- did three loads of laundry
- finished season 2 of True Blood
- started season 3 of True Blood
- ate pie
- cleaned my oven
- cleaned my stove
- killed a hornet and two other creepy flying things with the help of Ruby Tuesday
- painted my nails purple
- cleaned out some drawers in my bureau
i had a good day. also, i checked my hair for lice and it's NEGATIVE!!! alright!! there's been a tiny outbreak in the house, which is why i've been having to spray the furniture and do head checks. and then i figured i should probably check my own head. it was also the motivation for washing all my sheets and towels in hot water. it needed to be done anyways.
i guess i'm not freaking out about the lice. the outbreak of bed bugs last year was pretty much the worst.
although, it would SUCK if i got lice.
um, let's stop talking about this.
let's talk about True Blood and how i watched all of season 2 in like, 3 days. no, maybe it's more like 5 days. that makes me feel better. there are only 12 episodes in the season. and MAN it's so good. like, crazy, though. at one point, during the season finale with all the crazy demon people and the demon witch lady with the claw hands i was just laughing like, "what the hell is going on!?!?"
but then it got scary and gross again and i got serious. i definitely think season 2 was grosser than season 1. but, i could still handle it. the part that grossed me out the most was during Bill's flashback to the 1920's when him and his maker were living together in Los Angeles and they kill that couple and drink their blood, and then there's just blood everywhere and they start having sex on the blood soaked bed. THAT part really grossed me out and i had to look away for a moment.
but i can pretty much handle it.
although you know who's hard to handle? um, Alexander Skarsgard. what a hottie! maaannn he's so tough and scary.... but then he smiles..... ahhhh it's so nice. and he's just so tall! he towers over EVERYONE! like father, like son, right?
remember when i was totally in love with his father - Stellan Skarsgard. who, i guess i'm still probably in love with. oooo yeah. i like those Swedish men. of course we all know Stellan as Bill from Mamma Mia! yep. the hott dad!!!
but, whoa. first Stellan and now Alexander. i think this is the first time i've had a crush on a father and son. i suppose it's kind of strange. you'd think i would have been in love with Alex first, and then his dad. but nope, opposite.
i mean, i've fallen in love with my fair share of brothers..... never a father and son before. it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
although, i don't know what i'm talking about. Alexander dates Kate Bosworth. but like i said to Kara in an email tonight, i'm pretty sure he has like, 5 younger brothers. :) yes please.
anyways. i might watch one more episode and then go to bed. i should go to bed now. it's 2:27am. hm. i'm not really tired.
oh! i forgot to tell you TWO awesome things!!!
1. yesterday at Dunkin Donuts i pulled up to the drive-thru window and the lady asked, "do you want a free magnet?" and i said, "sure!!" and i got a free Dunkin Donuts magnet!!! FOR FREE! it was great. and then she said, "are you driving a Prius?" and i said, "yes!" and she said, "oooo i want one of those!!" and i said, "it's pretty awesome." it was great. FREE MAGNET!!!!!
2. Kara's bakery had a pastry tasting over the weekend and since Kara is the head/only baker at the place, she baked everything for the tasting. AND - she was out in her bakers uniform during the afternoon and some guy comes over to her and tells her that she is the "best baker in New England." FOR REALZ. that happened!!!
instant recap: after eating Kara's baked goods, some guy tells her that she is the best baker in New England!!!!
NEW ENGLAND! that's SIX STATES! that means that maybe there is a better baker out there in the other 44 states, but probably not. it's that awesome?! Kara is becoming kind of a local celeb. also, she had someone special order a birthday cake and when they picked it up the lady said to her that she'd be calling Kara again because she does a lot of entertaining.
awesome! i'm so proud of Kara. she's a great baker, for serious.
anyways, that's pretty much all.
it's hottttttttt today. and i don't appreciate it. so, Earth, if you could speed up your rotation around the sun, that'd be great. let's get back to winter please. kthx.
alright! now it's 2:39am. ooooo i'm REALLY not tired. but i KNOW i should try and go to bed. but i REALLY want to watch one more episode of True Blood.
maybe i'll get into bed and watch an episode. that kind of seems like a halfway point.
also, i may or may not be coming down with a cold. i can't really tell. but i've been sneezing a lot. today my teeth and head hurt. and i've been having to put in eye drops like, 4 times a day.
i guess it could also be allergies since i'm pretty sure i've built up tolerance for my allergy meds.
whatever. anyways, ok. you all have a great week!!
TODAY, is 5 July, and it is my friend Ross's birthday! Happy Birthday Ross! i don't know if you're reading this - but i miss you. and i've been thinking about you a lot lately. i hope you are having a wonderful time doing whatever you're doing, and we should see each other soon. also, remember that time that you, me, and Rob sang 'Aicha' in the hallway of G1? like, we sang the whole song. and probably made fun of the Aicha kid. that was a fun time.
yeah, that link right there, you all should click on it. i can't tell you how many times i've seen that video. of that kid's homemade music video to 'Aicha.' MAN, that kid is a legend.
and oohhhh i miss college. i've really been missing my first year of college. that was a great year. all the years were great.
yeah. all the years were great. MAN i have great friends. and college was awesome. and i want to go back.
OK - I JUST DECIDED SOMETHING. i need to become Captain of the Airport Lounge. STAT. like, right now.
WHO is in charge of the Airport Lounge right now, because it's not me and it NEEDS TO BE. omg why haven't i thought of this before?!??!
i need to go back to Chicago and buy those airplane wings i saw in that cool vintage store with Kerianne!! what was that store...!!?!? Hollywood Mirror!!! was that it? yep. i need those wings. and i will also buy them for every Airport Lounge Flight Attendant.
OH MAN - i totally rocked that lounge when i worked there. now i can rock it again as Captain. YEP. this is my calling. what i was born to do.
1. the Airport Lounge needs a Twitter.
yep. rocking this already. also: CARDIGANS. yep. all the Airport Lounge Flight Attendants will wear cardigans. light blue ones. with orange name tags, and pilot wings.
alright. i'm gonna work on this.
now it's 3:04am. and i'm all excited thinking about the Airport Lounge. ohhhh i love that place.
yes, that tab is open to my livejournal. which i updated quite frequently while on shift at the APL.
oh wow, who designed that awesome sign?!!? UM, ME.

remember when there used to be all those clocks in the APL, just like a real airport? and under the clock set for Eastern time, it said this.
and it's me! wearing some adorable polka dotted hair accessory!! even during my 5-8am shift!!! hey, there were still people to impress during those late night hours.
OH MAN I MISS HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE. yep. it's coming on strong. it's a strong miss right now. like just after i graduated.
man i'm feeling very sad right now. but also very LUCKY and FORTUNATE that i had the absolute most best amazing time ever and met the most totally wonderful people in the whole world.
i miss Boomin Breakfast.
i have to go back. ♥
goodnight friends. i've enjoyed our time together tonight.
take care.
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