I think you all know that I've been getting caught up on Friday Night Lights again. I stopped watching after Season 1, but I've recently been watching again and AM LOVING IT. Oh man - that show is so awesome. GREAT characters. Like, seriously. Some of the best people on TV.
Anyways - what you may not know by now is that I have a crush on Tami - Coach Taylor's wife. I think she is seriously beautiful. Like, gorgeous, even. I would give up a lot of things to have her hair. A lot of things.
Anyways - she's got these great sunglasses that she wears. They're like, golden avaitors. They're super hott, she's super hott - it all works.
And everytime she has them on I'm just like, 'DAMN THOSE SUNGLASSES THEY'RE SO HOTT."
And we've got a pair of sunglasses at work that remind me of them. And I've liked the sunglasses ever since they came in, which was before I started watching the show again.
Here's a picture of Tami wearing the sunglasses:
UGHHHH so beautiful. She just looks great 100% of the time. Even when she had the newborn baby and was wearing nothing but sweat pants and pjs - she looked beautiful.
SO TODAY - I kind of couldn't stand it anymore. Staring at those sunglasses on the rack. Thinking about her wearing them in the show.....


That's me right now. No, like - right now. I'm still wearing them as I'm writing this. And ya know what? I feel pretty cool. Even though I'm wearing that bright green sweatshirt... which is either REALLY lame or REALLY awesome. I can't quite decide. But - I love it and I wear it all the time.
Anyways - so I bought the sunglasses. I feel like a hot chick!!!!
Which is the theme of the book I'm currently reading! It's called, 'How to Love Like a Hot Chick.' My friend Brittany Dyer recommended wayyyy back when we (Britt, Maria, Me) had dinner in the winter.
And, I had been thinking about it a lot recently and thinking, "man, I wish I was a hot chick." So, I texted Britt again about it and she still HIGHLY recommended it. So - I bought it! And I started reading it. And so far - I love it. It's awesome. I've gone to sleep the past three nights feeling GREAT about myself.
And I wrote down everything (so far) that makes me a hot chick and it actually makes me feel good when I read it. You do these little exercises in the book and they're really fun.
It's just like a "girlfriend to girlfriend guide to getting everything you want and deserve out of love." And, that sounds good to me.
SO - there. Even though I know I shouldn't rely on material things like sunglasses to make me feel like a hot chick - THEY DO - and that's okay too, I think..
This is Ruby Tuesday when I start watching Friday Night Lights:
She can never quite stay awake. She tries, though.
I also bought a headlamp today at work. Why? I have no idea. Basically because it was $6.99 and I think it will be good for when I make jewelry.
I probably won't be posting a picture of me wearing the headlamp because I would imagine I'd look pretty dorky. But - you never know. Anything goes in the blog.
Maybe the headlamp, combined with the sunglasses..... haha.
Anyways! That's all I really wanted to say.
Tonight Kara bought me a white hot chocolate with a shot of espresso from Dunkers. Ummm it was seriously delish.
Also, today at work I walked over to Jen and said,
JULIE: Hey Jen! What's the haps?!?
I have no idea. It just rolled off my tongue. "what's the haps?" That's like a thing that Schmidt would say and then everyone would make him put a dollar in the douchebag jar. (New Girl reference! Everyone should be watching it!)
OK! I think that's it now.
I hope you all are having GREAT beginnings of the week!!!! I am! I am, actually. I'm A LOT happier than I was last week, which is a relief. Last week was blahhhhhh. Well, the mid-end of the week.
Please continue to have a fabulous week! Let me know of any exciting haps!
love love!
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