Wait! I'll wait here someday.
AAHHH! I love it so much. I can't even use words.
I love 'Non Believer.' Is it my fave? I don't know. Ha, wow, I was just going to write, "no, Ballad of Oregon is my fave,' but then I remembered that Crash Kings and River City Extension are two separate bands. Although sometimes it might be hard to distinguish one from the other, because their awesomeness bleeds together.
Anyways, I love that lyric. It's one of those hold your hand over your heart to catch some of the melting lyrics.
And, you should definitely go HERE to listen and watch Crash Kings perform five songs (including Non Believer) at ShockHound. (And then you must watch the interview at the bottom, because it's totally adorable and kind of dorky.)
ANYWAYS. (I'm not gonna lie, I think my hair looks pretty great today.)
Also, I'm at work right now. I know, I know, it's super early. Well, I guess it's almost noontime. Still early. I've been downstairs in the office since 9am, but technically working since 10pm last night.
I asked the resident last night if it would be alright if I didn't come downstairs until 9am, instead of 8am. She said that was fine, since she was going to try and sleep in. SO, YAY ME, I got to sleep in a little too.
It's so lame when I'm down here at 8am and then nobody comes down until like, 9 or 10am. And 9am feels a little more manageable than 8. 8am is still the middle of the night. 9am is more 'early early morning.'
And, it's almost noontime and she still hasn't come downstairs. :/
But, it's been fine. I brought down some Greek yogurt and chocolate cheerios and mixed them together. I also brought down coffee. And, I've been doing laundry, which is nice. I had been putting off laundry for a long time. Like, I hadn't done it since before the most recent Crash Kings Awesome Roadtrip Week, which was the first week in August.
And then we had the River City Extension Awesome Roadtrip week, and so I had a lot of sweaty piles of clothes. Or rather, a lot of piles of sweaty clothes. And I was avoiding wearing them because they were gross and sweaty, so I this past week especially, I have been putting together very strange combinations of outfits.
OH! Let me tell you about my great week. Or, about the one day in my week that was fun...
THURSDAY! I had to go to work and everything, which was uneventful. But while I was at work, my friend Jo retweeted something originally tweeted by this musician called Dave Barnes, and it said that he was performing a free concert tonight in the little park that's like, 5 minutes away from my house! Jo said I should check it out.
So, I figured, 'why the heck not?!' And I did!
First I called Kerianne to hear all about her awesome River City Extension concert she went to last week. Or maybe two weeks ago? I can't remember. But, it was super exciting! Both her and Noel had a great time! Yesss!
And then, I threw on a cardigan and walked down to the concert! FREE!!! It's basically the only price I can afford these days. Which sucks, because most things cost money.
So, I went to listen to Dave Barnes! It was an acoustic set! He played with another guy called... Trevor, I think. Or, Travis? Taylor? Tyler? Noo...I think it was Trevor.
It was a great show! I found a spot to sit in the grass. He has a great voice! And catchy songs! So far, my faves are 'Little Lies' and 'Until You.' The crowd kind of went crazy when he played 'Little Lies,' as I guess that's the song they play on the radio. But everyone knew it!! Exciting!
And then I was looking him up on Twitter, and he's got almost 20,000 followers!! That's a lot! I was in total shock. Crash Kings have about 5500 followers. RCE has 216. And I have 70.
It all depends on your number of Twitter followers. No, I'm kidding.
But, Dave Barnes. Great musician. I like him! Thanks, Jo! And also thanks to The Point radio station for bringing him around. Sure, I'll start listening to your station! Great!
Ok, moving on.
I started watching the HBO show 'Hung' yesterday. I was looking for something/nothing to do all day, so I downloaded the show and watched a total of like, 8 episodes. Yeah. Pretty intense. I like it a lot! It's pretty funny. And that main guy is like a mixture of Thomas Haden Church and Aaron Eckhart. YEP. You all were thinking, "Hmm...who does that main guy look like?!" SOLVED IT.
Anyways, good show. I started downloading season 2.
On a more frustrating note, my right knee has been killing me this week. And I have no idea why! It's driving me crazy. I woke up one morning and it was really hurting. And then that night I couldn't get to sleep because I couldn't get comfortable because it hurt so badly. And then! It even woke me up because it hurt! Crazy! Like, why does it hurt when I sleep? I'm not doing anything. But, I've been taking ibuprofen and epsom salt baths. It's kind of all crunchy when I bend it, but I'm ignoring that.
That's the knee story. Any tips on how to better hurt knees are appreciated.
ON A SUPER EXCITING NOTE: My sister, Kara, has a CAKE TASTING today at her bakery!! Or, at the bakery that she works for, but is basically her bakery because she's the only baker. Well, she's getting into providing specialty cake services, and so today, there's a free cake tasting happening!! From 1-3pm!!
So, if you're in Wells, Maine - get over to PINE TREE BAKERY AND CAFE. On route 1. Across from the Midway Motel. It'll be packed in there, for sure.
Kara made this sheet cake for this guy like, a month ago, and it was for a big birthday party or something, and the people who ordered the cake called the bakery a few days after they picked up their order and they basically said that it was the best cake they had ever eaten. TRUE STORY! Best cake ever eaten!!
SO, in honor of this great day when Kara becomes a famous, well-respected baker, I would like to post pictures of ALL my previous birthday cakes that Kara has designed for me. Now, for some backstory: My birthday cakes are always a huge production, not only in the creation process, but also on the cake itself.
I can't remember how it all started, but now it's a tradition. I am proud to present to you:
THROUGH THE YEARS: A Collection of Julie's Birthday Cake Designs

This cake features the Titanic, with Jack and Rose at the bow. TV show host Craig Ferguson sits in a lifeboat, wishing me a happy birthday, while fireworks burst above.

This cake features the Titanic, sailing over to the NBC studios in New York City, which is flooded, presumably by natural disaster. Tina Fey and Andy Samberg stand on the roof, awaiting help, while Jason Schwartzman sits in the lifeboat.
The year of my 21st birthday was a special one, because it was also the night the Academy Awards were happening, and Kate and Leo were both nominated. Neither of them won at the ceremony that night, but two statues were set aside for them on my cake, as they both stand on the bow of Titanic. This year, the Titanic is sailing into the Airport Lounge, which was my place of employment while in college. Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, and American Idol winner Taylor Hicks sit in lifeboats, in the flooded student lounge. Oscar statues float in the water.

This cake features the Titanic sailing to Cuba, where Che Guevara and Fidel Castro await the arrival of Jack, Rose, and Harry Potter, who stand (and float!) above the great ship's bow. Sayid, a popular character on the TV show 'Lost,' swims in the water.*
*There wasn't much room for a lifeboat, and we figured Sayid could probably swim for long distances.
This cake features the Titanic sailing onto Revolutionary Road. Jack and Rose stand on the bow of the ship, Rose is holding up an Academy Award, as this was the year that Kate Winslet finally won her Oscar. Waiting for them on Revolutionary Road is the Joker, from the popular 'The Dark Knight,' and Meryl Streep's character Donna, from the also popular film, 'Mamma Mia!' Sitting in the lifeboat together are Tina Fey and Che Guevara.
My most recent birthday cake features the Titanic, sailing into an iceberg. Jack and Rose stand on the bow of the ship, each holding an Oscar (even though the ceremony took place in March this year). Skiing down the iceberg, we have Tony*, Mike and Jason, of Crash Kings, each holding their respective instrument (or in Jason's case, drumsticks). The character, 'Mrs. Fox' from the stop-animation film, 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' also stands on the iceberg, while all five members of Tally Hall sit in a lifeboat, alongside Robert and Jason Schwartzman, in their own lifeboat.
*Please note Tony's red plaid shirt.
Aaahhhh YES!! How much do I love reliving my past birthday cakes??? THIS FREAKING MUCH. They are the best birthday present a sister who loves Titanic could ever ask for. Yes, they are awesome. As well as Titanic, the cake's also feature things or people that have been popular in my life in the past year. Clearly.
Although, on my last birthday which was 25 February, I had only seen Crash Kings 3 times! Can you believe it?! I can't believe it. And now I've seen them 15 times. CRAZY.
I can tell you now: It's gonna be hard to fit all the members of RCE on a cake. PLUS their instruments! Yikes. I should start drawing up blueprints.
Ohh man, I love Kara.
Anyways, the cake tasting is going on RIGHT NOW. You better get over there.
EXCITING NEWS: me and Courtney are going to see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World tomorrow! Sunday! Sometime in the afternoon!! I'm really excited. I have a feeling it will be a 'teal hair-off' between me and Ramona Flowers.
Robert Schwartzman tweeted the other night that he had gone to see Scott Pilgrim and loved it. That's good. Anyone seen those really old videos on Youtube of Robert Schwartzman acting out scenes from Scott Pilgrim? I don't know if they were meant to be a joke, or an audition, or whatnot. He's like, laying on a couch reading lines of (I believe) Wallace... or Walter? Is there either of those characters in the movie? Wallace... I think. And you can hear his mom off screen reading the opposite lines. It's pretty funny, and very strange.
I love those Schwartzman boys. Hence the reason they appeared on my birthday cake. Jason in the 2006 and 2010 edition.
ANYWAYS. I feel like I maybe had other things to say, but right now I can't quite remember... Hm.
11 days until my next River City Extension show!!! YES. Well, I hope. It's a closed college show. But Jo has a friend who goes to the college, so we're hoping to get in. Also... maybe the band can get us in? I don't know, but I hope it works out.
It's 3:13pm! Already! I can't believe it. This day is going by WAY faster than I imagined it going by. THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY.
We just went out to the grocery store. I took a blog pause. These old ladies kind of gave me a weird look. And normally, I don't notice these types of things. But, I definitely got a strange vibe from them. It was either my teal hair, or the teenager with the baby. Or, perhaps a combination of both.
All my clean laundry is littering this house for drying purposes. Kind of reminds me of Kerianne and her laundry drying process when we lived in Mod 16. The process of draping clothes over every possible chair back or railing so as to not leave a mark on the clothes when they are dry. I've got all the dining room chairs full, the rocking chair, the computer chair AND I dragged out the ironing board to hang clothes off of. YEP. And I'm at work! Kind of great that I can do laundry at work.
Oh! I know what I wanted to tell yo about. THE COOKIES!!
So, I made cookies yesterday. Now, I am the queen of baking things that I don't have all the ingredients for. But, I prepared for these cookies. I bought brown sugar and chocolate chips, because I knew I was out.
So, I start mixing together everything and then realize I have no butter. And I'm like, "aw crap, are you serious?!" Yes, the fridge was serious - I had no butter.
Then I'm like, "well, I'm pretty sure you can sub applesauce for butter in most recipes." And I DID have applesauce. An abundance, really. I wasn't sure if the ratio would be the same, but I figured it might. So, I put in a cup of applesauce.
OMG - the most delish cookie batter ever. Chocolatey and appley and wonderful. So I'm thinking, "wow, these are going to be the best cookies ever, and Kara will be so proud of me." (I'm always looking for ways to impress Kara, since she's clearly the more talented sister."
Now, the cooking times and temperatures should have probably changed since I changed up the recipe, but I had no idea about any of that, so I didn't change anything...
WEIRDEST COOKIES EVER. They're like, bread cookies, or something. Shiny on top and bread-like consistency inside. Very, very strange. They're not really very good, but I've been eating them anyways. I don't know if they're really considered "cookies," but since that's what I set out to make, that's what I am convincing myself they are. And I'm eating them, obvi.
So, that's the crazy cookie story. I don't think I have ever made a successful chocolate chip cookie IN MY LIFE. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a fact.
OK. I might heat up some food. And maybe watch that Crash Kings performance again. You should watch. OOhhhhhhhhhhhh Crash Kings. Yeah, I love.
HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!! Please enjoy whatever it is you're doing. GREAT!
I'll talk to you all soon!! Take care!!
I think applesauce is usually substituted for oil, not butter, which might be the consistency issue.
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Jenny V.