19 March 2010

Episode 367: Julie Has A Boring Day

In this episode, our hero, Julie, has an uneventful, boring day. Stay tuned to find out what went on!

First, I woke up.

About an hour later, I decided I wanted to eat bruschetta and watch last night's episode of The Office and 30 Rock.

I went to get the 'bruschetta' bread and discovered it was moldy. I inspected the mold. Cool. Then I decided I would use my whole wheat multi-grain bread instead.

Still delish, although the bread turned out a little soggy.

Episode of 30 Rock was totes hilars. I laughed really hard when Liz is going on about how great Tracy's life with his family is and then she says, "Know what I have? A Sims family that keeps getting murdered." Yeah, I laughed for a while. Also appreciated the amount of the Che picture that Liz keeps tacked to her bulletin board.

Then I wasted some time.

Then I tried to rework my car insurance but the website kept getting errors and so finally after like, an hour, I gave up and was frustrated.

Then I decided to take my frustration out in the form of being crafty.

Here is the craftiness progression:

(note Ruby Tuesday and a pack of diapers in the background....)

Voila!! A pretty pot of fake purple flowers.

Then, I made Kara an anklet. I call it, "Blue Sunrise." It's a repeating rainbow progression of color. I don't want to post a picture because I want it to be a surprise for Kara.

Then, I fiddled around and tried to make a pair of chandelier earrings, but I couldn't get a design I liked. At first I was imagining them crystal and silver beads. But then I thought about adding color. But then I kept thinking about the crystal and silver. Now I'm undecided.

Then, I restrung the "sister crystal" that me and Aliya have to hang in my new car. I added some extra beads and a real clasp and hung it in the car!!

The Sister Crystal keeps me safe while driving. I haven't had it in the new car, and maybe that's why I've been so uneasy about driving.

Then I called my mom.

Then I had a bowl of chocolate cheerios.

Then I did some intense research on the song I heard in Old Navy back in January and still can't figure out what it is. Still no luck. Although, there was a very close call with this band called Fanfarlo, which I might be interested in listening to more of.

Then I went and washed out my earring with alcohol. Why? Because it's infected. Again. I've had this piercing ONE YEAR. ONE YEAR THIS MONTH. And it's still getting infected like, every two weeks. Why do I put up with it? Why don't I just take it out forever? I DON'T KNOW. I can't explain it. I guess I kind of like it. But it drives me crazy.

Then I decided it was time to finish season 1 of The O.C. SO I DID. (I might have cried a little. Just a little...) (Like when Seth and Ryan were saying goodbye to each other.) ( :'( )

While painting my fingernails black.

And my toenails 'steel.'

Then I got a letter ready to mail to my new BFF Lindsay who works at Toyota of Portsmouth. I enclosed a note on teal paper. She sent me a note in the mail the other day and it was on lime green paper!!! And I said to myself, "if she can send me a note on lime green paper, then I can send her a note on teal paper!!" SO I DID. Clearly the exchanging of professional notes on awesomely colored paper means we're BFF.

Then I got a little sad because Crash Kings tweeted saying that Jason has a horrible case of food poisoning. :( Feel better Jason.

Then Ruby Tuesday was playing with her favorite toy and it was really cute:

(note: Huggies diapers, again, and my Coconut Records tote.)

Then I watched the video of Chris Cornell singing 'Imagine' on Conan O'Brien while Tony plays piano. This was back on 11 September 2009.

And then I decided to blog.

Do you realize that someone has a birthday coming up? Two very important birthdays are in our future.

Scratch that - FOUR very important birthdays are in our future.

2. Celine Dion
3. Ewan McGregor

Can you believe we've been here at Blogger for almost one year!? Seems like only yesterday that we were saying goodbye to the livejournal, where we made our home for so many years.... And I planned the first ever online ribbon cutting ceremony for the new blog. This blog.

Man, I don't mean to brag - but I totally rock at planning ribbon cutting ceremonies. I should be a professional ribbon cutting ceremony planner. I have experience in both real-life ceremonies, and online ones.

Ya know what? I feel like I'm pretty good at planning online parties too. Remember when we had Blog Reader Appreciation Week and I planned a different event for each night? YEAH. Um, that rocked.

I should be an online event planner. It's probably the way of the future. I feel like I could team up with Myspace. They seem to always be hosting online things.

Anyways. That was my day. And then some.

Currently it's 2:55am. Saturday morning. Once again, I'm alone in the big house. Last night I was really creeped out. The house phone rang at 4am and it freaked me out. And then I couldn't sleep. And then I had to go down to the staff office and log the phone call. And I don't like walking around the empty house at night time. It's shadowy and creaky. Two things that don't mesh.

Plan for Saturday? Nope. Nada. Nothing. None. There is no plan. Except try and be awake before the post office closes so I can go get the first disc of season 2 of The O.C.

I was thinking about Crash Kings performing at SXSW and how Ryan is going. And how Elizabeth lives in Austin. And I said,

JULIE: I have the weekend off!!! I could fly to Austin for a few nights!!! And stay with Elizabeth!!! And meet up with Ryan for the show!!!!!

And then I thought about how I now have car payments.... It was a bummer moment. If I had an 'unlimited checking account,' (which Kara and I constantly joke about having) then I would have gone.

I miss Elizabeth. I think about her every time I look at my 'I heart Poe' button that I have hanging on my fridge. I should write her a letter.

Maybe I will write letters as my plan for Saturday. Maybe I will go somewhere and write them. That could be a fun and fulfilling plan. I like it.

Okay. 3:06am now. I'm going to get into bed and try and go to sleep. I'm not sure if I'm tired.

Thanks for tuning in to Episode 367: Julie Has A Boring Day.

After writing this entry, I feel like maybe it wasn't so boring after all.....


show yourself!


Things could be taken to the next level today, so don't shy away from asking someone out on a date. Perhaps an office flirtation will move from a professional to personal relationship. If you don't have anyone in your scope, keep your eyes peeled as secret admirers will likely reveal themselves at this time.


It's okay, you can come out now.



18 March 2010

all i know, is there must be something more

oohhhhh what a day, what a day.

let's start from the night.

i had a fun night playing mom to the newborn. although, i don't think Ruby Tuesday liked it. it felt a little like when they bring the baby home in Lady and the Tramp. or, that's how i felt. but, Ruby and i spent all day today snuggling, so that makes up for it.

anyways. the baby was up from 1:15 until about 3.
then from 4:15 to about 5:20.

then we were supposed to wake up at 7:15 for another feeding....so i set my alarm for 7:05, just because i knew i had to bring him to daycare at 8am and i wanted to have time to pack up all his things, etc.

so, my alarm went off at 7:05. i hit snooze. and woke up again at 7:55am. aw, crap. baby was still sleeping.

so i JUMPED out of bed, packed up the diaper bag, threw on a sweatshirt, picked up the baby and brought him down to daycare. that was sad. i kissed him goodbye.

THEN, i went down to the office because i was driving the resident to an appointment at 8:15. it was now like, 8:05. and it takes like, 15 minutes to get there.

so, i get the keys to the van and then decide i'll go upstairs and tell her we should go.

i go upstairs, and she's still asleep in bed. ugh.

i wake her up and tell her we need to leave right now so get ready!!!!!!!

then i go downstairs and wait. we don't leave the house until like, 8:15, which was the time the appointment was for.

we get to the place at like, 8:30 and THEY SAY IT'S TOO LATE. uuugghhhh. great.

i'm also like, living in zombieland due to lack of sleep and very early hours. (note the 'zombieland' reference even though i haven't seen the movie. hear it has great music, though...)

ANYWAYS. so we drive back to the house. things are very panicky for like, 15 minutes.

finally, i am able to go back upstairs to my house. and i give Ruby a hug and tell her it's time to go back to sleep.

and it took me a loooong time to fall asleep. at first i thought it was going to be easy, but then i couldn't keep my eyes closed. and it kind of felt like i was on a roller coaster.

and then i slept until like, 2pm. mmm. nice.

THEN i went to the post office. got some Netflix.

then i had to go to wal-mart to buy cat food. so i did that. and also bought the new chocolate cheerios.

drove home. man, it's very hard for me to get used to this new car. it's like i've never driven anything before in my life. is this normal with new cars? to feel like you're the worst driver on the road? i can't get used to the car.

on tuesday i read the manual for the car. and i read it while sitting in the car to see if just being in the car more would make me feel more comfortable in it. but, not really.

BUT! there was an awesome section in the manual titled:

When You Want to Take a Nap in the Car

and it was about making sure to keep things safe while you're taking a nap. this made me laugh, really, really hard.

how often do people say, "ah, this is a good afternoon for a nap. i think i'll go out to the car." i mean, i know that people occasionally nap in their cars, but does there really need to be a whole section on it?!! wow, i still think this is really funny.

i tried to take a picture of the title to post as a twitter update, but the picture kept coming out blurry.

anyways. i drove home today and immediately had a bowl of chocolate cheerios. AAHHHHHHH THEY ARE SO GOOD. especially with vanilla soy milk. YUM DELISH TO THE MAX. ok, i had two bowls. and i watched an episode of The O.C.

i admit - i'm very sick of this Ryan-Marissa-Theresa drama. UGH. why can't it just be OVER?!! and now Theresa is living in the Cohen house!??! UUGGHH.

i was thinking today about The O.C. and remembered that SNL Digital Short with Shia LaBeouf that was a spoof of the final episode. didn't like, everyone die? does everyone die at the end of this show?! that would be weird and depressing.

i can't believe Julie is marrying Caleb. that's funny.

anyways. that's my O.C. update for the night.

here's my SXSW update:


Tally Hall is at Emo's and Crash Kings are at the Rusty Spur!!!!!!

how do you pick?!?! who do you go see?!?!? WHY would the scheduling board of SXSW schedule these two bands to perform on the same night!???! CRUEL!!! although, i think Crash Kings is also performing tomorrow, and saturday night. or maybe just saturday? i can't remember.

anyways. if i have any readers at SXSW right now, please enjoy the music.

and i REALLY hope that the Tally Hall guys and the Crash Kings guys hang out after the show. ooooo they MUST be BFF because they were on tour together for like, a month! i'm so excited about the prospect of red tie hanging out with Tony. toomuchhottness.

oh, alright. i guess that's all for now. it's early still. 10:39pm. thursday night. i keep thinking it's friday. i've been so mixed up on my days ever since coming back from the Crash Kings Roadtrip Weekend.

also - i reealllly have had to restrain myself from going to see the new Robert Pattinson movie, Remember Me. i reeallllly want to see it. and it's playing in the local sketch theater. (the one that needs the new sign letters. although, they're getting better. 'Avatar' is now spelt, 'Auatar.")

it was really hott in my apartment today. it's been really hott outside. really? already? it wasn't even that cold this winter! come on!!!! i'm not ready for warm weather.

ok. i'm going to make supper and watch The Time Traveler's Wife. i'm secretly very excited about seeing this. well, not so secret because i talked about it last night and i'm talking about it again right now. i feel like i saw the trailer about one million times, so now i'm excited about seeing it for real!!!!!

alright friends, i'll talk to you later. have a wonderful end to the week!!!!! i bet you all have super hott fancy plans for the weekend, right!??! awesome!!!! me too!!!!!! actually, no i don't. i have no hott fancy plans for the weekend. i guess i just got excited.

ok. have a great night. take care, be well, no worries.


17 March 2010

an outlaw for my love

so, i've got the newborn baby for the night. talk about taking work home with you, right?

geeze, i feel like Sandy Cohen when he brought Ryan home! omg, my life is sooo much like The O.C. it's crazy.

except, Kirsten didn't approve of Ryan at first. but, if Sandy had brought home this little baby, everyone would have immediately fallen in love with him.

he's pretty much been sleeping ever since i've had him. i fed him his bottle around 10:15, but he only ate 1.5 ounces. he was too tired to eat! he kept falling asleep. sleepy little guy.

anyways, he seems to like listening to Crash Kings and JET. get the kids started on good music at an early age. that's what i like to say. 2 weeks old isn't too little to start to rock!! for serious.

aw man babies are cute. and tiny.

i need to make a video of newborns sneezing and yawning. it would be the number one video on youtube for like, ever. because it would be all people want to watch. because it's the cutest thing ever. just sneezing and yawning. because no matter how many times you see it, it never gets old.

it's so weird looking at this baby and thinking, "i remember seeing you before you were born!!" remember i went to that ultrasound with his mother and we saw him blinking at us on the tv screen? THAT was crazy. and now the fact that he's sleeping next to me right now is ever crazier. right?!


i was eating a piece of my staff meeting chocolate raspberry birthday cake earlier and listening to Crash Kings and i got SO HAPPY. like, at that moment, life could not have gotten any better. things were perfect!!! cake and Crash Kings. MAN. i was so happy.

anyways. thursday i am excited because i am getting the final disc of season 1 of The O.C. AND i'm getting The Time Traveler's Wife. yep. cheesy rom com. actually, i don't know if it's a rom com. i don't think so. more just a cheesy rom, i think.

OH HEY, it's sad that Alex Chilton died, right?! yeah! the singer in Big Star! who they are honoring at South by Southwest on Saturday, i think. that's sad. he was only 59.

MAN. i wish i could go to SXSW!!!!

my favorite Phantom Planet (performance) video on youtube comes from SXSW!!!! they're doing 'Knowitall.' i love that song. and i love the way they sing this.

Ryan is going to see Crash Kings perform!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO jealous. but SUPER EXCITED for her. i bet they're gonna kill it. yeah. totes. and then get back to the JET tour.

SO, Kate Winslet is on vaca in mexico right now. apparently, there are already rumors that her and Leo are hooking up. but, according to a "source" those rumors are "absolutely not true." which means that they ARE TOTALLY TRUE!!!!!!!

oh geeze. i'm so excited.

also, i forgot to tell you this when it happened - but i'm now following ALL THREE Jonas Brothers on Twitter. yep. first it was Joe. and then last week Kevin joined. and then i said, "ah, what the heck!" and so now i'm following Nick too. YES. so far, it's amazing.

we're excited to have them on the Bro Tour 2011.

oh man every time i think about the actual possibility of the Bro Tour happening, i get soo excited. it would be too much amazing to handle, i think. shall we recap?

BRO TOUR 2011 featuring:

with special guests

and then of course the opening band will be called the Non-Brother Band and will be composed of the 'non-bro members' of Crash Kings, Kings of Leon and JET.

jason (crash kings) on drums.
marc (jet) on bass
cam (jet) on guitar
louis (jet) on the keys
(guy from kings of leon) on whatever he plays

hopefully 'kings of leon guy' sings. he can do lead vocals.

i should come up with a tour poster.

my friend Dave (who lives in colorado springs where crash kings will be in like one week!!) sent me the link to this awesome article all about brother bands!!! i'll have to find the link he sent and post it for you. it was actually a super great article. it like, rated the brother bands in terms of sibling rivalry.

i think Hanson was the band with the LEAST amount of sibling rivalry. Jonas Brothers was near Hanson. Kings of Leon was towards the middle, i think. Crash Kings didn't make the list. but, if they did, then they would be right around Hanson. Mike and Tony are BFF. and i think Oasis was the band with the most. Noel and Liam aren't invited on the Bro Tour because 1. Oasis broke up and 2. we don't want any stage fights.

ok. anyways. i should get out of this Bro Tour fantasy i'm living in.

there's like, 15 minutes before the baby needs to eat again. so, i'm going to go get ready. it's very stressful caring for a baby. because you have to do everything right. because babies can't do anything! i filled up all his bottle with water. they just need to be mixed with formula and warmed. or, the other way around. and i set up a diaper changing station in pretty much every room.

it's a big job. pretending to be a mother.

earlier, the JET song 'Cold Hard Bitch' came on and i said, "uh oh, this isn't appropriate for a baby." so, i had to switch it. too bad, cause it's a great song! but not for little ears.

maybe i should play 'Non-Believer' by Crash Kings so he can start to learn the days of the week.

OR, 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl' by JET. then he could learn to count to 6!!

alright. for realz now. we're gonna move shop into my bedroom so that after the feeding i can go right to bed.

i'll be playing my lullabies tonight for sure. i wish they made lullaby versions of Crash Kings songs. maybe i'll tweet to them about that. i'm sure they'll get right to it. i bet they would be good lullabies, though.

OK. hope you all are having a great time doing whatever you are doing. and are having a great day. morning. night. whatever.

my plan for thursday = do nothing.

goodnight!!! sweet dreams!!!!!


16 March 2010

take a minute and remember

oh boy. daylight savings this year is KILLING ME. why? i have no idea.

tuesday i slept from:


i woke up from my phone ringing and realized i had slept through my alarm!! and almost slept through staff meeting, but Courtney called and woke me up. good thing - because my birthday snack was waiting for me downstairs. YUM. chocolate raspberry cake with black raspberry chip ice cream. YEAH. omg, so good.

staff meeting was good. there was approximately 5 minutes in between the time i woke up and the time i entered staff meeting, so it was very hard to open my eyes for like, the first 20 minutes.

and man, i just stayed tired throughout the day. i napped from


today was very sunny and very warm. i don't like it. i don't like that i looked out the window and saw that it was so light and so late.

the sunshine just made me sleepier. Ruby Tuesday too. she's been so sleep lately! i think because our nighttime schedule is all messed up. she does not like it that i'm up so often with the baby.


i got a smoothie today. peach mango. it was not orange, which disappointed me. it was white with orange pieces. or, peach pieces. i'm not sure exactly how i felt about it. i would get one again. but perhaps not mix the two flavors. maybe try raspberry. or kiwi. that one intrigued me.


i have some pictures to post for you. i hooked up my phone to my laptop and imported some very important ones.

MY BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!!!! not the one from staff meeting - but the one Kara decorated for me!!!! remember how Kara always gives me the best birthday present ever by decorating WHATEVER I WANT onto my birthday cake. the designs she does are nothing short of awesome, and this year was no exception.

this year's design featured, of course, Titanic, with Jack and Rose standing on the bow, holding Oscars. the ship is sailing into an iceberg, on which the Crash Kings are skiing down. each member of the band is holding their respective instruments. (and Tony is wearing his hott red plaid shirt.) also featured on the iceberg, is Fantastic Mr. Fox. what a cutie.

in the lifeboat directly below the iceberg we have the members of Tally Hall. each wearing their tie color. kara looked at Zubin, who is second in from the right, and said, "wow, that looks exactly like him!!" she was very proud.

in the second lifeboat from L to R are Robert and Jason Schwartzman. Robert is wearing that hott icy blue shirt he wore when i first saw Rooney at The Paradise a few years ago.

and of course, the trademark green seahorse floats in the corner.

LOVE IT. a cake full of HOTTIES, right!!?? YES.

look at those Crash Kings!!!! i can't believe how awesome the red plaid shirt turned out. i mixed the red color and let me tell you - it was a mess. when kara mixes food coloring into frosting, it's like an elegant motion. she's very clean and it comes out perfectly. when i do it? there was red dye EVERYWHERE. i had it allllllll over my hands for like, two days. all over the table. the mixing spoons. the bowl. everything. and it wasn't even coming out red! it was hott pink. finally, after letting it sit for a while, the color darkened to perfect.

i love Mike. he looks like the Mountain Man with his beardy beard. i also love the CLAVINET!!!! i bet my birthday cake is the only cake ever created in the whole world to have a Clavinet on it. unless it was on Tony's birthday cake. or Stevie Wonder's.

man, it came out awesome. i looooved it. i can't believe how awesome Kara is. <3

ok, this is just a picture of Ruby Tuesday being very cute and standing up on the edge of my bed. awww!!! what a sweetie!! (and yes, those are drawers built into the wall. so hip, i know.)

THIS PICTURE i didn't remember taking. this is the Starland Ballroom is Sayreville, New Jersey where we saw JET and Crash Kings last sunday. what a creeper building in the daytime!!!! but in the nighttime - WHOA - rocking.

i also don't remember taking this picture. this picture is evidence that i would make a good member of the paparazzi.

see that van with the white trailer attached? Crash Kings van. YEP. Ol' Blue. and it's parked right next to the JET tour bus!!!!! awesome, right?! this was when we were hanging out in the parking lot all day with Jenny. cool. it was a fun day.

AND THIS - is my car hitting 100,000 miles. 667 miles into our Crash Kings Roadtrip Weekend. just as 'Come Away' was starting to play. i believe somewhere around NYC. pay no attention to that 'check engine' light.... that light symbolizes the $2,000 worth of work my car needed.

oh, more on my car later. i keep putting it off because i don't want to talk about it. i'm still very sad.

or, i guess i could just give you a quick update now.

i don't have the car anymore.

my trip to Boston to see Crash Kings ONE WEEK AGO TONIGHT really did it in. it came back about 50% louder than when it left. it was bad. i absolutely could not believe that i didn't get pulled over. it was truly a Crash Kings Miracle.

i'm glad i got in some good quality time with the car before i had to give it up, though. i feel like those last few miles was final bonding time that we both needed. and yes, i admit, i shed a few tears.

yes, the car constantly gave me problems ever since i bought it in 2004. but overall - it never failed me. and even on it's very last legs, it never failed us once on the Crash Kings Roadtrip Weekend. and, i admit, i was secretly nervous about taking it on such a long trip. but it made it! and i will always remember that fondly.

so, i spent about 5 hours at the Toyota dealership on wednesday and ended up driving away in a 2010 Prius.

it's crazy. this new car is crazy. it has an MP3 hookup. that was really the selling point, to be honest. it's got power windows and power locks! i can't believe i spent 6 years in the old car with crank windows. it's makes having the windows down way more enjoyable.

it's just crazy. there's so much stimulation though, that i have to remind myself to focus on the road and not the computer that tells me how well i'm using the gas engine.

OH! the part that is really awesome are the steering wheel controls. i can turn up the volume, or change the song on the cd player without taking my hands off the wheel!!!!!!! the person who invented that is amazing. i love them. i can also control the temperature of the car on the steering wheel.

i'll have to take pictures sometime. it's dark gray. but sometimes it looks like a bluish gray. it's pretty. i like it so far. i'm still not used to it. i'm not used to the size. or just the fact that it's a different car in general.

i'm not a fan of the rear window visibility. but i am a fan of the rear wiper. YES.

anyways. that's the car story. the new car story.

so, it's actually wednesday now. i never posted this entry on tuesday night because i got too tired/busy.

man, i'm tired.

i have one more disc of season one of The O.C. still great. although, Marissa drives me crazy. and i like Ryan, but not when he's with Marissa. i'm sad that Luke is leaving because he was starting to get hilarious.

ok - Mischa Barton. she needs to eat some donuts. she is disgustingly skinny. and lanky. and gross. her face is pretty. but other than that, she is gross looking.

hm. okay what else can i tell you?

another sunny day.

i'm really liking my Crash Kings ringtone. and alarm tone. it doesn't make waking up any easier. but, it makes is sexier, which is a bonus.

so far it's a quiet night at work. i'm working now, btw. i hope it stays quiet because i'm tired. and i hope the overnight is easy. last night was not easy. the little newborn baby was not a fan of the sleeping. i spent over an hour rocking him to try and get him to sleep. and he would drift in and out, but always wake up again. finally, during one of his quieter moments, i just put him in the crib to see what would happen. and after like, 10 minutes he fell asleep.

but, by that time it was like, 2:15am. and his next feeding was at 3:15am. so, after going back upstairs, finishing the last ten minutes of the O.C. ep i was watching, getting ready for bed, and actually getting into bed, i think i only slept for about 5 minutes before my alarm went off again.

and then i got back into bed again around 4:45 or so. up again at 6:20!! and then back to bed around 7:30. yikes.

i must have gotten up at some point to unplug the phone. but i don't remember doing it.

hm. i don't know what else. i'm just wasting time now.

OH! it's saint patrick's day today. i hope you are all wearing green. i am. color themed holidays are my fave!!!

alright, friends. have a great midweek. i'm sure i'll talk to you later.


15 March 2010


KATE AND SAM!!!!!!! kate winslet and sam mendes have SPLIT.

(after saying that, i am now going to try very hard to be decent and respectful about this.)

i am shocked and very sad. they say it was mutual? hm. they say it happened earlier this year? hm. so, i'm guessing Sam wasn't at the Oscars with Kate? (you see, i didn't watch because i was rocking.)

i like Sam. i think he's a good guy. and he has a beard! you can't go wrong when a guy has a beard. but, maybe, i guess you can? hm.

photo taken from the 2009 Oscars. what went wrong, i wonder...

- hectic schedules?
- can a household with two oscar winning parents really work?
- the fact that Sam is directing the next Bond movie? (yeah, that might do it for me...)
- um...let's see....what else could break up a marriage........
- oh geeze, i can't stand it anymore....
- i tried really hard to not go here.
- but, i can't help it.
- i have to go here.....

- could it be the fact that Kate and Leo are in love with each other?? UM YES.

now, let me say again, that i am very sad about Kate and Sam splitting up. it's sad when anyone splits up. especially when there are little children involved.

BUT NOW!!!!!!! this will give Kate and Leo the rest of their lives to be together!!!!

and this news comes on the heels of the news that Leo and Bar might have split up again. i read that last week, i think. YEP. could it be? that both Kate and Leo are single at the exact same time?!?!?

oh, folks. this could be brilliant.

remember how i said that i better have a great second half of the year since the first half was kind of crappy? YEAH - THIS WOULD DO IT. this would make things great. Kate and Leo finally together!!!!!

i feel like i would sleep better at night. the air would smell better. the sun might even shine brighter. things would be RIGHT. maybe even peace on earth!? who knows what would happen when two powerhouse hotties get together!!?!

OMG. it is a sad day, but it is also a happy day.

also, how brillz is this blog subject title? 'heart (break) of the ocean.' does everyone get it? like, 'heart of the ocean' only with the added word - "break." totes brillz, right? i came up with that on the spot. like, in one second. genius happens with the prospect of Kate and Leo.

alright. it's 5pm on monday. 15 march. i managed to get 8 hours of sleep. although, all the hours were in the 5am - 3pm range. and they were not good hours. lots of interruptions.

ok. i haven't eaten anything yet, so i'm going to go do that. i bet the food is even going to taste better. just THE THOUGHT that now Kate and Leo could be together is all i need.

is it inevitable? are they really in love? the Kate and Leo message boards on IMDb are all over it.

"LEO STOP PLAYING AND GO GET KATE" was my favorite subject line. on the Leo board. the people love it.

let's start it now, people - PEER PRESSURE. sometimes, it's bad, but sometimes, it's also good. and this would be a good time.

take care, friends. have a great day.

(yep. now comes the time where i post a doctored-up version of Kate's acceptance speech at the Golden Globes last year.)

how can they deny it?!?!


14 March 2010

i don't believe that anybody feels the way i do about you

today was a momentous day!!! it was the first day where i have downloaded music after hearing it on The O.C.!!!! i know - BIG DAY.

so, The O.C. was always famous for having really great music from less known artists blah blah whatever whatever.

in the Valentine's Day episode (which i LOVED) there was a really great cover of 'Wonderwall' by Oasis. and so i looked it up, and it was by RYAN ADAMS!!! who knew he did a cover of Wonderwall!? i didn't know.

so, i ended up downloaded that, AS WELL as a GREAT live version of the song sung by Noel Gallagher. i really love it.


i was just watched another episode and said, "omg i have to download this song too!!" so, after some "o.c. music research," discovered that the song is 'Something Pretty' by Patrick Park.

another great song! and it played during the part where Seth interrupts the kissing booth to proclaim his love for Summer. AWWWW. omg Seth. i need him. i love him so much. i need a Seth Cohen please.

i'm really loving The O.C. a lot. probably a lot more than i really should be. i had no idea it was so hilarious! all the scenes in the Cohen household crack me up. Seth and his parents are great comedy.

oh, here's the two new songs i got:

'SOMETHING PRETTY' by Patrick Park

'WONDERWALL' by Ryan Adams

check it out!

hm. that's pretty much all i did today. watch The O.C. oh, i went to the grocery store.

my horoscope for today kind of freaked me out....

The devil and the deep blue sea -- take your pick. Under most unusual circumstances, you may bump into someone today who seems to be a representative from both. Within days, oddly enough, they'll manage to find a place in your heart. Be ready. Be ready for their company, and be ready to feel the need to make a decision quickly. Good luck, no matter what you choose.

weird, right? i don't know. it gave me a very uneasy feeling when i read it. "the devil and the deep blue sea?" what does that mean!? it sounds like a Rolling Stones lyric. is it?

speaking of The Rolling Stones, i decided that most JET songs remind me of Rolling Stones songs. but, i can't figure out which ones. like, which Rolling Stones songs they sound like. JET definitely has a retro-throwback feel to them, i think. i think.

oh, i was also productive today in learning more about Crash Kings. i kept thinking about how one week ago Ryan and i were IN NEW JERSEY making awesome friends and seeing an awesome concert.

so, naturally, i went on Twitter and read through every single one of the Crash Kings tweets. it took a while. at first, i was not proud to be doing this. but then, it just became awesome. and i learned a lot about them.

i learned that Mike's birthday is 2 april. and Tony's birthday is 27 september. i had this feeling that Tony was a march baby. so, i was wrong about that. ah well.

and i found some really great pictures. they posted a picture from the time they went to a Jonas Brothers concert which made ME REALLY HAPPY. and i kind of can't believe that they went to a Jonas Brothers concert.

they also posted this picture of the three of them standing on a pier in front of the ocean. the picture is now currently my desktop background. "why?" you may ask. well, let me tell you.

Mike. is. wearing. a. cardigan.


1. Mike is wearing a cardigan

oh man. i can't look at the picture for very long because i start to lose my breath. for serious. it takes the wind right out of me. and then i get goosebumps.


shall we? we shall.

(prepare yourself... looking directly at this picture may cause burn damage to your eyes because IT IS SO HOTTTTTTT.)

oh wow. yep. there it is. BOY WEARING CARDIGAN. yeah. yep.

we all know how i feel about boys wearing cardigans. YEAH. they take my breath away and give me goosebumps.

WHOA. okay, we need to move on.

i also found this ridiculously adorable picture of Tony and Mike at a Dodger's game last summer. yeah. i really hope that picture is hanging in their parents living room.

and in THAT picture - Tony is wearing his glasses.

but, we can't get into that. or else i might go into some kind of sexy love shock.

SEXY LOVE SHOCK. that's what they need to call their next record. i'll have to remember that for when they are making their next record. i'll tweet it to them.

SON OF A GUN those boys are pretty.

okay. it's 3:14am. i need to be up again in 45 minutes. so, perhaps i will get some sleep before then. MAN, that daylight savings crap really jumped up on me. that sucked. i didn't think i would be that affected. but YEAH.

i was SO TIRED all morning. i have no idea what time i went to bed. but then i had to answer the phone at 7:15am, which was really 8:15am and i could barely talk to the person because i was soooo tired. i think i managed to do the entire thing with my eyes closed.

and then i had to go downstairs to let the day staff in at 8 am (really 9am) and again - i could barely keep my eyes open for 15 minutes. it was crazy. and then i slept until like 1pm. i think. i have no idea. maybe it was either noon or 2pm. i don't know. no, i don't think it was 2pm. i think it was 1pm.

ALSO - i set my phone alarm for 4:05am sunday morning. and i woke up at 5:45am and the alarm was going off - but there was no sound. LAME! i have no idea why the alarm on that phone sucks so much.

and then again, i had set it for 7:50am, and it just never went off at all. it just shuts itself off. it's so weird.

but! i made two new ringtones today online.

1. It's Only Wednesday
2. Skin and Bones

i'm currently using It's Only Wednesday. although it's going to be bad because someone called me today and i just totally didn't care about anything except singing along. the phone was in the other room and i didn't even get up to see who it was. i just rocked.

anyways. now it's 3:20am. i should get into bed for 40 minutes. should i? yeah, i should.

it's been raining all day. and it got really windy! i like it. although, the windows in my bedroom shake sooooo bad. it scared Ruby Tuesday multiple times last night.

i like the rain. except not when it creates mud. mud is gross. and we have a dirt driveway.

ok. now i'm really going to go to bed. 3:23am.

i still have to tell you about my car. i haven't done that yet. i'll post a picture. and i still have to post a picture of my old car reaching 100,000 miles. notice how i said, "my old car?" does that mean i got a new car?!?! maybe! maybe!! i won't give anything away.

tomorrow is sunday? or monday? i think it's sunday. no it's not - it's monday. because today was sunday because i had to get up to let in the day staff.

MONDAY! have a great monday. have a great beginning of the week. i have no plans! what a surprise!!!

ok. 3:27am. goodnight!!!!! good day!!!!! good everything!!!!!!

hey - know what's good? that picture of Mike wearing the cardigan. let's look at it again and have sweet dreams, shall we? yes. great idea, julie.

WOW. yep. i'm having good dreams already. and i'm still awake.

ok. this is getting out of my control. END. END IT JULIE.

ok!!!!! have a great day!!!! i'll write more later and try not to go crazy.

take care. be well.
