29 April 2009

lucky susan

so, i think i have found a new celebrity crush. mr. tim robbins. i think he's super handsome and has got a very nice voice.

the reason i say this is because i just finished watching City of Ember. this is one of the series of movies released last summer that i thought they should make theme park rides out of. i decided to rent it because i had remembered thinking it looked good and pretty interesting.

it was very good! and very interesting!! i haven't read the book, which i'm sure explains much, much more. at times the movie felt rushed and jumpy. like, in the beginning and in the end. i definitely feel like there were parts in the movie they could have cut out and used the time for explanation purposes.

so, the movie is about this civilization that was built by "the builders" to last for 200 years, on a huge generator power, deep deep underground. so, finally after 200 years, the power starts to go out and people don't know what to do. but there's this whole code thing and instructions on how to get out of the city, if the 200 years have gone by. so, leave it to these two teenagers and a small child to be the first ones out. but, the ending sequence where they are following the map and unlocking the next clues on how to get out, is really quite exciting.

and i felt the music did a lot for the film. there were some long shots without any dialogue of some 'big moments' and i felt the music really added a lot.

and Tim Robbins plays the teenage boy's father, who was bff with the teenage girl's father when they were young. and they had tried to get out of the city once before, and the girl's father ended up dying.

Bill Murray is also in it. he's good and pretty comical/evil.

so, yeah. basically i just wanted to give a short review as well as mention the crush on Tim Robbins. he's a handsome guy. i think he's one of those guys who looks better with age.

Andrew visited today! we did some song writing and some recording. i had written what i thought were nonsense lyrics yesterday morning at 3:30am, and mysteriously there is one part of the lyrics that fit absolutely perfectly in with the music Andrew had written. so, we laid down the track. and as i was singing the lyrics over and over, i realized that it was kind of a beautiful song. even though i'm not quite sure what it means yet.

it's called The Blue. andrew says he thinks the lyrics are "highly personal" and that they "have a sort of lonely longing" to them.

so, i think it will be another good cd. we finished 2.5 songs total. by next week we've got to have all our lyrics written. so, i've got to get on my game. i also have to write another rap. i can't quite think of a hardcore-enough subject yet to rap on. perhaps suggestions? the first rap i wrote was about a baby bird. and the second was about outer space.

right now, i'm thinking 'springtime'. i've kind of been coming up with some good lines.

anyways. i'm just now listening to some of me and andrew's old stuff. ha, the cover of that Nick Lachey song we did. What's Left of Me. i actually think it came out awesome.

not sure about my thursday plan. possibly library. definitely sleep.

tonight was rough. i was downstairs checking in with Cheryl. man, i just can't even explain how ridiculous some of this stuff is. so much lying and manipulation it drives me insane.

i vacuumed my rug this morning and it looks so awesome. i had to clean for andrew. i also used my new bathroom cleaner. it's the Green Leaf and Mandarin that Seventh Generation puts out. it smells so leafy and foresty! i wasn't going to buy a bathroom cleaner at all. i was just going to use the all-purpose cleaner for the tub and sink.

but my effing sink gets so gross like, the second after it's clean. seriously. it gets all grimy and disgusting. so, i figured maybe i need to actually buy a bathroom cleaner to clean it. it seems like a pretty normal sink. porcelin, or something. and old-timey sink. the hot and cold water come out of separate faucets.

anyways. enough of the grossness.

hm, okay. i think bedtime is near. gotta do a walk-through first, though. i have a very strong feeling there will be a conflict in the morning. actually, i'm pretty sure there will be. and i need to be ready and FIRM.

as the weather is becoming warmer i also have to be the 'appropriate clothing' police in the morning.

perhaps i'll fix my curtain tomorrow. add on the extra fabric to the bottom again. even though it's too short right now, i'm so freaking proud of it. i'll take pictures when it's complete.

OK! love you. have a great end of the week. any fun plans for the weekend?? me? no. probably being lonely. and maybe lazy.

goodnight friends.


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