ran errands tonight. first, TJ Maxx. then, Jo Ann Fabrics. then, Kmart. then, JC Penney's. then, Shaw's.
i had never been into this Kmart before. holy crap it's huge! it's like a huge store. i guess i had really never spent too much time in Kmarts before. i didn't really know what to expect. i thought it might be like a Marshall's, but it was more like a Wal-Mart/Target hybrid. i went in there looking for a skirt i thought i might want after seeing it online, but then got there and wasn't crazy about the fabric it was made out of. so, i passed.
i did get sme things at Penney's, though. two pairs of footless tights and two tops for $20. i was looking for a court outfit.
speaking of court, i don't want to go. i know it's good practice. i just don't want to go.
the bug guys are coming today. finally. i was definitely on the girl's side for this one. i thought they took way too long deciding on a bug company. nobody else has to live here. i really hope they don't scatter up.
i wore my denim jacket today and it made me happy. don't worry - i wore it with khakis.
i bought some beads today. i'm going to make earrings out of the cheap bracelets i bought at Claire's last week. and i needed some nice accent beads.
i have curtains in my room!!!!! did i tell you?! i think i forgot to tell you!!!! tonight, i was in my room and it was dark and i was like, "wow, i feel alone." i couldn't see out any windows. i couldn't see any families having dinner. it was nice to think that they couldn't see me either.
this is the front window of the house! it overlooks the family with the new car. with the wife who leaves for work at 7:30. and the husband who stays home. that's my bed. buck is still sleeping.
these are the windows that overlook the house that ghost man (aka retired dartmouth doctor) lives in. those are his windows you can see! i need to get another curtain panel for the other window, but when you stretch out the one i have, it pretty much covers the entire thing. you can also see the drawers in my wall! one of the best features of the apartment. and my Twilight chandelier!
this is the pattern on the curtains!!!! tiny chandeliers everywhere!!!!! they rock. yeah teen bedding section of Targs.
this is my fridge! i wanted to show you my newest addition! the bird!
the toddler made him at daycare and gave him to me!!!!! i was so excited. isn't he beautiful? i haven't named him yet. any suggestions? and of course, he's complimented by Che, and my "i love being awesome" magnet. anyways, i wanted to show everyone the bird because i am so proud of him.
the toddler was sick today so she stayed home from daycare. she had a fever.
today in staff meeting we had someone from Smith College come in to talk to us about baby sign language!!!! it was fun! i can sign, "more cookies please". i can also say, "more apple please", but who wants more apples when you can have more cookies?
and then she actually MADE us cookies! they were omg so delish. anyways, so i told her that i had graduated from Hampshire and we talked a little bit about the awesomeness of the amherst/northampton area. it was just nice. and now i'm wearing my hampshire college t-shirt. and it's the anniversary of my div 3 being done. and i miss being in school.
i don't think my, "Medications: What Residential Staff Need to Know" course will cut it. i wish i could at least send in my registration to the student loan company and be like, "um, yeah, i'm in this class for a week.....and i can't pay my loans right now."
i got my Dental insurance form today. i have to fill it out.
and kara fixed my taxes for me. we did them wrong over the weekend and the IRS said REJECTED. and i said, "screw you IRS." and then kara did them right. thank you kara.
in staff meeting today we all took a moment to be mad at the Department of Education. do better!
i'm tired. i'm always tired on staff meeting days because i have to wake up early. (noontime)
i have to go to the post office today. i haven't been in like, over a week. i schedule my visits aroudn my Netflix schedule. i have Changling in my box right now. i don't really want to see it, i don't know why i got it. everyone here is always talking about it. i haven't seen it yet, but why didnt' she just have a picture of her son to show the police? did she have no other people who knew her real son?
today is also the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. 97 years. maybe i'll watch Titanic instead of Changling.
i decided that i really like Zac Efron. and for a split second tonight i thought to myself, "hm, maybe this weekend i'll go see 17 Again." and then i realized what i was thinking. if i see that movie, it will not be by myself. that would be sad. but, Zefron is just so cute. like, for realz. and he's all about the musical theater! (except apparently not Footloose, which is lame because he would have rocked it)
YEAH - let's talk about that.
Dear Zac Efron:
Why the heck did you pass up the Footloose opportunity?! It was right there ready for you to rock the socks off of it, and you turned it down. You just up and changed your mind. What was wrong with Footloose?? Huh? At first it was all, "Yeah! Zac is doing Footloose! Let's Hear it for the Boy!" Now you're all, I'm Free and the rest of us are saying, Heaven Help Me what are we going to do with no Zefron?! Come on, Zac, Can You Find it in Your Heart to change your mind. With you playing Ren, it would have been Almost Paradise, but now, I guess we'll just be Holdin' Out For a(nother) Hero.
Dancing is not a crime,
AAANNNNDDDDDD SCENE!!!!! nice. yeah, i rocked that, i'm not gonna lie.
anyways. Zac can still be my musical theater boyfriend if he wants to. as long as he sings 'It Takes Two' from Hairspray to me. actually, if anyone sang that to me, they would automatically shoot to boyfriend status.
i saw the guy who played the original Ren in Footloose in Rent in Boston. he was Roger. i think i remember him being good. wait, Boston? how many times have i seen Rent? only twice? Boston and Broadway? it definitely wasn't on Broadway, so it must have been in Boston.
speaking of Roger. the guy who is playing Claude right now in Hair on Broadway sounds like Adam Pascal. i've just heard him sing 'Hair'. but, him and the other guy singing (Burger?) together they sound like two Adam Pascals. hey, i'm not complaining.
there are some good songs in Footloose. was that the last thing i saw at Hackmatack? no. when was that? was it? i can't remember. i feel like i haven't been to the Hack in a while. maybe it was Footloose.
not sure what i've got planned for today. maybe into Hanover.
OH! State of Play opens this weekend!!!!!!! the less-good version of the totally awesome BBC miniseries!!!!!! WHY did they turn Bill Nighy's character into Hellen Mirren!?!?! we'll never know.
i think that Ben Affleck will be perf as Stephen Collins. but, Crowe as Cal? eh. i'm not sold. Rachel McAdams will be good as Della, i think. i just hope they don't make her too fancy. and J. Bateman will be awesome as Dominic. i'm disappointed they're leaving out James McAvoy's character. he was great. some great Nighy-McAvoy scenes.
wow. what a great movie. has everyone seen the BBC version of this??? you must. i can't believe that this remake will be better. MAN.
hm. what else!? i guess that's all. i did one walk-through tonight. i'm going to do another and then call it a night. everyone was in their rooms. nice and quiet. and i haven't heard much movement downstairs.
OH! tonight in Kmart i heard a song from Fame on the radio! or, on the Kmart CD they were playing! it was On My Own. or, wait. that's from Les Mis. Out Here On My Own? let's check. Out Here On My Own. that's what it is. that's a great soundtrack. Dogs in the Yard is my fave. sung by Dr. Romano for all you ER fans. he's great in that movie.
AND! i think i forgot to tell you that a few weeks back, when me and Kara were in Walgreens we heard Good Morning Starshine on the Walgreens radio! that was super exciting too. maybe Walgreens is a sponsor of Hair on Broadway. but, probably not.
k. i'm tired now. probably going to bed. OH, i have to do petty cash. right now. OKAY i'm going. have great wednesdays.
he didn't like math or geography, but check-this-out, he loved choreography,
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