before i get into the gross stuff, let me post for you my court outfit. i'm super happy with it. i had a fashion show earlier tonight and i'm totes going to be the cutest and most stylish girl there.
BEHOLD - Court Outfit for Brattleboro, Vermont:
everything is new! those are the two tops i got tuesday at JC Penney's. both on sale! and then this afternoon i went to the Gap and bought that skirt. originally $54, on sale for $20. i got another gray ruffley top at the Gap that was on sale for $18, from $29. and! even better was that i had a gift card and a $10 off coupon, so i only ended up paying $5!
anyways, that's my court outfit. i'm wearing it with black leggings and my black flats. i'm thinking i'll wear my hair up so that everyone can see.......
my new earrings!!!!! i just made them. like, just made them. those two flowery beads at the bottom used to be on a bracelet that i bought at Claire's. but, i thought they would look better on earrings. so, i cut up the bracelets. added some pinky and gray beads to go along with it and voila! lovely earrings.
i'm excited about them. i love jewelery making. it makes me so excited. it took me all day to come up with the pattern for those earrings, though. i seriously started at 7:45 this morning. and was thinking about it all day. well, just while i was driving, actually. and then i finally decided on this one while watching Gossip Girl.
so. there's my thursday outfit. i approve.
i think i might add in a jewelery store to Aliya's big dream slash strip mall store.
so. in bed bug news. let's recap.
- bed bugs found in the house about two weeks ago.
- girl has bite marks that are confirmed bed bug bites.
- her bedroom and couches in the lounge were steam cleaned today.
- i found a bed bug in my bathroom this afternoon.
- bug guys came up to check the apt. no bugs had made residence there. they gave me super sticky paper in case i see more, to catch them.
- girl downstairs moves back into her room.
which brings us to about 10:25 wednesday night. i get a phone call. "um, can you come downstairs?" yes. i go downstairs.
"there are bugs everywhere still."
MORE BED BUGS. in the same room. all in the window. GROSS GROSS GROSS. we counted four. then i said, "OKAY hold on! let me go upstairs and get my sticky paper!!!"
i went upstairs, got the sticky paper. came right back down. now there were seven bugs. some were very little babies.
so, we were able to get five stuck to the paper. a few fell off the walls and then we lost them.
i instructed her to pull her bed (brand new mattress, brand new box spring which she had just taken out of the plastic...) away from the walls and very quickly move her blankets and pillows out of the room.
i brought the sticky paper downstairs to the office. Cheryl was still there working. i told her. i showed her the sticky paper. she swore like an effing sailor! she was so upset and mad. she called Charlene to warn her for the morning. then she called the bug people and left a message saying that we had been still finding live bugs.
i guess they said it was normal to find dead ones. but not live ones.
SO, YEAH. it's super gross. i highly doubt i will be able to sleep tonight. i haven't found any more evidence of bugs up here. but, i still feel all itchy and gross.
so, the girl is back to sleeping on the couch. after she changed her clothes. i don't know what the heck is going to happen. if they'll have to treat the outside of the house to get them all out of the walls, and then treat the inside.
i just hope they do it effing soon. i am so freaking sick of being paranoid about this.
geeze, first i get the stomach flu, which i hadn't had for like, 15 years. and now bed bugs. what's next? seriously.
so, yeah. i'm getting super nervous about court. they gave me the offical court report tonight. tomorrow i'm going to be like, the grown up. it won't be as serious as last time. like, i won't be testifying. but, i'll probably have to summarize our resident's progress here, or something.
at least i'll look good. and i've never been to brattleboro, except to drive through it. so, that should be fun.
so, i don't know if you noticed in the picture of my court outfit, but i figured out a way to hang up my mirror!!!!! i can't find the 'over the door hooks' it came with anywhere.
so, i spent about an hour in the hook section of wal-mart tonight. they didn't have any that would work completely. but, they did have standard 'over the door hooks'. so, i bought a pack. two bucks.
then! i got home, got out my fishing line, cut some pieces, threaded them through the hooks on the back of the mirror, tied them, and hung it over the door hooks! voila! hanging mirror!!! i'm psyched!
i just learned something interesting and awesome. so, my Chinese zodiac sign is the Tiger, and Leo DiCaprio and Oscar Wilde are also Tigers!!! isn't that exciting!? and also, the most favorable month for the Tiger is February.
now, for me this makes sense because my birthday is in february.
if we look at it from Leo DiCaprio's perspective, it basically means we're supposed to get married.
uh oh. i'm getting tired. i've been yawning. i bet it's stress yawning. maybe i should try and sleep? i'm wearing long sleeves to bed. maybe if i sleep with my light on the bugs will be scared away. i've never slept with my chandelier on before. that could be nice.
i don't want to toot my own horn, but i'm still pretty impressed with that letter i wrote to Zac Efron. where i used the song titles from Footloose. yeah. i pretty much rocked that.
anyways. i think i'll sign-off. off and out. off, over, and out. whatever.
i just don't want to get bitten by a bed bug. get bitten? get bit? the guys (i think they were Scott and Wes) said that some people react just like it were a mosquito bite, and others get these huge welts on their skin. and with my luck, i'll get the huge red welts. that would totally ruin my court outfit.
luckily, bed bugs carry no known diseases.
ugh but they're just so gross looking.
okay. enough thinking about this. let's just pretend that i didn't find a bed bug in my bathroom today.
(i moved my outfit into the tiny room just in case...)
OH MAN i'm nervous for court.
ok. you have a good night. i hope you sleep well. and i hope you have a lovely thursday. i'm not excited about this hot weather.
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