02 October 2009

about a hundred little words between you and me until there's no more

HEY. are you loving the new blog?? i am. like, a lot. i'm excited to see your 'lame, funny, awesome, really awesome' responses to the posts. i hope people use them!!!!!

alright, i wanted to post my schedule for this weekend. not sure how much time for blogging i will get BUT be hopeful because now i can POST FROM MY PHONE. my telephone. the cellular device. MY mobile phone can now post blog updates. it's so crazy i can't even stand it.

it was a pretty intense process to set it up. i had to text something to this specific number. they sent me 2 text messages back. then they created a separate blog online specifically for posts from my phone. and then i had to go in and merge that blog with this one. i think it should be pretty seamless. and i'm so freaking excited.

OK! my schedule:


8am - noonish: work
1pm - 2pm: free time. nap?
2ish - 4pm: drive to Jenny's house!!
4pm: arrive at Jenny's.
4:30pm: leave for BEN FOLDS concert!
5:30ishpm: dinner with Jenny.
7 - 7:30pmish: arrive at the Calvin!
8pm: MAKE OUT WITH BEN FOLDS!!!!! i mean....listen to him sing. and play piano. FROM THE 6TH ROW!!!!
TBDpm: concert ends :(
TBD: head back to Jenny's.


TBDam: wake up.
2pmish: depart Jenny's house. very sadly.
4pmish: arrive at Kara's house in Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
4pmish - 7pmish: hang out with Kara.
7pmish: depart Providence WITH Kara. drive back to Lebanon, New Hampshire USA.
9:30pm - 9:45pm: arrive back home.
9:45pm - TBD: hang out with Kara.


TBDam/pm: wake up.
TBDpm: hang out with Kara.
TBDpm: Kara drive back to Providence RI IN HER OWN CAR which has been at my house all week since breaking down, and then fixing itself.
TBDpm: be sad that Kara has gone.
10pm: back to work.

wow! what a great weekend. i'm soooo excited for every part of it. monday is the most up-in-the-air day, as you can see from the TBDs.

saturday morning i'm driving to Vermont again like i have for the past 2 saturdays.

AH i'm so excited. the last time i was at the calvin was for Hanson with kerianne. i believe that was the day i turned in my div 3. it was a great celebratory concert.

so. my goal for tonight is to be in bed by 2am. it's currently 1:41am. seeing as i'm not really the slightest bit tired, i don't see that working out.

the babies have kind of been fussy on the monitor tonight. and it's been really staticy. maybe because of the bad weather? it's raining pretty hard right now. i guess it's supposed to rain all weekend.

okay! i'm going to end this. i have some things to do before i go to bed. not terribly exciting things.

i hope everybody has a super awesome weekend! i will have a full report of all things awesome when i return. maybe.....sunday night? monday night? perhaps with these awesome new blog features you'll have so much fun you won't even notice that i haven't posted!!!! hey, that search feature could keep you up all night!!!!

ALRIGHT! love you all. take care.

RE:. Changes to the blog.

this is me posting from my mobile phone. Get ready. Things are about to get crazy.

"just like senior year, except for funner!"


this is an alert. a blog alert. high alert. hot pink level alert. the highest and most awesome alert there is.

there have been some changes made to the blog!!!! let's go over them so we are all on the same page:

1. you'll notice at the bottom of each posting there is an option to report to me on how you are feeling about the post. here are the options: lame, funny, awesome, really awesome. in that order. simply place a check mark in the box next to your thoughts on the posting, and we're in business! i haven't tried it yet. we'll see how it goes. i don't think you'll need to provide any personal information to do this, which i hope will make more people use it.

2. i have provided the blog email address for you. you'll find it near the bottom of the sidebar to your left.
that's the sidebar.

3. i changed my picture. it's me doing my pilot impression. hope you like it.

4. i added a search feature! this is awesome. you can search for anything in the blog that i have written about! OR, you can search through all the links that i have ever given you.

FOR EXAMPLE, if you wanted to read through all the times i have talked about the jonas brothers. you would simply type, jonas brothers, into the search bar and press search. then a window inside the blog will open up and give you all the links to entries featuring my mention AS WELL AS an option to view all the jonas brothers related links i have ever posted.

if we test this feature, you should get 3 pages of jonas brothers entries (yikes) and one link to the 'burnin' up' music video. awesome.

i'm really excited about these new changes!!!!!!! i hope it makes your blog-reading experience even more wonderful, because that's what i strive for.



tiny blog

:: i told myself i would not pick up any shifts saturday morning. but then i did. and now i'm working 8am - noonish.

:: just finished watching the most recent episode of Heroes. Sylar is once again bringing the laughs. ZQ should do a rom com. forget this sci fi stuff. what a hottie. they should turn the next Star Trek into a rom com and make it like a sitcom. put in a laugh track and everything.

:: i finally got into bed this morning at 4:41am. fell asleep around 5:15am. woke up at 6ish because that's when the babies woke up. and they're on my monitor. woke up again at 7:55am. the alarm went off. woke up again around 9:30am. my left thumb was throbbing in intense pain. i have no idea what was causing this. it hurt so bad i couldn't even believe it. i ran it under freezing cold water to try and numb it. i think i must have been still asleep while doing this because numbing my fingers isn't usually something i do. i ended up needing to take some ibuprof.

:: woke up wide awake around 1:10pm. i tried to go back to sleep, but i could not.

:: so, i had taken tomorrow night off as one of my two nights off a month that i get. but, things have changed in the house and there will be nobody here. so, it's a free night off for me. and i still have two nights off in october. i'm excited about this. i feel like i will probably need them towards the end of the month because i think it is going to be busy busy busy.

:: hopefully i will get to bed early tonight, so that i can wake up for work in the morning. and then not be so totally tired for the ben folds concert tomorrow. i'm so freaking excited.

:: but i know i won't be able to get to bed early. never once has it worked out.

:: Bill is my favorite on Freaks and Geeks. he makes me laugh sooo hard. i loved during the keg party when he wanted to watch Dallas. and then got totally wasted. that episode was really good. i can't tell if i'm rooting for Lindsey and James Franco, or Lindsey and Jason Segal.

:: i had no idea that Linda Cardellini was the main character! Velma from Scooby Doo!! Uncle Jesse's girlfriend on ER!!!

:: and Netflix isn't shipping my replacement disc until TOMORROW. saturday. so, i'm bummed about that. i'll have to go to the post office on monday to get it. don't let me forget.

:: ok. this is longer than i wanted it to be. i'm going to end it.

:: have a great weekend! i'll update again tonight with my super busy, super awesome weekend schedule and plans.


the moon hangs in the window like a broken promise

one of my favorite things to say when i see the moon. maybe you've heard me say it. maybe you haven't. but, now you have. do i know what this quote means? no. does it really matter? i don't think so. i just like saying it.

and so i just glanced out the window just before starting this and saw the moon glowing through one of the window panes. and the clouds are all lit up around it. i can usually watch the moon move across the sky at nighttime from my couch. it's been nice.

today was good. i slept from

HOLY CRAP. my light just blew out in the kitchen and it scared me really bad. it made this loud popping sound. YIKES.

"well look at that. you blew out my light."

yeah, i just quoted Meryl Streep.

let's try this again.

today was good. i slept from 4am to 6am. was awake from 6am to 6:20am. then back to sleep until 11:30am when my alarm went off. then back to sleep until 12:30pm which is when i got up.

i had kind of this horrible dream where all i wanted to do was throw really large rocks at people. specifically, musicians. and, as much as i hope it is some kind of metaphor for "rocking out," or "rocking hard," i think i just wanted to be mean. but, it was gross because some people would be walking around with big chunks of their head missing from where the rock had hit them.

i'm guessing this is maybe coming from the frustrating night at work i had on wednesday.

thursday night at work was better. i came downstairs and all me and Courtney had to do was play with an 18 month old. we played with Elmo blocks. and a toy bike. and a train. and we made up a dance to the book 'Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.' which is a great book about the letters in the alphabet climbing up a coconut tree.

then the 18 month old's little sister woke up. she is 7 months old. i went to her crib to get her and she was still waking up. it was so cute! i picked her up and brought her out to the living room where we sat in a big comfy chair together. this baby is awesome. she does this thing where she holds her hands together and sucks both of her thumbs at once.

so like, imagine the absolute sweetest thing in the whole world. the most cute thing ever. and then get that image out of your head because until you see this baby sucking her thumbs, it's absolutely impossible to try and imagine how sweet it is. it's the best thing ever. and, we've all known this baby for a few weeks now. and every time she does it, we all look at each other and go, "awwww!"

so we sat in the chair together. she was still sleepy and still waking up. but then she fully woke up and was hungry. so, i made her a 6oz bottle. she was very excited about this and drank the bottle while intently watching the ceiling fan.

then her mom came home.

then we all had macaroni and cheese together. it was really good.

there were really no problems tonight. ahhh, wait. yes there were. scratch that. lots of slamming doors and stomping around. yeah, that was pleasant.

overall, a better night than wednesday. and towards the end, most of us were just sitting around in the office hanging out. that was fun.

then i came upstairs. Ruby had her supper.

and then something sad happened. i went to go put in my second disc of Freaks and Geeks, and it wouldn't work. at first i assumed it was because the disc was dirty. so, i took it out and looked at it. and there was barely a scratch anywhere. so, i cleaned it anyways. and put it back in the dvd player. nope, nothing. it wouldn't even recognize that there was a disc in there.

so, i put in another disc. that worked fine.

so then i took the Freaks and Geeks disc and said, "well, i'll try it in the computer." and it worked! the computer recognized it. my computer. so, i sat very still for a few minutes to see if the computer would actually play the dvd. normally if there's a disc in the laptop and i breathe too hard, the disc stops playing. it's awesome. but not really.

so, it had been like, 5 minutes and the dvd menu was still playing. still going strong. so i said, "okay, i'll just go make my tea and then come back to it!" so, i very gently picked up the laptop, and as soon as i did, the dvd stopped. UGH i was upset. and i knew that i could try and put it back in, but that it would probably be stopping every 2 minutes.

LUCKILY, i had one more episode of Veronica Mars to watch. but, alllllll day i had been planning on Freaks and Geeks!!!! and Courtney is very excited that i am watching it. and, one of the residents was also very excited to learn this! apparently, she loved the show.

so, i reported the disc as unplayable on Netflix and requested another. but it sucks because i am supposed to get disc 3 of Freaks and Geeks on friday! and i won't be able to watch it like i had planned, because i won't have seen disc 2. UGH.

the last episode of Veronica Mars was good. there was one part where i laughed really hard. but now i can't remember what it was.

and then after Veronica Mars i thought, "hm, what else can i watch?" and then, naturally, decided on some episodes of Jonas. there were many parts where i laughed really hard.

MACY: Ok, meet me in the gym after school.
STELLA: ..........
MACY: The big red building next to the school?
STELLA: That's the school dance building.
MACY: Also known as 'the gym.'


JOE: I have to get myself into detention.
NICK: Just don't turn this into one of your big productions.
JOE: Kevin, get me a blue print of the school.
KEVIN: Why would I have one of those?
JOE: Ok, get me a scale model.
KEVIN: You got it!

those boys!!!! AH!! i love them a lot. Macy and Stella are two of their friends. Macy is a huge Jonas fan. Stella and Joe are not-so-secretly in love with each other. i just love when Stella says, "that's the school dance building." haha. i laughed really hard.

anyways. it's currently 4:04am. past my bedtime.

i just want to be friend with the Jonas Brothers. i don't want to date them collectively.

JONAS BROTHERS: just friends.
HANSON BROTHERS: date collectively.

except that would be weird seeing as they are all married and have really beautiful babies. Taylor posted a picture of him and his daughter Penny at a taylor swift concert last week. omg she is gorgeous.

i'm really happy i have nothing to do on friday. today.

ok, so from the beginning of this entry, up until right now, the moon has moved an entire window pane length downward. awesome, right?!

i think i may watch Heroes today.

my feet are really hott right now. i turned off my AC in the living room because it was freezing when i came home from work. but now i am pretty hott.

and i turned the AC in my bedroom from high to low. fall is coming!!!!! i'm always really hott at night, but super cold in the morning.

so, i discoverd something scary and horrible tonight. i was on the Rooney web page and saw a posting for a concert they will be doing at WELLESLEY COLLEGE in november. sounds awesome, right? NOT RIGHT. because apparently it's a "students only" show.

immediately my first thought was to google, "wellesley college fake id." but, i haven't done that yet.

so, i did the next step. went onto the website. read the show information. downloaded a campus map. picked out the closest visitor parking lot to the venue. and then read their policies on campus events.

it was kind of scary reading some of the Wellesley rules. like their rules for putting up posters around campus. MAN. and for taking nude pictures on campus. for serious. there is a rule about that. (it's not allowed in public places because of a strict Massachusetts law against public nudity.) and then i thought, "does hampshire college know about that law?"

and as i was reading allll the semi-crazy sounding wellesley rules i thought, "do i really want to be seen at this college for a rooney show?" and then i thought, "yep."

so, i'm still hoping for ANOTHER boston tour date. i'd rather go to a music venue than an all-women's college for a Rooney show. just imagine all those swooning women!!!!! aahh!!

ok. 4:22am. i'm not feeling tired. i could probably ramble a lot longer.

RUBY TUESDAY just woke up!!!!! i love when she wakes up from her evening naps!!! she trots into the living room all sleepy and squinty eyed. then she stretches on the floor and jumps up onto my lap. which is where she is now!!!

i was thinking more about Entourage today. when was i writing about that? last night? wow that seems like forever ago.

alright. maybe i'll try and go to bed. i have allllll day tomorrow to blog. and look up ways to sneak on the wellesley campus.

have a great friday! any awesome plans for the weekend?????? i do!!!! BEN FOLDS WITH JENNY!!!!!! i'm so excited.

alright. i'll talk to you later on. hope your day is wonderful!


30 September 2009

kidnapped babies and stolen sex tapes

another nail biter night of Veronica Mars!!!! yikes a bee. goodbye meg. goodbye deputy leo. hello wallace. goodbye duncan and baby?? THAT was a twist episode.

i'll miss Leo. he was a cutie. and i was really sad about Meg.

anyways, enough about Veronica Mars, more about me.

so! my night at work was go go GO. it was the most non-stop crazy frantic hectic frustrating night ever. probably not ever. but, it was up there. at the end of the night, once everyone was in their rooms, Courtney and i finally had a chance to debrief. slash vent. we were both getting frustrated at the same things. i actually have to email courtney tonight. i can't forget to do that.

so yeah. crazy. i was super tired from everything. it's soooooooo draining! at the end of the night courtney, jamie (the intern) and i were like, "ahhh!! we can't wait to go home!!" and then i was like, "wait a minute.....i still have to work!!!!! unfair!!!" i'm already at home because work IS MY home!

anyways. i've got the baby monitor on right now. it's been pretty quiet. some tiny whimpers every now and then, but nothing major.

OH!!! i can't forget to tell you what i've been meaning to tell you.

SO! you'll never guess who came to visit me the other night!!!!!!! are you guessing??? are you full of suspense so much that you just can't take it anymore?!?! oh alright, i'll tell you!

it was the Window Police Pro virus!!!!!!! ya know, just droppin' by for their weekly visit. i just went to go look online at some bus schedules for Kara, and they just showed up unannounced! i thought, "well now that's not very polite." i was gentle, but firm with them, and they didn't stay very long.

for serious - this is like, the fourth or fifth time in like, a month, that i've gotten this virus. i am getting pretty freaking sick of it.

and on top of that, this last time must have done something to my laptop, because i've been having trouble opening things. like, i can't open the 'add or remove programs' thing. or, anything else in the 'control panel.' and then today, i found out i couldn't double click on the time to open up the calendar. that was annoying.

and now i just don't know what to do. i think i have to majorly start saving for a new laptop. like, now.

i also did some big. something really big. i put my faith and trust in my external harddrive, and i deleted some files on my computer. i had absolutely NO space left on my C drive. like, none at all. and i had to do something about it. so, i hooked up the old exteral. made absolutely sure that i had these files copied. and then deleted them from my C drive. i hated doing it. but it had to be done!

i was sooo reluctant to do this since my last external harddrive crashed and i lost a lot of stuff. mainly pictures and videos. but still! that stuff was memories.

but! i did it.

i got another head of lettuce today from work. the outside leaves were all wilty, but i was still excited. i was less excited when i asked the girls if there was any lettuce or tomatoes in the box and they replied,

JULIE: Is there lettuce or tomatoes in that box?
GIRLS: What does lettuce look like?
JULIE: .....It's green. Leafy......
GIRLS: Um, yeah, maybe there's some.
JULIE: What about tomatoes?
GIRLS: Um, there are some round things. They're either tomatoes or apples.
JULIE: ...Okay...
GIRLS: Or onions.

this made me very sad. they didn't know what lettuce looked like. it's just.....like....i can't even.......what?!?!

so it's currently 2:51am. i'm thinking i should try and get to bed early because i have to be up early today. early like, 11am or noon. today i tried to get up at 12:30pm and didn't get up until like, 1:45pm. i didn't get to sleep until 4am.

but i have to go to the post office. and then MAYBE run to wal-mart. but, probably not. it's either tomorrow or friday.

ok. i'm going to bed. i'm tired. i had a long day. i WILL fall asleep.

oh! i'm very excited because Rooney posted their first tour date!!!!!! december......1st? i think. or, 4th? in sunny Denver, Colorado!!!! i wish it was Boston. but, it's a good sign they are posting dates!!!

today i was thinking about how much i miss Entourage. i miss my friends. i miss Ari Gold. and Lloyd. and Drama. Turtle. E. Vince. i can't wait until the next season is out on DVD. i wish i had HBO. i think i would use it.

also!!!! i was thinking today about the new HBO show Bored to Death. and how much i like it. i was able to secretly watch the second episode on youtube!! there is some saint of an hbo subscriber who vows to put every episode on youtube. so, i was able to see episode 2!! it rocked. Kristen Wiig was in it. she was great. Jason Schwartzman is also great. and! Ted Danson. he is awesome. he's really good. the show is so funny. i think everyone would like it. and the music in the show is hip. AND THE THEME SONG, well, i mean, what can you say? it's awesome.

oh! back to Veronica Mars. Sheriff Don Lamb reminds me of Andy from Weeds. yep. i said it. i still can't figure out who Keith Mars reminds me of. i had it once, but i lost it. if anyone else can tell me who he reminds you of, that might be helpful. he's such a great guy.

ok. 3:05am. now it's time for bed. have a great thursday. it's OCTOBER THE FIRST. when did this happen?!!? i really like october. kate winslet and zac hanson both have birthdays. and if that's not reason enough to love it, it's also the month where sometimes it snows, and it usually gets cold!! awesome.

hey!!!! do you all know what today was?!!?!? 30 september?!?!?!? wow. i can't believe i just remembered this. it was the day i had my interview for Hannah House! wow!!!! one year ago yesterday was the first time i came up to this area. with Maria!!! we had a great day exploring Vermont and then meeting up with Josh at Dartmouth.

and what a better way to celebrate than a frustratingly bad day at work!!!! fantastic.

i guess it's kind of an epic landmark. my interview for my first real job after college. i move to a different area. meet new people. do something totally out of my field..... have no social life whatsoever.

3:14am. ok. i've put this off long enough. well, not long enough. i could go for a while longer. but i'm going to use restraint!! and make myself go to bed.

i don't know why i put off going to bed so much. because i LOVE going to bed. same with food. sometimes i'll put dinner off until like, midnight or 1am. but i love food!!!

aw crap i meant to do more laundry tonight. it's too late now. tomorrow. you know what they always say,

why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? and if you die tomorrow, then you spent your last day on earth doing laundry.

love that saying. it's from a great scholar. a brilliant mind! genius, some might call him. but we all know him as Jimmy Fallon.

ok! 3:18am. i've put off ending this for like, 20 minutes now. GO TO BED. okay, i'm going to bed. NOW. okay, i'll go now.

goodnight friends!!!! i'll talk to you later!!!!! have wonderful days!


why the heck not?!

so i am picking up shifts in October like IT'S NOBODY'S BUSINESS. like it's going out of style.

and like, i'm picking them up because i have nothing better to do. other than blog, of course. but i'm just realizing that with a new baby due any day now, and with the two little girls moving into the house this weekend, there could be an overlap of overnight monitoring. meaning, i could be sleeping with 2 different baby monitors in my room?!!??! monitoring three different babies at once!? one of them being a newborn.

that might get crazy.

at least all the shifts i have picked up begin at 1pm or later. that means i could at least sleep from 8am until like, noon.

i don't know why i'm telling you this.....i guess i'm just thinking out loud. i should be getting ready for work tonight! 3:30 to 10pm. and then 10pm to 8am. and then again 3:30 to 10pm. 10pm to 8am. and then friday i have off!!!!! and then SATURDAY IS BEN FOLDS! soo excited.

anyways. ok. i have to go.

REMIND ME to tell you about the latest virus and the trouble i am having getting things to open on my computer. don't forget!!!!!

i'll talk to you later. have a great evening!!!


(3:08pm - wednesday.....30? september.)

29 September 2009

ahoy there sparky!

i'm feeling kind of spooked out tonight. i don't really like it. and the episodes of Veronica Mars that i watched didn't really help any. i REALLY didn't like seeing the school bus after it was brought up from the dive it took off the cliff. (there was a school bus crash) that was disturbing to see the bus all crushed and broken. it reminded me of the scene (that i hate) in The Dark Knight when we see the fire engine ablaze. that also really disturbs me every time i see it.

the other part in Veronica Mars that i really didn't like (and made me teary) was when they opened up the closet to find the girl sitting there. WOW that was freaky. and HORRIBLE. omg i hated that. (it was a child abuse case)

tough stuff tonight.

but man do i love Keith Mars. he reminds me of someone and i can never figure out who. he's such a great guy!

in other news...let's see. i took a nap today. i got off work at 5:30pm. came upstairs. called my mom. had a bowl of cereal. talked to kerianne on the phone for a while! i hadn't talked to her since ireland! and then i got off the phone and after some texting to kara i said, i think i'll take a nap. and so i slept from 8pm to 9:35.

then i went downstairs to check in. all is well.

and! this is great news for me - i DO NOT have to wake up early ANYMORE! our resident who i was getting up for schoo with, is no longer going to school at that early hour! AND, there will now be an 8am staff coming in everyday, meaning i don't have to cover 8-9am.

i know this was a few extra hours a week that i was picking up. but it just made sleeping so weird. or, weirder than it already is for me.

today in birthing class we were talking about newborn sleep schedules. and the staff who teaches the class, also named Julie, was saying that newborns tend to be more awake at night, and sleep during the day. and sometimes it takes a little while to get them on a "normal" schedule.

so, i asked her why this was. and she gave us her own theory, and that's because before a baby is born, many women say that the baby is most active at nighttime, and there is less movement during the day. Julie thinks this is because when a mother is up and walking around, the baby inside is like, being swayed and rocked as they move around. so, it puts them to sleep.

but when the mother say, lays down to go to sleep, the movment stops, and the baby wakes up.

she also said that babies don't usually like bright lights or loud noises, so they go to sleep during the day and prefer to be awake at night because it takes them a while to realize that dark means sleep and light means awake.

and i thought to myself, "wow. i am just like a newborn baby!" sleep during the day. awake at night. either a newborn or a vampire. but i also don't like bright lights and loud noises. i also thought to myself, "i wonder how long it takes a baby to realize that dark means sleep and light means awake? does it take, say, 23 years?"

so, while on the phone with my mom tonight i asked her what my sleeping schedules were like when i was a newborn. and she replied with, "oh, you were up all the time." apparently i never wanted to go to sleep. until i was about 10 weeks old, and then i started sleeping in longer amounts of time.

but my mom said that i have always had trouble sleeping and my sleep schedule has always been messed up, even since i was a baby.

IN CONCLUSION, it's currently 3am and i am officially self-diagnosing myself with DSPS. or, delayed sleep phase syndrome. it occurs in about 3 out of 2000 people.

yep. there it is. i read through it all and pretty much everything sounds about right. here are some of the jobs people with DSPS would be good at:

"security work, work in theater, the entertainment industry, hospitality work in restaurants, hotels or bars, call center work, nursing, taxi or truck driving, the media, and freelance writing, translation, IT work, or medical transcription."

medical transcription!! taxi driving! call centers!! i have found my calling. um, but please notice the first: security work. like, my dream job to be a security guard at a major hollywood studio lot? YEP. although, i bet you see the most celebs in the daytime. CRAP.

also! i've been meaning to tell you about this other job that i think i want to have. OK, so you know how if you buy a tv series on dvd the episodes are split up over a certain amount of discs? right. and you know how they always leave the super big cliff hangers for the last episode on the disc? I WANT TO BE THE GUY who decides where to leave the viewers hanging!

be like, "yeah, make this episode the last one. that'll kill them!" UGH. person who decides that - i hate you, but i want to be you. it MUST be a person. i don't think they just break it down by simple math. 4 episodes per disc, over 6 discs, at 45 minutes at episode.....or whatever. NO!! there must be some.....Cliffhanger Conspiracy. yes! that's what i'll do my freelance writing about. the Cliffhanger Conspiracy.

what was the other conspiracy book i was going to write? ah yes,

The Shutter Island Scandal and the Effect is Has on the Future of the Academy Awards as it is related to American Cinema today.

Hollywood Scandels and the American Public.

wow, that's like, three books. i'll write books about made up hollywood scandels that i invent in my head while i cannot sleep due to my sleep disorder. great! bestseller!

the entry about the Shutter Island scandel was the entry where i layed out my plan to become president. of both the country, and "the academy."

doesn't hurt to dream big, am i right?

what else can i tell you.

i was in Hartford, Vermont today, which is a place that technically i have never been too. i'll tell you why this is 'technically.' BECAUSE, the creepiest and more curious town in the whole world, White River Junction, VT, is a little town INSIDE Hartford, Vermont. and, i have been to WRJ, but never actually been to the outside town of Hartford.

so actually, maybe i have technically been to Hartford. or, i technically haven't. ??? i don't know.

EITHER WAY, i went there today. and i had never been there before. and to get to the place i was going, you had to drive past this motel. The Shady Lawn Motel. we drove past it and all i could say was, "wooowwww....look at that place.." it looks like the creepiest place in the world. the name of the motel, is featured on stilts built onto the roof. it's amazing.

and, you just kind of come upon this place. it's like, we were driving down this tiny vermont road, with leaves blowing in the streets and all these cute country houses. and then there's this place! crazy.

and then! even better than this place - is the highway overpass that pretty much runs above it. you probably can't tell from those pictures on the website. there are the most giant overpasses i have ever seen in my life. they were probably like, 15 stories in the air. again, out of nowhere.

and then after this brief creeper section of road, it returned to it's normal cute country image.

so strange.

Vermont, however awesome it may be, is kind of a strange place. odd happenings in vermont are no surprise to me. and hey, we love them for that, right?

anyways. it was very blustery today. and cold. but now i am hott. my feet are really hott and i have them in front of the air conditioner. it feels really nice.

Ruby just woke up from her little snooze. she'll have something to eat now and then go back to sleep when i do. which, will be soon. it's 3:36am.

i had a nice nap. it was even nicer because i kept forgetting to hit snooze, so the alarm would go off like, 4 times. then it would stop for ten minutes. then go off 4 times. repeat. because i had my cell phone alarm clock instead of my normal ipod one. and, it plays my ringtone, which is West Coast. it was nice. i got to hear the chorus like, 80 times. because i had originally set my alarm for 8:40pm. but, didn't actually get up until 9:35pm. eh, that's okay.

tomorrow night i have Freaks and Geeks. and then the next night more VM. what a great week!

ok. i can't tell if i'm getting tired. but i think i'll go to bed. i'm working wednesday night 3:30-10pm. same on thursday. i'm happy because i am working with Courtney both nights. and the intern Jamie will also be there. she's really nice too. from Colby Sawyer.

alright friends! what have you been up to??? anything fun and exciting? or, everything fun and exciting??

have a great mid-week!!!! talk to you all later!


28 September 2009

plus expenses

ok, i just wanted to do a quick update to fill you in on my busy week. it's getting busier by the minute.


8am - 9am: work
10:15am - 11:30am: work
12:30pm - 3:30pm: staff meeting
3:30pm - 4:30pm: birthing class
4:30pm - 10pm: work


3:30pm - 10pm: work


3:30pm - 10pm: work

yikes. that's a full workweek. well, it's only 3 days. i just wanted to let you know where i'll be.

ok. it's 2:10am. i have to get my clothes out of the dryer and then i'm going to bed.

i'll talk to you later. maybe tuesday evening at work.
