10 July 2010

"you wouldn't've jumped."

sooooooo hi.

guess what? i'm at work right now! which is where i always am. because i work here. and i live here. the baby just fell asleep, so i'm taking a minute to blog. because i've missed you all.

so, the last time i talked to you was a few days ago. i had just gotten back from court in Brattleboro. yep. ummm.... not much is going on.

i just finished watching Avatar. i started it last night and watched the last half hour this morning. i probably should't've done that because the last half hour is all war and battle scenes, which i didn't like, so it turned the whole movie sour.

geeze, it was just so loud! all the explosions and gunfire. i didn't like it.

overall, i thought the movie was okay.

(as with all cinema) i started the movie thinking, "this isn't going to be as good as Titanic." i generally think that about all things in life.

and - it wasn't. that i can be firm in my belief - it was not as good as Titanic. even in terms of storyline and dialogue, i thought Titanic was stronger. and, i can be unbiased about Titanic and say that the dialogue is not very good. but i thought the dialogue in Avatar was even worse. it just sounded so FAKE. like, it seemed like it was a struggle for the actors to even say it.

and then you read the credits and it takes like, an hour to go through all the names of the visual effects people. and then just, "written by James Cameron."

i was talking to Aliya last night and we were just generally talking about Avatar and she said,

ALIYA: If they had put even half of the effort into the script and storyline as they did the visual effects, it might have been a really good movie.

and i totally agree with her and couldn't have said it better myself.

YES, the visual effects were pretty incredible. i mean, everything looked REAL. like, REALLY REAL. just like it was happening in real life. REALITY. but it wasn't. and even that was kind of a bummer for me. it LOOKED real. but it WASN'T. none of it was! and in today's cinema where everything is based on a book, based on a poem, based on a play, based on a short story..... nothing is original anymore. and, even though this was an "original" (as in, same old plot that's in every movie) story, it still seemed so fake.

and i mean, Titanic was incredible because they actually BUILT everything and then destroyed it. and added in some effects afterward. i mean, tons of tiny and huge models.

i don't know. i guess i was just bored through it. i didn't really like any of the characters. i didn't even really understand what was happening until he actually went into the jungle. and even then, i still had questions.

it started and i sat down with Ruby and was like, "i don't even really know what the word 'avatar' means..." and so i was confused for the first like, half hour.

and then listening to Sam Worthington more and more it was like, "wait, has he been Australian throughout the whole movie?"

ALSO - i thought it was TOTALLY CREEPY whenever they would attach their ponytails to things to form that halo bond. the first time that happened it made me cringe. oooo yeah i didn't like that.

i REALLY LIKED the moment between (i don't even know their character names....) (um, hold on) ok, between Jake and Neytiri at the end when she saw him as the real person and not as the avatar. yeah. that part almost made me cry. it was really sweet.

and i like how everything was glowing at nighttime. that was super pretty.

Ruby Tuesday actually stayed awake for a lot of it. i think she maybe liked watching it? and hearing all the noises? the other movie she really seemed to be interested in was Coraline. so, maybe she likes digital films like that.

i like Coraline better that Avatar, just for the record.

ANYWAYS. so that's my review. slash rant.

OH!!!!!!! ONE MORE THING THAT I LOVED: there was a character named Trudy!!! just like in Titanic!! Trudy was Rose's maid! remember??? no, you probably don't. unless you're Maria.

i heard someone say 'Trudy' and i was like, "omg did they just say Trudy!? no, they couldn't've. noo.....OMG YES THEY DID!!!!!" it was very exciting.

ok. i think that's it.

i'm going to Maine tomorrow. just for the day. then back here for work tomorrow night.

SO! everyone take care! have a great rest of the weekend!!!! i'll talk to you all later :)


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