I have strep throat AGAIN. It's crazy. Like, I think IT IS CRAZY.
Never in my whole life of 25 years do I get strep throat - and then I get it twice in 6 months??!?! Weird, right?!
And this is especially weird because when Kara was little she used to get strep throat alllll the freaking time. Like, at least once a year. And, I NEVER got it. And now, twice. In 6 months. Bam. Strep.
And of course it's during the first year of my life when I don't have health insurance. I've had health insurance for 25 years and then the one time I don't, I need medical attention.
But, what can ya do?
So I got a prescription for amoxicillin. Got it filled at Targs. While I was waiting for it, I did some shopping around. Checked with the cell phone people to see if there were any iPhones just waiting for me to buy them. Nope. Then I started looking at clothes.... and wound up with THESE:::
Yep. That's a pair of neon orange socks, right there. And, I don't know if you can see - but they cost me $.75. Yep. I probably should have bought 7 pairs, because I'm totally wearing these everyday.
I love neon things. And if I see a neon something, there is a good chance I will buy it.
You have full permission to be jealous of those socks. I will probably point them out to you if I am ever wearing them and you are around. Just so ya know..
SO LAST NIGHT was a big night. I saw a scary movie in theaters! To be more specific, I saw Paranormal Activity 3 with Greg. AAAHHHHHH. It was scary. We were jumping all over the place. Everybody was! Over the past three weeks, Greg and I have watched the first two Paranormal Activity movies, knowing that we would then see the third on in theaters. AAAAHHHHHH. Scary!
But - it was totally fun seeing it in a big theater with everyone else who was scared and jumping all over the place. Like - it was definitely the most scary, but also the most funny. Lots o' laughs.
So.. I just woke up from a nap. It was a good nap. Ruby Tuesday napped with me. As soon as I got into bed, she crawled under the covers and stayed there with me for the next two hours. :) It was happy.
I'm feeling happy this week. I've been out every single night of the week with friends. That never happens. But, it's exciting.
So, I took my first dose of amoxicillin this afternoon. The recovery begins! Hopefully!
I also had a fever this morning! I forgot to tell you that! YEP - FEVER.
AND - they were unable to take my blood pressure. They tried like, a hundred times using the machine and not using the machine...trying it in different places on my arm. NOPE. No luck.
Weird, because the last time I had my blood pressure taken in a doctor's office, which was maybe like, a month ago....it took them six tries and two different people to be able to take my blood pressure. Weird, right?
Everyone has been like, "Ok, sooo....we know that you're alive...so why can't we take your blood pressure?" MYSTERY. But, just strange that it's never happened before in my life and now it's happened twice.
Which is the exact same story as the strep. It's crazy, I tell ya.
But, the last time, when they were finally able to get a blood pressure, they were like, "WOW, THAT'S GREAT!!!!" It was kinda perfect.
Anyways, that's the story. Apparently maybe I'm falling apart. Stay tuned.
IN WAYYY BETTER NEWS: My dad is coming to visit tomorrow!!!!! (saturday!) We haven't seen him in the beginning of February, so it's veryyy exciting! And he's staying for a week! I'm super excited!!! YAY!
OK. Gonna go eat something soft. Talk to you all later! Have a GREAT weekend!!
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