30 October 2010


Um, yeah, tonight happened. WOW. Tonight happened.

1. We had no problems getting into Manhattan. I kind of rule driving in New York City.
2. I SAW JOE. Joe who I lived with at Hampshire! And who I went to Ireland with! We sat in Union Square tonight for like, 2 hours and caught up with each others lives. SOFREAKINGGREAT. #imissmyfriends

3. CRASH KINGS. Crash. freaking. Kings. Um, they ruled the night. Jason has been KILLING on the drums these past two nights. Tonight, Tony and Mike's parents and one of their cousins and her husband was there. And this got me really excited, because we all know how much their parents love me. Aanndd - they still do. I went up to them after the show and they were happy to see me. Their mom told the cousin about how we all met in Portsmouth and talked for a while after the show. With my mom.

And then Tony came over and was SO HAPPY to see his parents. It was kind of the most adorable thing happening in the world at that moment. And then he saw us and smiled and said,

TONY: Look, I saw you guys last night, I NEVER get to see these guys...... NO - I'M TOTALLY KIDDING!!! You guys are the BEST!! We love you! You guys are the best Crash Kings fans ever!

And then he totally gushed about us for a minute or two. All while screaming in our faces, because Anberlin had already started to play, so it was loud. He was like, half a foot away from me, screaming in my face that I was the best. UUUMMMMMMM YEAH.

We didn't want to keep him very long though, because his parents and cousin that he hadn't seen in 5 years (and who had gotten married in that time, because Tony was just meeting her husband) were there, so we kept it short, being the awesome, nice people that we are.

But he said he would see us tomorrow in DC and that he wasn't sure if they would dress up, because it was last minute, "like everything we do," I think he said.

UM, did I mention that he was screaming in my face that I was the best? Because yeah, he was. Um, yeah.

AAANNNNDDDDD now I'm exhausted. I feel like we've driven the whole length of New Jersey like, three times in two days. Oh wait, we kind of have. Almost the length.


1. Mike hug


1. Some interaction with Mike

So far, he's been MIA from the post-show hangouts. Maybe he knows it will take too much effort to resist our amazing charm. I guess that makes sense. There's still DC, which is where we will be tomorrow.

Um, I'm going to Washington, DC today! I think that's pretty cool. I like DC. Although we won't be spending much time there, we will be spending our time the best way possible and THAT is at a Crash Kings show.

OK. I'm exhausted now from getting lost in Philadelphia tonight while 'You Got Me' was playing. We blame the raunchy, sweaty song because it's very hard to focus on directions when it's playing. Seriously, we got lost in the train station parking lot for like, 10 minutes.

And also: The parking situation in Philadelphia needs to be amended in some way.

Anyways - I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow night we're driving home after the DC show, so I probs won't be blogging until..... Monday or Tuesday. Monday night I'm off, but spending it in Maine. #excited

I've been using hashtags a lot in my real life which I'm kind of worried about.

Anyways, I'll talk to you all later. Have a lovely Halloween! Be safe! Check your candy! Don't eat any razors. Have fun :)

Love you guys.


29 October 2010


I'm in Philadelphia right now. (here's where I would say the city's nickname if I knew it. Like, "the windy city." or, "the big apple." I don't Philadelphia's.)

So far - I like it here. I'm staying in this super nice apartment with Ryan's best friend, Stephan. He's got a black cat that is sometimes named Benjamin, sometimes named Kitty. We've been listening to great music, such as the remastered Beatles tracks, which will kind of blow your mind. Like, for real, guys.

UMMMMM......OH YEAH. WE SAW CRASH KINGS TONIGHT. For the first time in ALMOST 3 months. Which is the longest it's ever been. And folks, you don't know how GOOD it felt to be out there, rocking, tonight. Like, standing in a huge, sweaty crowd elbow to elbow with strangers, singing at the top of my lungs and watching our boys in amazement.

This was my Sweet 16th show. If I had planned it better, I probably could have gotten MTV to cover it. This band still amazes me in their ability to MESMERIZE YOU. It's an incredible feeling, being at one of their shows.

After they played, we headed towards the back waiting to chat with them. We waited a while.

Finally, Tony walked by, saw us, smiled kind of big and said,

TONY: Heeyyy! I'll be right back, I got to go say hi to some people...

And me and Ryan were like,


He said he was coming back. Night was already made.

Then he comes back a little while later. I had decided during this waiting period that I wanted a Tony Hug tonight. After all, it was my Sweet 16th show. So he comes back, I outstretch my arms and go in for the hug. Mmmm.


Um, he loves us. It was super fun. And, he played air piano, which is the greatest thing EVER to watch Tony do. Ryan and Tony were talking about 'My Love' and the chords in the... pre-chorus? The last chord in the pre-chorus, I think. And he was trying to figure out what it was, so obviously he needed to play air piano to do that.

Yeah, it was a great hangout sesh with Tony. And then Jason came over, gave us hugs and hung out too. They're SO GREAT. And like, they seemed SERIOUSLY happy to see us.

OMG I kind of can't believe that happened. Like, I can't believe how much of my life this past year has been spent hanging out with Crash Kings.

Tony asked us if we were coming to any of the other shows, and we told him we'd see him in NYC and in DC and seriously, his face lit up. Him and Jason were so happy. :) They love us.

Um, duh, how could they not love us - WE ROCK. And we felt like total rockstars walking out of that place. Jason actually gave us goodbye hugs too. Yeahhhh.

GREAT SHOW. Tony said that today (saturday) he was going to pick up this keyboard he bought on eBay that was used in the playing of a Radiohead song. He was super excited about it and totally geeked out telling us about it. He's so great. Like, for real.

OKAY. I have to go to bed. We have to move my car at 10am and then I think we're going to brunch. Ya know, brunch in Philadelphia.

And then head North to NYC where...... I'M MEETING UP WITH JOE!!!!!! Joe who I used to live with!!!!!! Joe who I haven't seen since..... Dublin? Seriously? No, that can't be right. I haven't seen Joe since we parted ways in the Dublin airport?? OMG. So, that should be super fun.


I'll do a full update when I get back home because Thursday was just THE BEST DAY. I had the absolute best time with Emily and David it was INSANE. I just love them. LOVE. THEM.

OK. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! A safe but exciting Halloween! I'll probably update again after tomorrow's show. Hopefully.


(I'm just really happy.) ♥♥


27 October 2010

I have this weird talent, I guess...

... Where I can remember random things. That's not describing it right. But like, I remember weird things, and then if I see them again, I'll remember it. Or, I notice weird things.

This is not making sense.

Remember when I saw the feather necklace on Kate Winslet and noticed it again on Bar Rafaeli? Remember when I noticed that Nick Jonas was wearing the same shirt that Tony of Crash Kings was wearing when I saw them in NYC? And then the other time where The Situation and Vinny, of Jersey Shore, were also wearing the same shirt as Tony when I saw CK in Providence? Remember? Or when Steve Martin in Baby Mama was wearing the same shirt as Stellan Skarsgard in Mamma Mia?

I guess it usually involves clothing.

I don't know how I can pick these things out. It's probably because all this useless information is crowding up my brain so no useful, important information can get in.

THIS TIME - it's pretty exciting. Haha. If you can call any of this exciting. Yes, it's exciting.

REMEMBER a few months ago when I was obsessed with turning a closet into an office after I read this article??? Seriously - read that article. It will blow your mind. I think about that article a lot. Because I want to do it so badly but have no closet!!!

Anyways, here's a screencap from the article. If THIS doesn't intrigue you - then, I don't know what's wrong with you.

AMAZING OMG!!!!! It's a CLOSET, that with a few simple steps, was turned into an OFFICE. Also, I want EVERYTHING in my life to be that color. ALSO, those file cabinets are spray painted with metal spray paint. This blew my mind. I HAVE to remember that metal spray paint exists. Not that I have many metal things I want to spray paint. But usually important things like file cabinets, come in such boring colors. Who wants boring?! NOT ME! I want TEAL. (Actually, that color is called 'Catalina Mist.')

So - I can't tell you how many times I read this article. And I showed it to everybody that came near me and a computer. Seriously.


That article is like the ultimate brillz.

Something I am also obsessed with: GLEE. Yep. GLEE. Love it. Love the showtunes. I frequently wish I was on Glee. Either that, or that my life was a musical. I don't know which is less-likely.

So, I was watching it a few weeks ago (It might have been the Britney Spears episode) and they took us into Brittany's bedroom. Brittany the character on Glee. Brittany S. Pierce. AND LO AND BEHOLD..... someone in the set decoration crew must have also been obsessed with that article!!!!!

WALLPAPER!!!! It's the same wallpaper they use in the closet/office!!!! I saw this and immediately was like, "OMG. TURN YOUR CLOSET INTO AN OFFICE YESSSSSSSSS."

Isn't that great?! I was really excited. Enough so, that I watched an "inside look" into Brittany's bedroom on Youtube to see more of the wallpaper in all it's glory. Loooovvveeeee it.

Also, that poster to Brittany's right is of the movie, 'Charlie St. Cloud,' starring Mr. Zac Efron. NICE. I never saw it, but Zac Efron is a total dreamboat.

This is great, right? This is a great one. I don't know what to call these things that I notice. Besides weird and random. And, generally useless, but definitely entertaining.


New blog title? Haha.

Obviously I'm kidding, because this blog is totes useful. To the max. I use it a lot when I'm trying to remember something that happened a while ago. I'll just look up around the time when it happened, and then read what I posted. Because generally, as I'm sure you've noticed, I reveal everything. Reveal everything, sensor nothing. I like it.

Ok. This is all the exciting stuff. The rest is semi-boring.

I worked from 9pm on Monday until 9am on Wednesday! Straight through!! It was awesome. No, that's a lie. I was very happy when it was over. And then I got a phone call around noontime from my boss asking if I could work again 3:30 until I leave tomorrow. And I said, "sorry, but no." I know I have all this time off coming up, but I couldn't do any more. I needed to leave the house. And also spend time with Ruby Tuesday, since I'll be gone for 5 days. :( She's going to be sad.

And last night (Tuesday) I was so freaking tired that I went to bed at - wait for it - 11PM. ELEVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. I had it all planned out. I fell asleep by like, 11:15. I haven't fallen asleep that quickly in a while. I actually thought it took me longer, but I got a text message at 11:29pm and didn't get it until 4am when I woke up. So I thought, "wow, I must have been REALLY asleep when I got this."

And then I was awake from 4am to about 5am. And then slept until my alarm went off at 7:30am! I actually slept THROUGH THE NIGHT. I couldn't believe it. Night time sleeping. It felt really good, actually.

Then I worked from 8-9am. Then came upstairs and to celebrate my non-work status..... I took a nap! haha. Yep. From 10-12. It was great.

Then kind of hung around. Did some errands. Got a coffee. Came home. Watched Rocky Horror Glee, which was awesome. Sorted some laundry that I have to do tonight. Ugh. Then took a bath. And now I'm updating! Great day!

My neck has been hurting, which is weird. The left side of my neck. Like, back, left side. And then last night I got this bad headache on the left side of my head, like behind my eye. And no medicine was helping it. So, I figured when I woke up today it would be gone. But it wasn't! It was still there!! So I was like, "this headache better be gone when I wake up from my celebratory nap." And it was!

But my neck still hurts. Lame, I say. LAME! Today I also thought I smelled gas in my house. Like, you know how sometimes I get worried that my house will explode because I can randomly smell gas? Yeah, one of those times. It was only for like, 5 minutes.

So, because of this headache, neck ache and phantom smell issue - I'm self-diagnosing myself with a brain ailment.

Anyways! What's with this heat?! Right?!? It's so hott outside! And last week it was freezing! I hate it! It's horrible! It's supposed to be COOLER at the end of October. I turned off my heat yesterday and opened a window! And took a blanket off my bed. AND - had to switch into a lighter pajama option during the night because I was too hott in my flannel pants! True story! THAT'S how hott it is up here. Curse of the 3rd floor attic apartment, I tell ya.

Alright. I think that's all. For now.


CRASH KINGS ADVENTURE (almost) BEGIN!!!!!!! But it's great because the adventure starts out with an EMILY AND DAVID ADVENTURE!!!!!!! Sooooooo excited to see them :)

Holy crap I'm so excited for this weekend. The last time I saw Crash Kings was AUGUST! The beginning of August! Soooo lonngg aaggoooooo.

I'm gonna take so many pictures. Oh, which reminds me I need to charge my camera battery. Don't let me forget to do that.

So, hopefully I'll have some downtime at night to update. I usually do, since I'm always too excited to sleep. Mike! Tony! Jason! Back in the blog - coming soon! I bet you can't wait to see their shining faces. (I know I can't.)

OK. Here's my plan for tonight: laundry. Jersey Shore season finale. Pack. Be in bed by 1am. Sleep until 10am. Get up. BE PRODUCTIVE. Go to the post office. ATM. Other last minute things like, packing. Which realistically, I probably won't do tonight.

Hopefully leave here mid-afternoon-ish. Like...2? I don't know, really.

Also - thank you everybody for all the nice words on my last entry :) You all make me so happy, it's crazy. Both blogger readers and Facebook readers. Local readers and overseas readers. I consider us all BFF. :)

Alright! I THINK that's all.

OH WAIT. NO. ONE MORE THING. Um, what's this about Taylor Swift and JAKE GYLLENHALL?!?!? Geeze. I can't believe it! Brunching together? Holding hands together? Going to SNL tapings together??? WHAT?!

Alright. NOW, that's it. I hope everyone has a green end to their week! Actually, I meant to write 'great,' but 'green' works too! Let's work together to save the environment! Carpool! Take the bus! Recycle! Plant a tree! Give someone a hug!!!

I don't know that hugs can save the environment, but it never hurts to try.

Ok! Take care, be well.


26 October 2010

'please forgive me, i want to go home.'

So, for the record, I've been at my job like, exactly two years. TODAY. TWO YEARS. I first came on a Tuesday for staff meeting. And it was the Tuesday before Halloween. Which is today.

And I looked super cute that day, and I also look super cute today. Not intentional, but still worth mentioning. I had a bit of a time getting my hair right this morning, but eventually in the last minute, it all came together.

And not only do I have a super cute outfit - but I have nail stickers on my teal nails. YEP. A white flower, a pink flower, a silver heart and a lime green star. I know, you're totally jealous.

Anyways, back to the job. I've been here two years. Wow. That seems kind of crazy. Almost every night. Almost every day. HERE. Upstairs in my apartment, by 10pm. Some nights 9pm. And sometimes like right now, where I'm working for 36 hours straight. 9pm on Monday until 9:30am on Wednesday.

In other work news:

After being here for two years, I have decided that it's time for me to move on. Onto what? Good question! If you have any suggestions, please send them my way. So, yes, I will be leaving Hannah House. My last day is 11 November. I gave my notice back in the beginning of October, but until everyone here was properly informed, I did not want to talk about it in the blog.

I'm really excited and also relieved that I'm leaving here. These last few months have been a challenge to keep focused, motivated and engaged, and I had really been struggling to hold on a bit longer, a little bit longer, just a little bit longer.... until I simply decided that I really wasn't happy and needed to get happy.

NOW. As for the plan post-HH. Hey, good question! The immediate plan after is to move back to Maine and live with my mom and Kara for a while. I'm okay with this. I'm excited about this. At some point in the future, Kara wants to go back to school in Providence, and I will move down with here. This point seems to be moving further and further away... which was not the case when I made my decision to leave.... but I'm okay with that.

What I'm focused on right now is making the best out of the last 2.5 weeks I have here. I will miss my coworkers. In any of my future jobs, whatever they may be, I don't ever expect to find such nice, warm, incredible people to work with. I'm so thankful to have worked with them.

So. That's what's been going on. Immediately after telling my boss that I would be leaving, it was this huge relief. Like, this giant weight had been lifted. I felt so much better. Which made me realize that it was the right decision.

AND. I've been feeling a lot like I need to somehow justify this decision so people won't judge me for leaving my job during a job/economic crisis. Maybe it seems crazy. It probably is. And, if I lived somewhere else then where I worked, it would be a totally different story. But I can't live here and work here anymore, and although I feel that nobody really gets that unless you've lived here too, I still feel like I don't want to justify it.

And it's days like today where I can't wait to leave, haha. Yeahhhh, the day started off super quiet then gradually got louder and louder until now it just seems like constant screaming.

And I'm super tired. I wasn't very tired when I went to bed, but I took some Tylenol PM, which has Benedryl in it to make you sleepy. But - did it work? Ummm, IDK. It still took me like, almost an hour and a half to get to sleep. Fell asleep around 1:30ish, woke up at 6:20am to feed Ruby, went back to sleep for like, 5 minutes and then woke up at like, 7am for work. YUCK.

TONIGHT, I'll go to bed early and then TOMORROW I'm working again at 8am. Only until 9-9:30am. BUT - I'm gonna try and stay awake the whole day so that I can get stuff done and then go to bed early again tomorrow night so I can get up early on THURSDAY so I can get to Boston to have as much hang out time in the afternoon with Emily and David as possible.

And then Friday starts the big adventure. BIG ADVENTURE. And wanna know what my horoscope said for today? You do?! It said this:

"Set some time aside today for planning your next big adventure. Be extravagant."

YEP! Basically in Julie language that says,

"OMG have a super fun time on your awesome Crash Kings roadtrip weekend! You deserve this!!!"

And then, another horoscope for today said:

"More often than not, emotional situations don't work out the way they should -- like they do in the movies, that is -- but now, thanks to something that happened recently under highly unusual circumstances, a magical ending could actually be on the agenda. Do your part. Dreams do come true."

DREAMS. DO. COME. TRUE. Either that's referring to the Disney World vaca I'm planning, or something else AWESOME is going to happen.

Ohhhh man, I'm so tired.

Anyways, I really wanted this post to be about my job and the transition that's going to be happening in my life. So, I'll be back in Maine for a while... if ANY OF YOU ARE THERE, make sure you hit me up so we can hang. Yep, I just said that.

SOOOOoooo, I hope everyone is having a great day. And also a great week. Keep me updated on your lives, as I am always interested.

I'm only working like, 19 more hours. COUNTDOWN BEGINS!!!

Ok, take care. Be well, dear readers.
