YES! She hit 12,000 miles tonight! 16 August 2010! As I was driving North on I-89, somewhere around New London, NH, I believe.
And there's the proof. And we're in ECO mode! Great! (That's the fancy digital chart that tells me how well I'm using my gas/electric engine.)
12,000 miles in 6 months. Record breaking? Possibly. I think that's pretty incredible. I mean, YES, I've already gone over my '12,000 miles a year' lease, but I've had some pretty awesome times and pretty great adventures. Would I trade it? No. They say it'll cost me about $.15 per every mile over (after 3 years) but who can put a price on ADVENTURE?!?! Not me.
Morgan and I went to lots of new places together. We drove to Pennsylvania for the first time! Also, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois for the first time!! Chicago!! That was a great trip!! We've been through NYC, twice!
From Portland, ME to Chicago, IL. That's so great!!!
But, even cooler, was 'Ballad of Oregon' was playing when we hit 12,000, and I said,
JULIE: OMG I have to get this on video!!
So, I TOOK A VIDEO!!!!! (and uploaded it to youtube.) It's actually kind of fun to watch the Hybrid System Indicator bar go up and down.
So here's my totes brillz plan:
- Toyota Lease Guy
- Julie
SCENE: The office of the owner of the Toyota dealership where I bought my car.
TOYOTA LEASE GUY: Julie, WHY have you gone over your lease miles?!?! How is that possible?!? We're going to charge you SO MUCH MONEY because you did this!
JULIE: Wait, watch this video of my car officially going over my lease agreement!
(they watch the video)
TOYOTA LEASE GUY: Wow! What an amazing song! I love it so much! What were we talking about?
JULIE: You said you weren't going to charge me for the extra miles!
TOYOTA LEASE GUY: Right!! No charge! Have a great day!
JULIE: You too!
Great plan, right?! They're be too distracted by the RCE brillz, they won't even notice. AWESOME.
Ok. So, that's the big news. Remember when my Hyundai hit 100,000 miles? And then it immediately died like, two days later? Yep. I remember that. 100,000 miles in NYC! On our way back from Starland Ballroom!!! GREAT night! I think 'Come Away' by Crash Kings was playing.
Ahh, car milestones. Loves it.
Alright! Have a great day! I'm going to get ready for bed and then probs watch Jersey Shore. :) Nice.
Talk to you soon!!
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