(click on that to make it bigger.)
Yeah, that'd be this guy:
You know him from The Princess Diaries, the band Rooney, and for being Jason Schwartzman's little brother. YEP. Ya know, just sending me emails...
(Yeah, I know probably like a thousand other people got emails from him... it's just pretty cool to see his name in the Sender box.)
* Updates from CULT: This is very cool. So, my friends are making a movie! A horror movie! These friends are Kevin (@KevinKlausman) and Pat (@realmccrea). You should start following them on Twitter right now. This is the website where you can read information and watch videos about their movie, CULT. Also - the place where you can donate your $$ to help them out! I donated $10!
I'm just really excited for these guys. Like, I went to high school with them.. I was pretty good friends with Pat. (We were Writing Center superstars together.) I don't know. I just kind of realized that everyone needs to start somewhere, but it's hard for anybody to get anywhere without support. And - I just decided that I wanted to support them.
I mean, currently that's only been through the form of $10 and a few re-tweets. And now through the blog.
I just think it's great that they're trying to do what they know they want to do. And like, I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but if I did, I would want people there to support me.
Also, I just really liked everybody that I graduated high school with. We all experienced some really great and really terrible things together. And Pat and Kevin are cool people. And they're supposed to be writing and recording me a redneck country love song...?? Which I'm pretty freaking excited about and will try and share it with you all once it arrives.
Also - more about friends from high school!!
Remember how my friend Laura won the Real Maine Wedding of the Year?!?!! Well - she got married!!!!! And there's a pretty awesome video montage of the wedding that you should watch. I may have watched this video twice already and cried both times. It's pretty great. Also, it features many of my beautiful friends as bridesmaids!!! You may recognize TAMMY - who just got married!
On another note: I'm having a great week. Today is and will continue to be a great day.
OK!! That's about all for now.... I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! Talk to you all soon :)
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(it's snowing!)
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