll have to try and figure it out.

watched two episodes of VM tonight. Keith is a hottie. And he totally made out with that lady Harmony!!. Hott!

alright, i'm kind of tired. I think it's around 3am. I only slept from 6:30am until 10:30am last night, so really i should be tired. I should have been tired at midnight. But nope!. Can't sleep.

considering i've gone to bed at around 6:30am all week, this is early, i guess.

so today is saturday. HOPEFULLY if kara is home in time, we will drive to kennebunk and go to the Tom's of Maine outlet. Since i can't find my orange mango toothpaste anywhere anymore, i figure i'll go to the store and stock up. And then if kara comes it turns into a sister adventure.

ok. My thumbs are tired. So!. I'll be talking to everyone later.

DAFE: thank you for the oh-so-lovely comment in the last post. I loved getting it.

goodnight halloween, goodnight pumpkin eaters, goodnight ghosts, and goodnight readers.
