also, something from the commentary that i forgot about, but wanted to tell you:
Wes was talking about where he found the actor to play Dudley (the character Bill Murray is studying) and he said the actor was on a tv show that was directed by one of his good friends, Judd Apatow. and i was like, "what?!" Judd Apatow and Wes Anderson, friends?! they seem like an unlikely pair.
i don't know. maybe i have to get over this thing i have about Judd Apatow. i don't know if it's actually his movies that i don't like, or the language he uses in his movies. OR, if it's just that i don't like Seth Rogen. or Jonah Hill. i'm sorry! they need to clean up their language.
ok. it's 11pm. i'm going to eat supper. maybe to bed early tonight. i'm working tomorrow morning 8-9am again. then i'm taking our resident to her doctor's appointment at 10:40. so, i won't get to sleep in between.
the back of my neck is very itchy right now.
it was downpouring last night and it was beautiful.
i want to live somewhere where i can go up onto the roof.
this evening me and a girl i went to high school with have been facebooking about Heroes. more specifically, Sylar and how sexilicious he is. it's been pretty funny. and awesome. i haven't talked to her since high school, and now we're connecting over this random thing. heroes connects us all around the world. ha.
ok. Ruby Tuesday just jumped on my lap. and she's kneading on my led. she's a keeper.
have a great night!
richie and mordecai.
Julie! The person in the movie played Harris on Freaks and Geeks, the greatest show ever made. I agree that the Royal Tenenbaums is a great film. I saw it in the theaters with Mrs. R! I have a cool mom.