Ok. I am in a good mood today. I might even say I'm in a great mood today.

Documentation of my great mood.
1. I don't have to work today!! In fact, I have TWO DAYS OFF IN A ROW. No way? Yes way. I was "on call" today for my retail job. I know what you're thinking... "On call?? For a retail job?? It's just clothes!!" Yes. I have the same thoughts. But, whatevs. So, today, I was on call from 10-2. The rules are, you have to call in an hour before your shift to see if they need you. Now, this proves tough because I like to leave the house 40 minutes before my shift to make sure I have enough time. So, that doesn't leave me with much time. So, I like to call like, an hour and fifteen minutes before my shift.
So this morning, I called in around 8:50 and they said I didn't have to work!! Nice! I was super happy. I've been on call three times so far since I've started working there, and all three times they haven't needed me. But each time I haven't gotten my hopes up... I've prepared to go in. So, I've been in super great moods each time, because I'm not expecting it.
I'm trying this new thing where I don't get my hopes up. Twice recently, I've gotten my hopes up very, very high for things that haven't worked out. So, instead of "hope for the best, prepare for the worst," I'm going with, "prepare for the worst, prepare for the worst!" Because, the "hope for the best" part of that statement always wins. So far, I think I'm doing okay.
2. See that scarf I'm wearing in the above picture? BACK STORY!! So, that scarf used to be part of a bed sheet that we found when we were cleaning out my grandmother's apartment. And it was going to be thrown away, because it was kind of old and faded, but I thought, "SCARF POTENTIAL!!!" So, I saved it, measured out a nice section and voila! New scarf. Loves it.
3. I think I'm going to try and get back to my minor craftiness. Like dying things and making jewelry. And scarf making. Today I was like,
JULIE: I'm going to repaint my bedroom tomorrow!!!!
But then immediately I was like,
JULIE: Ok, hold on...
I quickly realized that the project was too big. And every time I decide to paint a room, I usually end up ruining it. Also, my bedroom is a disaster and cleaning it out with take an army. So, I'll stick to the small stuff.
4. 'Wires,' by Coconut Records. I've been loving this song lately. And actually, I've been getting back into my Coconut Records roots. It's really where I belong. SUCH a great song. It's one of my faves. It's been putting me in a good mood when I find myself in a sad mood.
Had a lot of things to say
Had a lot of points to make
Put me down on walk sweet take before you go away
Close the door in case you stay
And I can't believe it's already tired
Oh go and cut all my wires
5. And speaking of Jason Schwartzman.... I've been rewatching season 1 of Bored to Death! Man, it's so funny. Like, way funnier than I remember it to be. That's not saying that it wasn't funny the first time around. No, it was totes hilars. But, it's even funnier now. Great. Anyways! So, the show is about a writer who begins to moonlight as a private detective. Schwartzman, Ted Danson and Zach Galifianakis. Awesome. So, on the episode that I watched today, they went to investigate at the "Brooklyn Coop!" Which was the Park Slope Coop that I was at last week!!! OMG, I kind of flipped out. They started talking about it and were like, "yeah, you have to be a member to shop there..." And I was like, "holy crap they're talking about the place I just was!" And then they got there and the name had been changed, but they were talking about being in Park Slope, so it was definitely the same coop. AWESOME. Right?! Me and Schwartzman. We belong together.
6. Shock Top! My new fave beer. Thanks, Aliya ♡
7. I think I'm done for now! Kara and I are going to the gym. I'm kind of dreading it. My great mood has lessened to 'good.' But, whatevs.
OK! I hope you all are also having a great day. We'll talk again soon!! It's super windy here today and I think that means a change is coming. Let's hope it's a good one. Nay, a great one.
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