19 December 2010

Episode 531: I haven't updated in a long time.

i realized i haven't updated in a long time. i am sorry for this. i got a text message from Kerianne the other day, saying that she needed a blog entry.

it has been a long time.

i don't know. i've been in this kinda weird mood this past week. i would say overall i've been kind of melancholy. i guess it's the holiday season and everything is colorful and cheery, and i've just been feeling kind of weird about something, which i think is emphasized even more this time of year.

anyways. let me tell you about my town.

Berwick, Maine. generally a low-key, nothing is happening town. but recently, i've discovered there is a giant lake kind of near my house, and i plan on discovering it. on Google maps, it's called Murdock Lake, but apparently the locals call it 'Hatfield Pond.' two completely different names. i prefer Murdock Lake, because of the similarity to the character in Titanic, Mr. Murdoch. he's the handsome one who shoots himself near the end.

anyways, Murdock Lake. it's apparently 165 acres wide and 6 feet deep. there's a boat launch too. and, i plan on visiting this lake. like, everyday from now on. i still have yet to see it, but i have a feeling it's going to be awesome. i mean, a LAKE. or, POND. that has been in your town for probably longer than you have, and you never knew it existed UNTIL NOW. this is really exciting to me.

also really exciting to me: i recently discovered that there is 1.5 square miles of my town that is known as a CDP (census designated place) and, if wikipedia is correct, APPARENTLY, the laws of the state do not apply in CDP areas. i could be reading that totally wrong, and interpreting it only as i want to - BUT - if that's true, then my plan is to mark off that area with some kind of tape, and then go inside that area and start a revolution. of some kind.

maybe if we can get the entire town to stand within this 1.5 square mile area, then first we'll take over the whole town, and eventually the entire state of Maine. there's not many people in maine anyways.

anyways - mainly i'm obsessed with this "no-laws apply area." do other people know this? is this even true? probably not.

also, Murdock Lake. i can't wait to go there. i think i'm going there tomorrow. from the satellite google map, it looks like there's a beach or something. i'm super excited. like, super excited.

last weekend, we had a huge hurricane-like rain storm here and kara and i went to the beach at like, midnight and it was AWESOME. it was freezing cold and like, downpouring and SO SUPER WINDY. but, we got out of the car and i walked down to the beach. it was awesome.

i went to the beach again today and just sat for a while by myself until my eyes started watering because it was so cold. i don't think i had ever sat at the beach by myself before. i liked it a lot. it was kind of powerful, in a way.

like, being in the Airport Lounge all by yourself in the middle of the night. THAT kind of power.

let me get back to talking about my town.

so, it's a pretty small town. but, there are some areas that take like, half an hour to get to. like, basically from housing development to housing development. and, some of kara's friends live in this other development that's like, half an hour away, but in the same town. and i always hate going there because it takes so long.

BUT. there is this one secret road that connect the two "sides" of town. it's called Ridlon Road. and TONIGHT was the first time i had EVER been down it. and now - i'm obsessed with it. it's the most awesome creepy road ever. and it runs right next to Murdock Lake, although the lake is partially hidden by trees.

i had never been down this road because it's not paved all the way. like, there's this giant section of road in between the two paved sections that is dirt, and so that's why i've never been down it. but tonight kara and i wanted to go on a mini-sister adventure, and she was like,

KARA: Wanna go down Ridlon Road?

there was this awesome tiny bridge that i loved. it was super cute. but, some of the houses down that road are NICE. like, three story nice. and there are a million other tiny housing developments going in down there. it's crazyness. who is buying these giant three-story houses??

i feel like i'm discovering my town in a whole new way. now that i'm living here again, and i'm older. i don't know. it's this new weird sense of appreciation.

maybe i'll write and direct a movie about my town called, 'The Town.' about bank robbers or something..

so, besides the melancholy mood, i'm generally doing okay. been catching up with some old friends this week, which has been cool. today i hung around a lighthouse, which was awesome.

which leads me to be sad that i am not a lighthouse keeper. i was reading through my journal that i kept while i was in Ireland and for some reason i wrote, "when i leave Hannah House, i will become a lighthouse keeper." and that was like, one and a half years ago.

i also really want to go to a River City Extension concert. because there, it is nothing but happy and wonderful. and also rocking.

which leads me to further plug RCE, by telling you to go get a FREE DOWNLOAD of their new Christmas song.


it's awesome and sad. last night, i actually almost cried listening to it for like, the one millionth time. not only is it a Christmas song, but it's also kind of a reflection on death. so, bonus.

also, have i told you about my recent hip hop obsession? i don't think so. Diddy Dirty Money. these guys are performing on every late night show. i've seen it like, 4 times, i think. but, that song, 'I'm Coming Home,' i SWEAR P. Diddy wrote for me. except for all the parts that are clearly about him. MAN i love this song. i blast it like, everywhere.

so, i downloaded the Diddy Dirty Money whole new album, but i haven't listened to it yet.

ummmm. ok. i think that's all for tonight.

the football game is on tonight, so i'm up in my bedroom with Ruby Tuesday.

ok. i'm going to brave the living room. maybe the game is almost over.....?

take care, friends. i'll update more this week after i've gone to Murdock Lake. i'll take pictures for you! that sounds great, actually.

OH! and LUNAR ECLIPSE TOMORROW NIGHT! i'll be there. maybe watching it at Murdock Lake, which will become my new stomping grounds, i'm assuming.

ok! take care! be well!

1 comment:

  1. So I just realized I don't need a blogspot account to comment, or I'd have been commenting on all of these.

    That's soooooo cool about the lake! I love finding stuff like that in your town. Wait, that sounds creepy. Okay, IIII like finding stuff in MY town, much like you enjoy finding things in your town, is what I'm trying to say, haha.

    It is like rediscovering a whole new town within the one you're used to. Like when you have a toy playhouse and find new hidden compartments, or a jacket with hidden pockets you've never noticed before. Especially when there's money or candy or some random note hidden in them. Yep. Anyways...haha

    And awwwwwwwwwww, River City Extension...I miss them. So so so much. I still haven't listened to the downloads yet, but I wiiiill. And Joe's so fricken' cute, haha. D'aww.

    Can I just mention how it's been almost (or has been? I don't remember the exact date last December) since the first time any of us saw Crash Kings?? That's so crazy. A WHOLE YEAR, Julie! That's nuts.


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!