how long have i talked about streaking my hair teal? by my count, it's been about five years. FIVE YEARS. for five years, it's been just a thought. just a conversation. just a dream.
a totally awesome, totally hott dream that is now REALITY.
i am finally a complete human being and after 24 years of being lame, i am finally cool. FINALLY.
not the cool factor, but the teal factor. THE TEAL FACTOR.
what i am about to show you may shock you. your computer may explode with awesome. don't say i haven't warned you. GET READY. GET STEADY. GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
(i had a photo shoot that probably lasted longer than it should have.....)


the streak on my right came out way brighter because the hair was way more bleach-blonded out. but, i have a tiny streak right on the left side of my face, and then one further back on the left.

(that's me being confused as to why my hair has taken a 'Conan O'Brien-esque' turn.)

and now for the part where i change wardrobe and setting.....


i decided to end with some artsy shots in front of my brick wall.
WOW. right?! it's so awesome. omg i can't even stand it.
i love it. i sooooo love it. and it's exactly what i pictured for these past five years. like, exactly. OH I LOVE IT. so much.
now, whenever i look at someone with awesomely colored hair, i will no longer feel that painful sting of jealousy, because I AM NOW one of those people with awesomely colored hair.
WATCH OUT - it's a whole new Julie.
i feel really good. because, there have been a lot of kind of drastic changes in my life over the past year. and it feels like none of them were my decision. let's look at some examples:
- cell phone died = had to get a new one
- laptop died = had to get a new one
- car died = had to get a new one
- kara took over my bedroom in maine = now i sleep in kara's room
- not getting any hours at work = might have to get a new job
and those are all things that, had they not changed, i would still probably have. (except for maybe the laptop.... because i really needed a new one. but i would have had the old one for longer, had it not died....)
AND THIS - the teal streaks in my hair - is some drastic change that i am in control of. i said, I WANT THIS CHANGE TO HAPPEN, as opposed to all the other changes, which have happened out of my control.
and i feel really good. things around me, outside me, may change, and i might not have any control over them. but i am in control of myself. and i am awesome. and 75-80% cooler than i was before.
SO THERE! there i am with teal streaks. finally. completely. awesomely. wonderfully.
wow, i'm totally hip, right? and RAD. yeah. i'm so rad. i'm trying to work 'rad' into my normal speak, but i keep forgetting about it. i want to be someone who says, 'rad.'
ok. this entry is bursting with so much awesome. hope you like the new hair. i loooove the new hair.
have a great, wonderful, lovely night, dear friends. i will. because i am going to watch Twilight. probably.
take care! be well!!!!
julie you're such a total hottie. i almost can't stand it.
ReplyDeletewhere are all the rugged NH teal-streaked-hair red-plaid wearing young men who should be chasing you?? probably too busy watching a bunch of movies so they feel confident enough to say hi to you.