01 May 2009

happy working song

bored bored. i am bored. i am working and i am bored.
downstairs. downstairs. i am bored in the office downstairs.
loud. loud. babies are loud. babies are loud when they are sad.
food. food. girls cooking food. pork chops are on the menu tonight.
alone. alone. i am alone. the other staff is not here yet.

that pretty much sums it up. maybe andrew and i will record it next week. but, most likely no. so...yeah. everyone thought that Joan was supposed to be working with me tonight. but, it's 5pm and she's not here yet. hm. maybe i'll be alone tonight.

so, oh, i did end up working for courtney. that's okay. she's sick and i am not.

hm. possible trip to see papa and kara tomorrow. fun. fun. trips are fun.

it will be a long and slow night. we can't go anywhere because everyone got minuses last night. and (they don't know this yet) but i'm not giving them late curfew. they'll be mad and try to sneak it around me. but nope. not this night.

so, the swine flu has hit maine and massachusetts. my friend Alex who i work with told me she thought there were reported cases in new hampshire as well.

i read a cool and funny "status update" on facebook today that i thought i would share with you. here goes:

"just heard on the BBC that the best way to prevent getting swine flu is to not
smoke, eat healthy, exercise regularly and wear your seatbelt because not doing
those things have a 99 percent better chance of killing you"

i liked that.

any.ways. two girls are going home this weekend so it's pretty quiet.

well. i guess that's all. i'll probably be bored all night. working down here until 11. then overnight until 8am.

goal for tonight: nobody goes to the hospital. seems pretty reasonable, sure. we'll see how that goes.

ok. talk to you later!! enjoy your friday afternoon. stay classy.

(oh! i have to email kerianne back. i'll do that right now.)


30 April 2009

another day another dollar

i feel like i recently used that as a blog subject. or, as a something subject. email, maybe.

anyways. another unexpected work day. i have worked a total of one thousand hours this week.

nah, probably not really.

but, i did work tonight 5:30-10pm. Courtney called out sick. i told my boss i could work tomorrow night too, if Courtney is still sick. and then i called Courtney and told her that. she's been sick lately, and i told her not to worry about coming in if she didn't feel good. she said she thought she'd be back, but i think she appreciated me calling.

anyways. it was such a busy night at work. man. there was a huge debate over "normal school versus charter school." i had to reign it in a bit. it was getting really loud.

and, there was no dinner. like, nobody cooked dinner tonight. so, that was strange. but, i walked into the kitchen when the toddler was eating her supper and we had a pretty nice conversation.

TODDLER: Hi Julie!
JULIE: Oh, hi!
TODDLER: Julie, I like your shirt.
JULIE: Hey, thanks!
TODDLER: I love that shirt.
JULIE: Thank you.
TODDLER: Julie, you happy?
JULIE: I am happy! Are you happy?
JULIE: Good! Did you have a good day at daycare?
TODDLER: We did the jumping game!
JULIE: You did!? Wow, that sounds like fun.
TODDLER: (to Diane, also in the kitchen) Di, I got a boo-boo on my finger.
DIANE: Oh no! Does it hurt?
TODDLER: Yeah. Julie, I got a boo-boo on my finger.
JULIE: I heard. I'm sorry to hear that.
TODDLER: Julie, you happy to see me?
JULIE: I am! I'm very happy to see you.

she is the sweetest. and there was another baby in the kitchen eating his supper and the toddler was just making him laugh and laugh and laugh and it was probably the cutest thing happening in the entire world. omg, they were just looking at each other and laughing! the other baby is 9 months and he just started making this laugh that is just so funny to hear. it's like, "HA HA HA HA." oh, he's so funny. and the toddler kept saying, "ooeeeooooeeeoooeeeoooeeeooo" and it would just make him laugh so hard, and then she would laugh so hard, and then everybody would start laughing. it was the greatest.

so, like i said, nobody cooked dinner tonight. so, i think the girls thought that meant there were no dinner chores to do. well, Emily (who i was working with) and i did not realize that nobody did their dinner chores until after 9pm. and i was doing their charts for the night and tallying up their sign-out time for tomorrow (based on behavior tonight) and then i needed to go out in the kitchen for something. and i walked into the kitchen and IT WAS A DISASTER ZONE. dishes piled up in the sink, a huge puddle of water on the floor, stuff spilled on the counters, a full dishwasher. it was disgusting.

so then, emily and i talked it over and decided that they all know that they're supposed to do these chores. so, i had to go back into all their behavior charts and give them minuses for chores. which they will all be pissed about. and none of them have phone on friday which they will be even more pissed about.

and we got a new computer for the staff office. our old one completely died this morning. and so we took a 'new, old one' from the other Julie's office and set it up in the staff office. it's nice.

it was nice working with Emily because she's graduating from college in 9 days and she probably won't be back for a while.


so, i might be working friday night. but, i might not be. i guess i'll find out in the morning.

i'm tired. MAN. i slept sooo good last night. i went to bed around 2am and then woke up at 6:30 for work. and those hours in between were wonderful. just like, that really fulfilling sleep.

and then went back to bed around 9. and when my alarm went off at noon, i JUMPED out of bed and thought, "omg i'm late for work!" thinking it was 6:30 again. i do that so much! i hate it because i get so scared i'm going to be late and they won't get their meds, and the door won't be unlocked.

so. i think i will away to bed.

i might start my side job as babysitter next week!!!!!! yikes! for one of my coworkers! she adopted a little, little baby. the baby was born 7 weeks premature and she adopted her right after. when i first met the baby, she technically wasn't even supposed to be born. but man, she's beautiful.

yikes. that's scary.

okay. for bed now. i mean, to bed now.

hey - it's friday! happy may day! it's may! holy man. have a good start to the month!


29 April 2009

lucky susan

so, i think i have found a new celebrity crush. mr. tim robbins. i think he's super handsome and has got a very nice voice.

the reason i say this is because i just finished watching City of Ember. this is one of the series of movies released last summer that i thought they should make theme park rides out of. i decided to rent it because i had remembered thinking it looked good and pretty interesting.

it was very good! and very interesting!! i haven't read the book, which i'm sure explains much, much more. at times the movie felt rushed and jumpy. like, in the beginning and in the end. i definitely feel like there were parts in the movie they could have cut out and used the time for explanation purposes.

so, the movie is about this civilization that was built by "the builders" to last for 200 years, on a huge generator power, deep deep underground. so, finally after 200 years, the power starts to go out and people don't know what to do. but there's this whole code thing and instructions on how to get out of the city, if the 200 years have gone by. so, leave it to these two teenagers and a small child to be the first ones out. but, the ending sequence where they are following the map and unlocking the next clues on how to get out, is really quite exciting.

and i felt the music did a lot for the film. there were some long shots without any dialogue of some 'big moments' and i felt the music really added a lot.

and Tim Robbins plays the teenage boy's father, who was bff with the teenage girl's father when they were young. and they had tried to get out of the city once before, and the girl's father ended up dying.

Bill Murray is also in it. he's good and pretty comical/evil.

so, yeah. basically i just wanted to give a short review as well as mention the crush on Tim Robbins. he's a handsome guy. i think he's one of those guys who looks better with age.

Andrew visited today! we did some song writing and some recording. i had written what i thought were nonsense lyrics yesterday morning at 3:30am, and mysteriously there is one part of the lyrics that fit absolutely perfectly in with the music Andrew had written. so, we laid down the track. and as i was singing the lyrics over and over, i realized that it was kind of a beautiful song. even though i'm not quite sure what it means yet.

it's called The Blue. andrew says he thinks the lyrics are "highly personal" and that they "have a sort of lonely longing" to them.

so, i think it will be another good cd. we finished 2.5 songs total. by next week we've got to have all our lyrics written. so, i've got to get on my game. i also have to write another rap. i can't quite think of a hardcore-enough subject yet to rap on. perhaps suggestions? the first rap i wrote was about a baby bird. and the second was about outer space.

right now, i'm thinking 'springtime'. i've kind of been coming up with some good lines.

anyways. i'm just now listening to some of me and andrew's old stuff. ha, the cover of that Nick Lachey song we did. What's Left of Me. i actually think it came out awesome.

not sure about my thursday plan. possibly library. definitely sleep.

tonight was rough. i was downstairs checking in with Cheryl. man, i just can't even explain how ridiculous some of this stuff is. so much lying and manipulation it drives me insane.

i vacuumed my rug this morning and it looks so awesome. i had to clean for andrew. i also used my new bathroom cleaner. it's the Green Leaf and Mandarin that Seventh Generation puts out. it smells so leafy and foresty! i wasn't going to buy a bathroom cleaner at all. i was just going to use the all-purpose cleaner for the tub and sink.

but my effing sink gets so gross like, the second after it's clean. seriously. it gets all grimy and disgusting. so, i figured maybe i need to actually buy a bathroom cleaner to clean it. it seems like a pretty normal sink. porcelin, or something. and old-timey sink. the hot and cold water come out of separate faucets.

anyways. enough of the grossness.

hm, okay. i think bedtime is near. gotta do a walk-through first, though. i have a very strong feeling there will be a conflict in the morning. actually, i'm pretty sure there will be. and i need to be ready and FIRM.

as the weather is becoming warmer i also have to be the 'appropriate clothing' police in the morning.

perhaps i'll fix my curtain tomorrow. add on the extra fabric to the bottom again. even though it's too short right now, i'm so freaking proud of it. i'll take pictures when it's complete.

OK! love you. have a great end of the week. any fun plans for the weekend?? me? no. probably being lonely. and maybe lazy.

goodnight friends.


28 April 2009

break through the mold

zac is so good at jumping off of things. i guess that's what people do when they're emotionally tortured.

i finished my medication homework for tonight! it was really interesting and informative. i like learning about all the different types of medicine, different ways to take them, proper storage and documentation. it went by really fast. i was almost going to do the work for next week, but then decided to watch High School Musical instead. a logical and natural evolution to the evening.

and i made a picture and hung it above my tv. this time it was from a shirt that said, 'let the sun shine'. i think i told you about it. i hung it by the windows where the sun shines in, duh.

now it's pretty cold in here. i've had that fan on all night and it's quite chilly. i like it. it feels nice. i might leave it on all night because i forgot how much i love having some sort of noise on constantly.

also, i forgot how annoying Gabriella is. and her little giggle. all she does is giggle and pout. and wear short little sundresses.

also, who knew Troy's best friend's name is Chad?? since when did that happen?? i didn't remember that at all. they kept saying his name and i was like, "who the heck is chad??" and all i could think of is CHaD, the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth. probably because i've lived in the hospital for the past two days. is that really his name?

did i ever show you pictures of the totes brillz Halloween costume i made for kara this past year?? i need to get those pictures. i hope she has them.

but, it was right after we saw HSM3 in the theaters and it was right before Halloween, and she was like, "if you make me a Troy costume, i'll wear it." so - I WAS ON IT. like white on rice.

bought red shirt, red gym shorts, white felt. spent hours drawing letters that spelt out WILDCAT. and BOLTON. and 14. hot glued them onto the shirt. it took allllll night. and she needed it done in one night because she was going back to school the next day. it came out AWESOME. like, i felt like a mom. and i rocked it.

did she wear it? no. i think i've seen her wearing the shirt sometimes to bed. ah well. but, the costume RULED.

wait a sec - now the events of that night are coming back to me.... i think i felt so inspired by the costume, i might have taken pictures of it with a magazine page pictures of Zac himself. did that happen? now i'm kind of thinking it did. yeah, i've got to get those pictures so i can show you.

anyways. i've got to get to bed so i can wake up for work. i can feel a power struggle with one of the girls happening in the morning. i have a feeling it will happen. i need my rest so i can be strong and firm.

ALRIGHT. sleep well friends. have lovely mid-week adventures. talk to you soon!!!!!!


extraction distraction

so, i forgot to mention the best part about last night!

i called my boss, Charlene, when i was on my way home, because she stayed at the house while i stayed at the hospital. and so, i called her at quarter to 2am and she said, "so, why don't i just finish the overnight, and since i'll be down here in the morning, you don't have to come down." NICE. so, i got to sleep in. and she said we would work on figuring out hours and everything later because she didn't want me to lose any time.

WHICH WOULD SUCK. because the overnight time is different than the day time. i really hope i don't have to use personal time because i was working until 2am.

anyways. so, went to bed at 3am. cell phone woke me up at 11:30.

"Julie, do you want to work this afternoon until around 4:30?"

i said yes. they just needed someone to bring a resident to her doctor's appointment and stay there with her. oh, and pick up another resident at the hospital and bring her home. ok, fine.

so, staff meeting was pushed back until 1 today. and we didn't really start talking about anything until 2. so, then i had to leave at 2:15.

here was the plan:

- bring GIRL 1 to her doctor's appointment
- drop her off and go pick up GIRL 2
- bring GIRL 2 back to the house
- go back to the hospital for GIRL 1's appointment

the appointment was at 3 and the scheduled pick up was at 2:30. nothing happened on time.

- i dropped GIRL 1 off at the appointment at 2:30
- picked up GIRL 2 just after, but of course they weren't ready and she still had an IV in and everything.
- leave the hospital at 3
- at the house by 3:15 (every red light. so much traffic)
- back at the hospital for 3:35

so, i felt really bad being a half hour late for her appointment. and so, i go to check in and tell them i'm here and they're like, "oh yeah! she's in a class right now."

and that's when i realized i had absolutely no idea what this appointment was for.

it was for her wisdom teeth! i walked into this class of kids and their parents and the doctor was explaining the wisdom teeth extraction procedure. it was funny.

and then after his presentation there was another presentation by the nurse. it was like,

soft, cold foods!
no sports for two weeks!
no mouthwash!
ice for ten minutes!
take your prescribed medication!

the whole thing seemed kind of lame. it just totally felt like a way for the doctors to make it a more personal experience or something. but like, a staged one. not a real one.

and then they individually went over each child's chart with them and their parents. they all thought i was "the mom." not sure how i feel about that. this girl is 16. i'm 23. really?

i had to sign a consent form saying that i was going to get GIRL 1 have her wisdom teeth out. and the LNA got pretty mad at me because i turned around and asked GIRL 1 if she wanted me to say 'no' or 'yes' in case of the need for blood transfusion.

LNA: No! She's only 16, she can't consent to anything! YOU need to decide, that's why I asked you if you could sign consent forms. Well can you?!?!

that just irked me. and then, she got mad at me again because i was taking too long to read the form. or, i WAS reading the form. i think she thought i was just there to sign things. OH NO.

LNA: Ok, just sign the bottom of this.
JULIE: Alright.
LNA: (walks away, then comes back.) Ok, just sign there.
JULIE: I know, I'm still reading.
LNA: (sits down in a huff)

seriously, she was in a huff. and then! she was upset that she had to fill out the "hannah house medical follow-up form," which we need to bring to every appointment. it was like, "you wanted me to sign all your forms, now you can sign mine!"

yeah, what a great personal experience. thanks, Dartmouth Hitchcock.

but! the lady that saved the whole day. Karen. the appointment setter/wisdom teeth secretary. she was GREAT.

we walk in,

KAREN: (in a thick long island accent) Hello hello! Come in, please. Alright, we're here now to set your appointment...(looks out the door at another lady) OH! IT WAS YESTERDAY!!
OTHER LADY: Haha! No, ours is on Saturday. We're all going to celebrate.
KAREN: Ok, count me in. (back to us) Everyone's just havin a birthday around here, you gotta celebrate the secretaries birthday's too, ya know. Ok, so when would you like to have your wisdom teeth out?
GIRL 1: As soon as possible.
KAREN: Ok. Please, sit down! Take a chair, pull up a chair, relax a little!! Ok, as soon as possible. Geeze, you've got beautiful lips. Doesn't she just have beautiful lips? Oh, you look so much like my neice. Paige. Oh, I love her but she's a little devil. A little disaster, that one. Not that I'm sayin you're a devil. Although, maybe you are, I don't know.

oh, she was great. i immediately wanted to be her best friend.

so after that, i dropped her off at school and went home. checked in downstairs for a while. there was lots of gossip. so much drama.

so then, i went to the upstairs office to check in with Diane. actually, i wanted to see Julie. the other Julie. to talk to her about the girl who was admitted to the hospital last night. but, Julie was already on her way to the hospital.

so, Diane called her cell phone for me and i talked to her. i just needed to know if she still needed me to bring up the list of things she needed. Julie thought no, because she had already brought things up this morning and then was bringing more then.

but, we actually talked for a while on the phone. i really like Julie. she had worked one-on-one for a while with (we'll call her GIRL 3) before she came to live here. so, they are really close. and Julie told me that when she went to see GIRL 3 this morning at the hospital, GIRL 3 told her how nice it was to have me there with her last night and how she was really happy we were able to have a conversation without me getting mad at her, or getting her in trouble. which has been most of her conversations with some other staff here.

and she told Julie that she thought "the two Julie's and Sue" were the only people there who liked and supported her. so, that felt really nice to hear.

and that's actually why i decided that i didn't mind taking her to the hospital last night. i knew how i would be with her, but i didn't know how another staff would. i knew that she liked me more than the other staff who would have brought her up, had i said no. so, i'm glad i made the right decision.

and then, Julie told me the best part. she said to me,

"it sounds like you really made a difference in her life last night."

wow, that was pretty much like the best thing to hear, ever. it actually made me a bit teary. that's like - the ultimate. ya know? like the thing that is above all things. making a difference. having it really mean something to another person, especially when they need someone to support them.

so, i felt really good after that. i still feel really good.

and then! i was telling Diane how hott it was upstairs and she was like, "here! borrow this window fan!!" yes! so, i got that going. i had to use the extension cord from my chandelier because there are no outlets in my bedroom. well, none near windows.

anyways. so, 6pm i finally got back upstairs.

oh, also, last night in the hospital, me and GIRL 3 were talking about her baby girl. the 10-month old who is so smart and beautiful. and she said,

GIRL 3: Whenever I hand her to you, your whole face just lights up!
JULIE: I love her!! She's the greatest baby.

so, that made me happy too. and also a little embarrassed. ha. oh, i love that baby.

alright. well tonight, i have a busy schedule. i have to do homework for my medications class. i was going to do it last night, and the night before. but, i ended up working. so, lots of reading.

also the bed bug guy came back today to reinspect. he did another treatment because he found one alive in the infected bedroom. so, that's just great. i haven't seen anymore up here.

also, tonight i got a phone call from Aer Lingus. the airline we're flying to Ireland. she said the flight times have changed and we're now also stopping over in Shannon. i said that was fine. thanks, bridget.

ok friends. i hope you are having a good day. again, too hott. one "bank sign temperature" display said it was 92 degrees. it was quite warm. i hate it.

andrew is coming to visit tomorrow. we're going to start work on a new cd. lyric writing and recording, i think. should be fun and exciting as always! i like making cds.

alright. hope your night is well. stay cool, san diego. i'll talk to you later.


27 April 2009

the rundown

for your records and mine, here's a rundown of my work schedule the past two days:

work 1-10:30
overnight 10:30p - 8a

work 8a - 2p
(off from 2 - 7:30)
work 7:30p - 2am

man. nonstop. it has been so crazy crazy busy here it's unbelievable. like, i feel so exhausted. physically and mentally.

monday was kind of a surprise work day. i didn't sign up to work until sunday evening.

so, i wake up at 6:20 monday morning to get ready for work. 6:45 downstairs for school. that went fine.

played with the toddler from 7-7:30. snake book. oh, we found that snake. then, i drove her to daycare and dropped her off. no hug goodbye. she saw her friends and ran off. such a little heartbreaker. i was like, "wait!!!! bye!!!!"

then, back to the house just in time for the huge delivery truck to pull in. just my effing luck. he only had four boxes for us today, which was nice. only one was really heavy. actually, no, they are all so freaking heavy. especially at 8am.

after that, i covered the house until around 10am. man, it was busy. a lot of phone calls. and i had to make a trip up to the hospital and i kept starting to leave and then something would make me stay.

so finally, i decided that now there wasn't enough time to go to the hospital before the WIC appointment. so, i would just bring all the stuff i needed and go after.

so, get the baby ready, put her in the car, and me and her mom go pick up another mom at the high school. we drive into "old west lebanon" to the church on maple street for the appointment. all very nice ladies working. i had never done a WIC appointment before, so it was a good experience.

after that, we made a trip to normal west lebanon to go to Wendy's. one of the girls was missing lunch at school. so, they got delicious food and we were off. back to the school to drop her off. back to the house to drop off the other mom and cutest baby in the world.

and then i could finally make my trip to the hospital. by this time it was noon. they had the hospital grounds patroled with guards handing out information about Swine Flu. ugh gross.

did my hospital business. totally rocked figuring out where to go.

back to the house by 1ish. sat in on meetings until 2 and then i left.

upstairs. ate some cookies. took a nap. did my timesheet. had to make some work phone calls. then, just after 7 i went downstairs to turn in my timesheet. checked in with my boss a little.

ended up volunteering to take someone to the emergency room. (we all know i don't mind waiting)

so, i had to go pick her up at the place where she was, and then we left. back to the hospital. we didn't have to wait long at all. which, for once, was too bad because the entire Dartmouth Varsity Rugby team was there!!!!!! oh, that was a sight for sore eyes. heck, if i were sick or bleeding in that ER, seeing those boys would have made me feel better. they were handsome.

apparently one of their team mates cracked a few ribs and they all came to visit. even the coach was there! it was great! they were like a family.

anyways, so then we were called in. they took us to a room off of the most horrible hallway ever. there was one guy whose hand had just gone numb, one guy with a knee injury, and this girl.

THIS GIRL. she was playing volleyball and somehow fell, hurting her knee and ankle. she was SOBBING the entire time she was there. omg it was awful. and she was yelling and swearing and refusing to practice her crutches. she had sprained her ankle, twisted her knee and had a tiny cut on her leg. but man, you would have thought her whole leg had fallen off. SOBBING. oh, it was misery.

and so, we were in this little room for a while. probably from 8:15p - 12:30a. then, we were moved to a room upstairs because they were admitting her.

actually, the room might have been downstairs. it definitely was downstairs because when i took the elevator to leave, i had to go up. but yet, when we were on that floor, we were high up. that hospital doesn't make any sense. i hate it. it's too big and too confusing. and clearly it is full of space and time warps, as i have experienced before.

so, i stayed with her until she was all set in her room. i finally left at 1:40am. got directions from the nurses to the ER parking lot. omg. which was horrible. because they were like,

NURSES: Drive safely! There are deer in the parking lots at nighttime!

OMG. i was horrified. DEER. luckily i didn't see any when i was leaving. i would have freaked.

anyways. so now i'm super tired. i didn't want to go to bed without saying goodnight. and updating.

tomorrow is staff meeting. i have to go down a little earlier to get some things ready so someone can bring them to the girl in the hospital.

k. i need to go to bed. i'll talk to you again later. goodnight. goodbye. sleep well. have good days. don't get that flu.


26 April 2009

house of reginas

they should seriously consider renaming Hannah House, Regina House. because this house is full of little Regina George's. little mean girls.

omg they are so tiring. everyone came back from vacation tonight. and i was the only staff working from 4:30-10. UGH. so much stuff. like, it was just busy and hectic and noisy. and i couldn't wait for the night to be over.

BUT. i'm working tomorrow morning until 12:30pm. yeah NOT excited about that. i have to do a WIC appointment and i've never done it before. there are two girls who have appointments at the same time, in (i think) different places. so, i'm going to give my boss a call in the morning and see what i should do. and if babies need to be present at these appointments.

and i'm seriously tired. i might just eat supper and go to bed. again, another night with no Zac. i don't think i could stay away for a movie. but a Gossip Girl? yes.

um, what's with this public health emergency thing? that really grossed me out.

so, tonight doesn't seem to be as hott as last night was. last night was brutal. i slept in shorts and a tank top, with no covers on and i was still sweating. it's supposed to be super hott all week.

ok. this is a quick update so i can do what i need to and get to sleep. my vacation's over. up at 6:30 again tomorrow.

well, goodnight friends. i hope you had a lovely weekend. miss you. love you.
