15 October 2010

the surface

Dear Friends,

Just a few things to talk about today.

#1: I talk about Bored to Death a lot. Mainly because Jason Schwartzman is the star, and I will love him forever. Like, forever. And I guess I talk about it like it's the best thing ever. Well, because it is. And that was not just a poll of me, it's a nationally recognized FACT.

This is a photo I took of the "Must List," featured every issue of Entertainment Weekly. It's a list of things you MUST watch, read, listen to, go to, whatever. And what is number one? Oh yeah - BORED TO DEATH. NUMBER ONE.

HOW GREAT is that?! Um, sooooo great. So, now you must watch.

2: If you are ANYWHERE in Connecticut tonight, you must drive to Hamden to The Space and see Breakthrough Frequencies, my friend Holden's band. I wish I could have gone, but I have no extra time off work. If you can't make it out, however, you can at least watch their pretty awesome music video for their song, 'Blood=Water.'

3. Last night I slept for 13 hours.

4. Last night while sleeping for 13 hours, I had a dream that I was at the three Crash Kings shows that I'll be at (PA, NY, DC) and my mom was there too, as well as our neighbors, the Demers family. And also, my CK friends, Ryan, Jo and Anna. We were in DC and Crash Kings were about to go on. And they were playing in this train station. Kara wasn't there because she was catering a party for the Demers family, except they weren't there. But then there was a problem and they needed to leave, so they asked my mom if she needed a ride back, and she said, "no, I think I'll stay." BECAUSE, my mom secretly wants to see Crash Kings very badly. But they keep not playing in Boston on days when she can go.

Great dream, right?! I can't wait for the day when my mom comes to a Crash Kings show with me. Portsmouth didn't count, because Tony was in a bad mood the whole time and there was hardly any music.


If you look very close, you can see a little Ruby Tuesday face under those blankets. This was the scene when we woke up this afternoon. Early in the morning, or sometimes late in the morning, Ruby Tuesday always crawls under the blankets and sleeps right up next to me. It's official: she's the cutest thing in the world.

6. Jim's Pancakes. I love this guy and I wish he was my husband. Kind of. Actually, I wish he was my personal chef. Yes, that's what I wish. He is a pancake artist. Well, technically he's just a normal dad, but he creates beautiful pancake art!!! My favorite is the Pancake Carousel, the Pancake Airplane, the Pancake Ferris Wheel and the Spaceship Pancake. Seriously - CHECK THIS OUT. You will be amazed, as I am. And, this guy, Jim, has maybe the cutest little daughter ever.

7. Children love Crash Kings. I think Tony would be very happy about this, since he's always talking about making Crash Kings music accessible for kids to learn. But it's true - children love Crash Kings.

Please view these children covering, 'Mountain Man.' They're really quite good. And adorable.

And then, please view this child making the next "official music video" for 'Mountain Man.' This one's pretty funny. And also adorable.

8. My friend Keith and I have been exchanging music recommendations, and he recommended that I start listening to this band called Blitzen Trapper. I'm pretty sure I have heard of this band before - but I REALLY like them. You should start listening to them too. I get kind of a 'Bob Dylan' vibe from the guy's voice.

9. I made cookies tonight.

10. I think that's all! It's been raining a lot. It down poured all last night and all day today. I like it.

Anyways. Any cool plans for the weekend? I'm doing nothing special. Just working. And, that's probably it. Lame, right? Right. Alright, well, I hope everyone had a great week and is having a fun, exciting Friday night. I'm not. I'm actually working right now. I was planning on grocery shopping a bit today, but, was called into work instead. So, that's that.

I'll talk to you all later! Take care.


14 October 2010

"Wake up you sleepy head, put on some clothes, shake up your bed"

SLEEP? HA! yeah right. no, julie, not tonight.

So, remember how like, ALL through the previous entry I was like, "OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO BED???" Yeah - that didn't happen.

Semi-emergency at work and whatta ya know, I'm staying up until 6am.

Everyone remember the last time work surprised me and I had to stay up all night? (This is not including times where I've had to stay awake and monitor newborns.) (This is like, 'hey, I can't wait to sleep - oh wait - actually there's an emergency and you have to be awake all night.)

IT WAS THIS TIME. Last January. It was the night where I realized how sexy and gorgeous I found Tony. Staying up all night will do that to a girl. Or, staying up all day. Actually, it's very easy to think of Tony as sexy and gorgeous at any time of day.

SO. Here's what I've done so far:

- learned about Taylor Swift's procedure for writing songs about former boyfriends (thanks, Glamour!)
- took a quiz to find out 'which type of perfume is best for me.' (Romantic type. Because I'm a romantic.) (Thanks, Glamour!)
- texted Kara a lot and planned our sister tattoos.
- emailed my friend Oscar in Sweden. Who recently started a blog. Which everyone should now read.
- facebook messaged my friend Keith, from high school who i hadn't talked to since high school but it turns out we have a lot in common.
- heard a train go by
- heard a baby laughing and for a minute thought, "i wonder if that's a ghost baby, or a real baby?" It turned out to be a real baby. It's kind of creepy when babies suddenly start laughing in the middle of the night. Add a super old creaky house and you've got yourself a scary movie!
- drank some coffee

That's it! That's not really a lot of things. I've been here for 3.5 hours. All that took me 3.5 hours. I still have 2 hours to go until I can go to sleep.

Ok. I just got really tired. I can hear Ruby Tuesday running around upstairs. It sounds like a team of Gorilla Juiceheads running. She's so loud. (Gorilla Juiceheads - Jersey Shore reference, anyone?)

I started listening to music. I didn't have any music playing, because I needed to be alert. But then I started to be less-alert and more-sleepy. So, I put on some music.

Actually, after using that subject line again, I wanted to listen to the Crash Kings cover of that song. David Bowie, 'Oh, You Pretty Things!'

So, I'll be awake until 6am. Work until 8am. Then be not-working until 3:30pm. Then be working again until 8am. I'm guessing that in the not-working time, I will be sleeping hardcore. No, not just normal sleeping - HARDCORE sleeping.

I was in the middle of watching Glee when I was interrupted to stay awake all night. I think perhaps I'll finish watching it. Ohhhh I love Glee.

Also, these headphones make my ears itch really bad. I don't like it, but they're good headphones.

Ok. ONE MORE HOUR. And then I can sleep. WIN. I can totally pull this off. Poor Ruby Tuesday upstairs all by herself! She's hates being alone!

OK! I'm heading out now. Meaning, head out of the blog.

OMG. YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!! Kara is FACEBOOK CHATTING with me!!! She's at work right now. On break. (She's a baker, so she goes into work super early.)

Tonight was the first night I EVER signed into Facebook chat, and I was expecting everyone to be messaging me. Because apparently I think I'm a lot more popular than I actually am... But, nobody was chatting with me, so I was sad. But then she started chatting with me!!

I should really IM people more. But, I never think to sign into AIM. Weird that I ALWAYS used to be signed in to talk to everyone.

Maybe I'll sign into Facebook chat more often. If you are on Facebook and ever want to talk to me, you can. I'll allow it.

And if you ever want to IM me, my AIM screen name is: totesbrillz If I am ever signed on, again, please feel free to say hi.

ALRIGHT! I hope everyone has a nice day! I'll be sleeping through it. Until I have to be awake again.

I'll talk to everyone later! Take care!


13 October 2010

james cotton superharp

hi guys.

at work now. bored. really tired. sniffly, too. i'm worried that i'm getting 'part 2' of the cold i had last week.

James Cotton Superharp is this musician coming to a local theater. actually, he already came. last weekend. but, i like his name. and i saw it on the brochure, and made it my subject.

i feel like this is going to be boring. especially as i don't have very much to say.

i'm really tired. it took me forever to get out of bed this morning.

so, we went out to wal-mart this afternoon. i had to pick up a 2 year old from daycare. he came with us. i was watching him because his mom was away for the day. he was good. he kind of screamed at me when it was time to eat dinner, but eventually he calmed down.

but now he's asleep.

i wanted to take a bath tonight, but it turns out i'll be working all night. eh, that's okay.

i bought my first Crash Kings ticket online today! I'll buy the rest when I get paid next week. SO EXCITED. This time we're doing:

- Philadelphia on 10/29
- NYC on 10/30
- Washington, DC on 10/31

SO EXCITED. a lot of my Crash Queen friends have been going to see them recently, since they're doing their big tour and it's getting me REALLY PSYCHED.



You know my friend David? I went to Hampshire with him. Currently he lives in Cambridge, MA with Emily. WELL, he's like, a totally famous font designer! And he just released this awesome font called, 'Trilby' and it got a SUPER GOOD review!!!!


I've had that tab opened in my browser for seriously like, 2 weeks. And I kept forgetting to share it with you!!! GREAT!

'Hot Rod' is playing in the living room right now. SOOOOOO good. Like, seriously, hilarious movie. See it.

Hmmm what else?

Wow, I seriously can't wait to go to sleep tonight. I also can't wait to see Ruby Tuesday.

This morning I was eating cereal and she was trying to get it, as usual, and then she just stuck her paw right in the milk and pulled out a piece of oat. She liked it. She likes all food.

Anyways. I have to go do some work so I can go home at 9. CAN'T WAIT.

Ok, hope you're having a good night! Sorry this was kind of lame - except for the David link. I'll talk to you later!!
