so, i'm sorry about not blogging all day. i don't know why. i literally wasn't doing anything else.
i went to the post office. returned some movies at Hollywood Video. bought more shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, and teal nail polish. got a coffee. went home. and that's all.
i just watched four episodes of Entourage. they were excellent as always.
oh, i know what i've been meaning to tell you. something that is dire to your further knowledge of life, and of the world in general.
so, i watched Fever Pitch last weekend. i had been wanting to see it, i don't know why. but, i had forgotten that Andrew Wilson is in it! he plays kind of a big shot at the company Drew Barrymore works for. and i saw him and said, "hey, it's andrew wilson!" Futureman from Bottle Rocket! The Coach from Rushmore! Margot's real father from The Royal Tenenbaums! it was nice to see him.
i think something weird is happening to my computer right at this moment. something is definitely happening. a large black box just flashed on the screen. then the speakers went out and a bunch of k's appeared on the screen.
maybe the cause of my computer problems has to do with a demon. i guess that could do some condsiderable damage.
OH. i know what i wanted to alert you all of. another piece of information that will change the way you view others, and the world around you.
so, in the movie Funny People, Jason Schwartzman plays this D-list celeb who is on this totes lame sitcom called, Yo Teach! it's like all those movies where the teacher changes the lives of inner city high school students. only in sitcom form.
and so today, when i was definitely not watching Heroes videos on, i stumbled upon this totally joke showpage from this fake tv show that Jason is on in the movie. and it's totally hilarious. i guess if you haven't seen Funny People, you might actually think that this is going to be a show. there are some great clips from the "episodes" as well as a good interview with the character Jason plays in the movie, talking about the character he plays on the the tv show.
the show is like, this way-cool, way-hott teacher who is the only one who understands the kids. and he teaches them about important life lessons. there's a good one on teen pregnancy. we learn that you don't need a baby to be cool. thanks, Teach.
but, the show's community board is the best thing ever. i really have no idea what the deal is with this. it's like a huge Apatow joke, or something. there are all these people posting (who i am assuming are fake people) and they're like, "omg i love this show, where can i buy t-shirts?!" and, "that actor on this show is so much hotter than jason schwartzman!!" this is my favorite message board posting, "this show reminds me of the movie Rushmore. i'm just glad the guy who played Max isn't in this show. that guy sucked big time."
it's so bizarre and wonderful and i definitely recommend you check it out. and then go see Funny People, maybe. because it's blog time and i love seth rogen during blog time.
last night was a weird night for sleeping. did anyone else have a weird night sleeping? it took me a long time to fall asleep because i went to bed early, around 2am. and i wasn't really tired. and then, i kept dreaming about weird things and i was just never sure if it was real or not. and then i woke up at 9:47 and i was really confused because i had been dreaming that i was at work, but then i woke up and wasn't at work. and then i went back to sleep. and then had another weird dream. and everything was like, in slow motion. the morning moved so slowly. and i dreamt that i had four big, red scratches on the back of my neck.
and then i woke up because i thought i heard someone say, "julie? are you there?" and i immediately woke up and JUMPED out of bed. but, it was nobody.
it's been strange lately. and sometimes i actually kind of feel like maybe there really are spirits living in this house with me.
i'm kind of nervous to be here all alone for three nights and three days.
holy crap it's 4am! when did that happen?? i thought it was like, 3am. it's been 2 hours since i stopped watching Entourage?? what have i been doing?? blogging. youtubing. oh, researching boutique bed and breakfasts in the san francisco bay area. i decided upon this one, in Half Moon Bay, California.
i get bored, and then plan to go away to lovely places. that's what i do. i literally have places mapped out all around the world to go to.
i think my hair is turning red. for some reason, it's a different color than it used to be, i think. i want it to be darker. either dark brown with teal streaks or blonde with teal streaks. nothing in between.
i feel like i have to teal streak is soon. or else i'll go crazy. ugh i wish i had better hair. that's the one thing i am usually dissatisfied with. my hair. everyday. if i had enough money, probably one of the top ten things i would do is hire a personal hair stylist.
KARA KARA KARA KARA!!!!!!!! i just checked movie times and 500 Days of Summer is coming to hanover on friday!!!!!!!! we must go see it together when you come to visit!!!!!
maybe i'll go see G-Force this weekend. i heard from Kristen Bell (via twitter) that it was an awesome movie.
during my next four days off with nothing to do, i hope to accomplish these things:
1. read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
2. work on the story i am writing (maybe finish? probably not. i have to figure out how it ends.)
3. finish the Blog Reader Appreciation Week 2009 presents
4. go to the top of a hill
you should be proud because all of these require me spending no money. i also want to watch tv. like, sit and watch tv. the other day, i forgot for a minute that i don't get any tv channels. and i was like, "oh, i'll make a sandwich and watch tv. wait a sec....." it was weird.
ANYWAYS. i've been sneezing hardcore all night and i'm getting annoyed by it. i think it's partly sleepiness and partly allergies. probably more part allergies.
wow! i just looked out the window and the moon is totally gorgeous!!!!! maybe i'll stargaze during one of my nights off.
wow! great idea!!!! the lawn in the daycare is perfect for it. and there's a tent set up and everything. maybe i'll sleep outside!!!!!!
wait a sec, what am i saying? who am i right now? sleep outside? alone? i don't think so. there are deer outside. probably watching me right now. deer and birds.
no sleeping outside. but, maybe stargazing. i think it might actually be less scary here than in Maine because there are more houses around. so it's not like you are in the middle of nowhere.
yay. i'm excited for this adventure by myself these next couple days. part excited and part nervous.
the daycare lawn is fenced in though, so the likelihood that any deer would enter is pretty slim, i would think. unless the deer can jump the fence. it's a pretty high fence.
no, i'll do it anyways. i read a blurb on the star Betelgeuse today and it made me want to stargaze. Betelgeuse is the top, left star in Orion. about 640 lightyears away. it could supernova at anytime, pretty much. but, i guess i won't see Orion this time of year.
ok. it's almost 4:30. i'm going to bed like now. i'm tired and hope i have a good night of sleeping. not a weird night. although, i do remember at one point Ruby Tuesday running into my room and crying a bunch of times and it woke me up. and then she climbed onto my arms/buck and slept for a little while. and i remember thinking, "wow, this is really cute." i love it when she has just woken up and her eyes are all squinty and she yawns. and i say, "hi sleepy!!" i called her Sleepy a lot. i bet she calls me the same thing.
OK WHAT AM I DOING. go to bed julie.
alright, friends. have a great friday. wait. thursday? have a great thursday. i'll be talking to you soon.
OH!! ELIZABETH!!!!! i don't know if you are reading this, but i LOVED the email you sent out. and i PROMISE to discuss Joseph Gorden Levitt SOON.
so, you all can get excited about that. JGL in the MGaB.
ok! goodnight all. enjoy this image from Yo Teach!

let me know how you like "extremely loud and incredibly close"!
ReplyDeleteand how the star-gazing goes!!