10 July 2010


Hello wonderful readers. Oh, you all are such lovely, generous people. I know this about you.

I have some friends who need some help. They are River City Extension. Please read this recently posted Myspace blog entry written by lead singer Joe, entitled, 'Let's Have A Sleepover.'

Hey everyone,

So tour is only 3 weeks away, and could not be more excited to hit the road. Unfortunately, there is a lot of us going, and it's a super expensive trip, so hotels are not an option for us. Basically, we're asking if we can sleep over. If you live in, or under an hour from any of the cities we are playing this August, we need to humbly request your floor space for an evening, before we shove off the next morning for the following date. If you're able to house us, or find someone who can, let us know. We will make sure you get into the show in your city free of charge, and get taken care of etc. Thank you, we love you all a lot, and look forward to seeing you this summer.


Yes, that's the same Joe who emails me back when I email him. From the one minute real-life group conversation I had with him in NYC, and from the emails he sends, he seems like a lovely person. They all seem like really lovely people. And they're super awesome because they're in River City Extension.


They need places to stay. And you right now reading this are a wonderful person. And wouldn't you love you have a super great band stay in your house? And give you free tickets to their show??? Yes, I think you want that.

You'd be super helping them out, and then getting free concert tickets in return. WIN. WIN.

So, here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to post their tour schedule RIGHT HERE IN THIS ENTRY and you will look and see if your city, or another city within an hour away, are on this list.

OK, let's do that now:

Jammin Java 6pm

Bowery Ballroom 7pm

Middle East Upstairs 7pm
(Ryan and I call this one!)

Northstar Bar 6pm

The Grog Shop 6pm

Pike Room @ Crofoot 6:30pm

Schubas 8pm

Triple Rock Social Club 5pm

The Vaudeville Mews - 6pm

The Marquis Theater 7:30pm

The Loft 6:30pm

The Loft 7:30pm

Emo's 9pm

The Ten Eleven Club 7pm

Conservatory 7pm

The Firebird 7pm

Mad Maggies 7:30pm

Rubbles Bar 9pm

Musica 7:30pm

Golden West Cafe 9pm

Championship 2pm

Dragonfly 6pm

Look at all those dates! Surely there must be someone reading who loves helping people as well as great music. Like, GREAT music. REALLY GREAT MUSIC. I sometimes can't stop listening to it. True story.

So, hopefully Ryan will be able to offer her apartment for the Boston show. I immediately texted her about it.

And - this will be totally cool when River City Extension is super famous. You'll be able to say, "Oh yeah, we had a sleepover with them!"


There are 8 members of the band. I'm sure they don't mind squishing together on the floor. And I'm sure you, right now, reading this, have some sort of floor in your house that is unoccupied during the night.

So - please help the band. Joe posted on Twitter, Myspace and Facebook, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to post here either :) The more eyes that read it - the better.

HERE IS A LINK to their Myspace page, where you can again see all the tour dates and purchase tickets. And their CD! Which everyone should have by now. If you don't have it - what's the deal?! Buy the CD. You don't even have to listen to the tracks first - I promise you'll like it. (That's a blog promise.)

IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW would be awesome and willing to house the band for a night, you can contact River City Extension via:


OR, you can contact me, and I'll contact them :)

You're all wonderful people. Thank you for reading!!!


"you wouldn't've jumped."

sooooooo hi.

guess what? i'm at work right now! which is where i always am. because i work here. and i live here. the baby just fell asleep, so i'm taking a minute to blog. because i've missed you all.

so, the last time i talked to you was a few days ago. i had just gotten back from court in Brattleboro. yep. ummm.... not much is going on.

i just finished watching Avatar. i started it last night and watched the last half hour this morning. i probably should't've done that because the last half hour is all war and battle scenes, which i didn't like, so it turned the whole movie sour.

geeze, it was just so loud! all the explosions and gunfire. i didn't like it.

overall, i thought the movie was okay.

(as with all cinema) i started the movie thinking, "this isn't going to be as good as Titanic." i generally think that about all things in life.

and - it wasn't. that i can be firm in my belief - it was not as good as Titanic. even in terms of storyline and dialogue, i thought Titanic was stronger. and, i can be unbiased about Titanic and say that the dialogue is not very good. but i thought the dialogue in Avatar was even worse. it just sounded so FAKE. like, it seemed like it was a struggle for the actors to even say it.

and then you read the credits and it takes like, an hour to go through all the names of the visual effects people. and then just, "written by James Cameron."

i was talking to Aliya last night and we were just generally talking about Avatar and she said,

ALIYA: If they had put even half of the effort into the script and storyline as they did the visual effects, it might have been a really good movie.

and i totally agree with her and couldn't have said it better myself.

YES, the visual effects were pretty incredible. i mean, everything looked REAL. like, REALLY REAL. just like it was happening in real life. REALITY. but it wasn't. and even that was kind of a bummer for me. it LOOKED real. but it WASN'T. none of it was! and in today's cinema where everything is based on a book, based on a poem, based on a play, based on a short story..... nothing is original anymore. and, even though this was an "original" (as in, same old plot that's in every movie) story, it still seemed so fake.

and i mean, Titanic was incredible because they actually BUILT everything and then destroyed it. and added in some effects afterward. i mean, tons of tiny and huge models.

i don't know. i guess i was just bored through it. i didn't really like any of the characters. i didn't even really understand what was happening until he actually went into the jungle. and even then, i still had questions.

it started and i sat down with Ruby and was like, "i don't even really know what the word 'avatar' means..." and so i was confused for the first like, half hour.

and then listening to Sam Worthington more and more it was like, "wait, has he been Australian throughout the whole movie?"

ALSO - i thought it was TOTALLY CREEPY whenever they would attach their ponytails to things to form that halo bond. the first time that happened it made me cringe. oooo yeah i didn't like that.

i REALLY LIKED the moment between (i don't even know their character names....) (um, hold on) ok, between Jake and Neytiri at the end when she saw him as the real person and not as the avatar. yeah. that part almost made me cry. it was really sweet.

and i like how everything was glowing at nighttime. that was super pretty.

Ruby Tuesday actually stayed awake for a lot of it. i think she maybe liked watching it? and hearing all the noises? the other movie she really seemed to be interested in was Coraline. so, maybe she likes digital films like that.

i like Coraline better that Avatar, just for the record.

ANYWAYS. so that's my review. slash rant.

OH!!!!!!! ONE MORE THING THAT I LOVED: there was a character named Trudy!!! just like in Titanic!! Trudy was Rose's maid! remember??? no, you probably don't. unless you're Maria.

i heard someone say 'Trudy' and i was like, "omg did they just say Trudy!? no, they couldn't've. noo.....OMG YES THEY DID!!!!!" it was very exciting.

ok. i think that's it.

i'm going to Maine tomorrow. just for the day. then back here for work tomorrow night.

SO! everyone take care! have a great rest of the weekend!!!! i'll talk to you all later :)


08 July 2010

"be better, my dear lady"

THAT'S the other lyric from River City Extension that i love. remember i was trying to think of it? i love how he calls her, a 'dear lady.' those are two lovely words. dear and lady.

oh, and speaking of River City Extension, guess who emailed me today?

UM, JOE. THE LEAD SINGER. yes. i returned from court today to find a lovely email from 'Joseph' in my inbox. i was so totally excited i had to keep reminding myself that i was at work so i couldn't freak out.

i had emailed him a while back to thank him for emailing me the bonus song, Ballad of Oregon. and i also included some other stuff, like how it was a bummer they couldn't make it to the Portland, ME show, how i loved reading their blog.... etc.

and he emailed me back again! ohhhh it was lovely.

and THIS, plus the Blood Feathers tweet, plus the tweet from Robert Schwartzman makes me feel pretty happy.

anyways. i was watching the baby sleep, but he's awake now and his mother is home.

going to court today was fine. super quick and easy. met a very attractive social worker, which was nice. the resident who i was bringing ended up driving back to the house with her dad, so i drove by myself. which worked out well because i listened to River City Extension the whole way!!! nice change from the Eminem cd we listened to the whole way there.

in other news: i think my toilet was fixed this morning. the executive director went up to my apartment and came down with some broken parts. and i know he went out to the hardware store after. so, i'm hoping it's fixed. that'd be great.

in other news: i bought a dress yesterday for $10 at wal-mart. it's hott pink with neon orange and purple. YEP. i tried to restrain myself from buying it. but i wasn't strong enough. $10! hott pink! and the purple in the dress matches my new purple nailpolish perrrrfectly. so it's a win win.

in movie news:

- i watched It's Complicated. loved it. laughed a lot. really loved the whole family dynamic. loved Meryl's house. loved everything.

- watched Leap Year. really liked it. pretty silly, but great. Amy Adams was totally beautiful, i thought. especially the middle part where her hair is in the ponytail and they kiss at the table for the first time. yeah, i thought she was gorgeous. i laughed SO HARD when she tried to pronounce the guy's name in the bar. his name is 'Eoghan,' which i knew from being in Ireland last year is pronounced 'Owen.' but, listening to her try and say it was so funny and made me think of how much fun we all had.

i also have Avatar with me, which, i am ashamed to admit - i haven't seen yet. I KNOW. please don't judge me. not sure if i'll get to watching it tonight because it's pretty long. and i'm pretty tired. maybe i'll start it? i don't know.

but, i'm doing pretty well, non-sleep wise. i've been at work for just about 10 hours. and i'm super ready to go home. hasn't been a busy day, but that trip to Brattleboro is like an hour and 15 minutes each way, so that's tiring. it was nice to split up the day, though.

BUT - yeah i'm ready to go home.

and i have 3 hours off - and then back to work!!!! i'm not sure what i'll do with my 3 free hours. probably hang out. i don't want to take a nap because i want to try to get back on a semi-normal sleep schedule. but, that may never happen.

ANYWAYS. i think that's it. hope everyone is having a great day!!! talk to you again soon :)



UNANIMOUS. well, almost unanimous. about the clothing choice. EVERYBODY chose the brown dress with white cardigan - WHICH I'M WEARING RIGHT NOW.

We had a total of 8 votes. 7 people chose the brown outfit and 1 person chose the brown, orange and teal plaid dress.

That's right now!!! Like, just a minute ago I took that. I would have a full photo shoot, but I'm at work right now and want to appear professional. Even though there's nobody else here.


THANK YOU for helping me choose my outfit for today! I admit, it was not what I would have chosen, and it surprised me that everybody picked it! And I haven't worn this dress in a long time. So, it's good that everybody picked it. I'm wearing it and thinking, 'why haven't I worn this dress in so long?' And now I remember that I like it, and will wear it more often! Great!

We leave for court in like, 45 minutes.

Anyways. Here's something else exciting!

So, the night last week where I watched all the episodes of Bored to Death, there was one episode that caught my eye. (i mean, they were all eye catching, as they all starred Jason Schwartzman.)

But! The 5th episode, 'The Case of the Lonely White Dove, in which Jonathan investigates his case out on Brighton Beach in this Russian nightclub, was particularly inspiring.

At one point, Jonathan (played by Jason Schwartzman) calls his ex girlfriend to invite her out to the nightclub because she has always wanted to go to Brighton Beach. His girlfriend, Suzanne (played by Olivia Thirlby) is shown here, answering his phone call while out walking her dog.

Now, please look very closely at the pictures, as there is something most awesome to notice.

and NO - it's not her totally hott, fashion forward HOTT PINK TRENCH COAT. It's her totally great PURPLE NAIL POLISH. I know it's super hard to see, but it's there. And it's awesome.

I saw it and thought, "HOLY CRAP why don't I have awesome purple nail polish?!!" I have a light purple shade, which is what I was currently wearing, but I didn't have a great shade like hers. So, I went out and bought some! And I'm wearing it now, and it's great.

Yep. I love that show. Can't wait for season 2!

So, last night I set my phone alarm clock for 7am, because I had to be at work by 8am. And, I finally fall asleep around 4am. Lame.

Did my phone alarm go off? No. No it did not go off. So, I woke up at exactly 8am! The time I was supposed to be at work. GREAT. It made me momentarily very stressed out. But, at least I knew what I was going to wear! I rushed getting ready, but still had time to straighten my hair. I THOUGHT I had turned on my coffee pot to make coffee, but I didn't.

So, I don't even have coffee. I think I'll stop on my way to Brattleboro.

But - yet another reason why I dislike my phone. WHY is the alarm so sketch? Or, the better question is why do I keep trusting that it will work when I need to be awake for important things?? Yeah, that doesn't make sense.

Hm. So yeah. I have my CD player alarm clock with me. What I should do, is burn a lullaby CD so I can play that in the CD player and then use my iPod alarm clock, which works great. Yeah. I should do that. Change my set up.

UUGGHHH I'm kind of DREADING going to court. I haven't been in such a long time. Probably a year. It just always makes me so nervous.


I got yet another awesome tweet from awesome people!!!!! From who, you ask?

BLOOD FEATHERS!!!!!! The totally great Philadelphia band who opened for Crash Kings when Ryan and I saw them in Philadelphia!

(We're headed to Boston in October. Help us get the word out. Love the Sweet Tea pic.)

AAHHHHHH SOOOO AWESOME!!!! A while back (like, early May, I think) I had sent them a picture of a sweet tea I bought because I felt like one after listening to their song, 'Sweet Tea.' Love it! But, I haven't tweeted them since! Yeah, that's pretty awesome.

So, I'm gonna start now:


Oh, I'm totally gonna get the word out. Remember when I had that 'Crash Kings on Jimmy Kimmel' sign at the top of this blog to promote Crash Kings on TV? I think I may construct a sign for Blood Feathers. I'm so excited!!

I also thought about putting up posters in Boston. But, it's a bit too early for that. Anyways - they can count on me. And maybe Ryan will help too!! Since, she'll actually BE in Boston.

So awesome.

Anyways, I should get going. It's 9:58am. We're leaving in like, 15 minutes.

I hope everyone has a great day! Please think of me when I'm freaking out in court. I'm working until 6pm, so I'm sure I'll talk to you later.

Until then, take care!!! Be well!! Stay cool!!

love, Julie

07 July 2010


this is like one of those, 'choose your own ending' blog entries!

I did this once before when I had to go to court and you all picked out a great outfit for me! Thanks again! And, now that I am scheduled to go to court TOMORROW, THURSDAY, JULY 8TH, I need your help again!

The courthouse is in Brattleboro, Vermont, and the last time I was at this courthouse, it was pretty casual. It should be a really quick thing.

WHICH OUTFIT, should I wear?!

OUTFIT #1: Dress, Gap. Navy blue dress with different sized flowers in different shades of purple. I would probably wear it with black leggings and my black flats. Probably bring my yellow cardigan in case of overpowering air conditioning. Maybe also wear with my pearls.

OUTFIT #2: Dress, Old Navy; Cardigan, Target. Halter-style brown dress with white detail. Would not wear a necklace with this dress. Not sure what shoes either... possibly my tan, open-toed platform shoes. My sparkly gold flats?

OUTFIT #3: Dress, Target; Cardigan, Old Navy. Here we have a brown, orange and teal plaid strapless summer dress with flowery design on the bottom. I would definitely wear this with brown leggings. For shoes, either the sparkly gold flats or the tan open-toed platform shoes. The thing that's special about this one is that I made a necklace especially to wear with this dress, so that's what I would wear.


Please respond with your selection in the comments section, or by the blog email address located on the left of your screen.


bummer thursday

i don't want to complain. but, i'm not excited about tomorrow. thursday. 7/8.

i'm working 10pm wednesday night until 6pm thursday. not only is that a long stretch, but i have to go to court in Brattleboro, VT in the morning. i'm not a fan of courthouses because they are just full of people who think they're better than you.

so, that will be a bummer time. plus, i have to look nice. and it's so hott that it might be kind of impossible to look nice. i'll probably wear a dress. if i remember correctly, the court in Brattleboro is pretty casual. maybe just a sundress and cardigan? ugh, i don't know.

anyways, so i'm working until 6pm. then i have 3 hours off. and then i work again, 9pm to 8am.


i've been working for 2.5 weeks straight. i guess i'm just not used to it, after having 3 straight months off. and i'll be working straight up until JULY 23, which is my first night off!!!!! and it's a good night off, because it's THE ROONEY CONCERT!!!!! AND HANSON!!!!!!

and then the next day is CRASH KINGS!!!!!!

well, i'll work for like, a month straight, and then i'll have 9 days off all really close to each other. and they will include most awesome things like:

- kara's birthday on 29 july!
- 4 crash kings shows
- 2 river city extension shows
- 1 rooney/hanson show

and i'm pretttyy sure i can get all those days off. i've been working out my vacation time and regular 2 nights off a month, plus the july 4th holiday.... and it should be enough!!!!!!

although, after the 8th of august i may not have another night off until september....

BUT, i am very positive that the after-excitement from all those awesome, amazing concerts will last a while. i can go pretty long on concert-high.

ALRIGHT. right now, i have to go to the dreaded wal-mart to buy shampoo and body wash. and then i have to go to the grocery store, i think. i'm hoping one of those places will have lavender oil. but, i might have to go to the drug store for that. or the health food store, which is closed right now.

anyways, sorry for my complaining a little. i have an pretty low-key job, which i shouldn't complain about. and i work with amazing people. and there ARE hours where i don't work. but the fact that i live at work is mostly a hard thing.


hope everyone is staying cool in both the 'not being sweaty' way and the 'keeping awesome' way.

have a great wednesday night!!!

<3, julie

04 July 2010

teacup humans


- did three loads of laundry
- finished season 2 of True Blood
- started season 3 of True Blood
- ate pie
- cleaned my oven
- cleaned my stove
- killed a hornet and two other creepy flying things with the help of Ruby Tuesday
- painted my nails purple
- cleaned out some drawers in my bureau

i had a good day. also, i checked my hair for lice and it's NEGATIVE!!! alright!! there's been a tiny outbreak in the house, which is why i've been having to spray the furniture and do head checks. and then i figured i should probably check my own head. it was also the motivation for washing all my sheets and towels in hot water. it needed to be done anyways.

i guess i'm not freaking out about the lice. the outbreak of bed bugs last year was pretty much the worst.

although, it would SUCK if i got lice.

um, let's stop talking about this.

let's talk about True Blood and how i watched all of season 2 in like, 3 days. no, maybe it's more like 5 days. that makes me feel better. there are only 12 episodes in the season. and MAN it's so good. like, crazy, though. at one point, during the season finale with all the crazy demon people and the demon witch lady with the claw hands i was just laughing like, "what the hell is going on!?!?"

but then it got scary and gross again and i got serious. i definitely think season 2 was grosser than season 1. but, i could still handle it. the part that grossed me out the most was during Bill's flashback to the 1920's when him and his maker were living together in Los Angeles and they kill that couple and drink their blood, and then there's just blood everywhere and they start having sex on the blood soaked bed. THAT part really grossed me out and i had to look away for a moment.

but i can pretty much handle it.

although you know who's hard to handle? um, Alexander Skarsgard. what a hottie! maaannn he's so tough and scary.... but then he smiles..... ahhhh it's so nice. and he's just so tall! he towers over EVERYONE! like father, like son, right?

remember when i was totally in love with his father - Stellan Skarsgard. who, i guess i'm still probably in love with. oooo yeah. i like those Swedish men. of course we all know Stellan as Bill from Mamma Mia! yep. the hott dad!!!

but, whoa. first Stellan and now Alexander. i think this is the first time i've had a crush on a father and son. i suppose it's kind of strange. you'd think i would have been in love with Alex first, and then his dad. but nope, opposite.

i mean, i've fallen in love with my fair share of brothers..... never a father and son before. it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

although, i don't know what i'm talking about. Alexander dates Kate Bosworth. but like i said to Kara in an email tonight, i'm pretty sure he has like, 5 younger brothers. :) yes please.

anyways. i might watch one more episode and then go to bed. i should go to bed now. it's 2:27am. hm. i'm not really tired.

oh! i forgot to tell you TWO awesome things!!!

1. yesterday at Dunkin Donuts i pulled up to the drive-thru window and the lady asked, "do you want a free magnet?" and i said, "sure!!" and i got a free Dunkin Donuts magnet!!! FOR FREE! it was great. and then she said, "are you driving a Prius?" and i said, "yes!" and she said, "oooo i want one of those!!" and i said, "it's pretty awesome." it was great. FREE MAGNET!!!!!

2. Kara's bakery had a pastry tasting over the weekend and since Kara is the head/only baker at the place, she baked everything for the tasting. AND - she was out in her bakers uniform during the afternoon and some guy comes over to her and tells her that she is the "best baker in New England." FOR REALZ. that happened!!!

instant recap: after eating Kara's baked goods, some guy tells her that she is the best baker in New England!!!!

NEW ENGLAND! that's SIX STATES! that means that maybe there is a better baker out there in the other 44 states, but probably not. it's that awesome?! Kara is becoming kind of a local celeb. also, she had someone special order a birthday cake and when they picked it up the lady said to her that she'd be calling Kara again because she does a lot of entertaining.

awesome! i'm so proud of Kara. she's a great baker, for serious.

anyways, that's pretty much all.

it's hottttttttt today. and i don't appreciate it. so, Earth, if you could speed up your rotation around the sun, that'd be great. let's get back to winter please. kthx.

alright! now it's 2:39am. ooooo i'm REALLY not tired. but i KNOW i should try and go to bed. but i REALLY want to watch one more episode of True Blood.

maybe i'll get into bed and watch an episode. that kind of seems like a halfway point.

also, i may or may not be coming down with a cold. i can't really tell. but i've been sneezing a lot. today my teeth and head hurt. and i've been having to put in eye drops like, 4 times a day.

i guess it could also be allergies since i'm pretty sure i've built up tolerance for my allergy meds.

whatever. anyways, ok. you all have a great week!!

TODAY, is 5 July, and it is my friend Ross's birthday! Happy Birthday Ross! i don't know if you're reading this - but i miss you. and i've been thinking about you a lot lately. i hope you are having a wonderful time doing whatever you're doing, and we should see each other soon. also, remember that time that you, me, and Rob sang 'Aicha' in the hallway of G1? like, we sang the whole song. and probably made fun of the Aicha kid. that was a fun time.

yeah, that link right there, you all should click on it. i can't tell you how many times i've seen that video. of that kid's homemade music video to 'Aicha.' MAN, that kid is a legend.

and oohhhh i miss college. i've really been missing my first year of college. that was a great year. all the years were great.

yeah. all the years were great. MAN i have great friends. and college was awesome. and i want to go back.

OK - I JUST DECIDED SOMETHING. i need to become Captain of the Airport Lounge. STAT. like, right now.

WHO is in charge of the Airport Lounge right now, because it's not me and it NEEDS TO BE. omg why haven't i thought of this before?!??!

i need to go back to Chicago and buy those airplane wings i saw in that cool vintage store with Kerianne!! what was that store...!!?!? Hollywood Mirror!!! was that it? yep. i need those wings. and i will also buy them for every Airport Lounge Flight Attendant.

OH MAN - i totally rocked that lounge when i worked there. now i can rock it again as Captain. YEP. this is my calling. what i was born to do.


1. the Airport Lounge needs a Twitter.

yep. rocking this already. also: CARDIGANS. yep. all the Airport Lounge Flight Attendants will wear cardigans. light blue ones. with orange name tags, and pilot wings.

alright. i'm gonna work on this.

now it's 3:04am. and i'm all excited thinking about the Airport Lounge. ohhhh i love that place.

yes, that tab is open to my livejournal. which i updated quite frequently while on shift at the APL.

oh wow, who designed that awesome sign?!!? UM, ME.

remember when there used to be all those clocks in the APL, just like a real airport? and under the clock set for Eastern time, it said this.

and it's me! wearing some adorable polka dotted hair accessory!! even during my 5-8am shift!!! hey, there were still people to impress during those late night hours.

. yep. it's coming on strong. it's a strong miss right now. like just after i graduated.

man i'm feeling very sad right now. but also very LUCKY and FORTUNATE that i had the absolute most best amazing time ever and met the most totally wonderful people in the whole world.

i miss Boomin Breakfast.

i have to go back. ♥

goodnight friends. i've enjoyed our time together tonight.

take care.