today, i was in a retail establishment and first the employee behind the counter called me "hun" and then he called me "sweetheart."
did i appreciate this? no. no i did not. after he called me 'hun,' i thought, "wow, that was really annoying and inappropriate." and then after he called me sweetheart, i was just plain mad.
i very much dislike when people do that. especially when it's females calling me "hun." not everybody, just people i don't know. like, strangers calling me those names. WHY MUST YOU TALK LIKE THAT!?!? it feels condescending.
that's all.
HOWEVER, the guy behind the counter at Walgreen's tonight could have asked me to marry him and i would have said yes on the spot. he was charming. both to talk to and to look at. i think we had a connection. and he looked like the guy who plays Zac on The O.C. the guy who Summer dates in the beginning of the second season. after Seth. YEAH. hottie, right!?!
and while i was checking out (both my items and the hottie) his MOM came and picked him up from work. adorable? yes. and you could tell he was kind of embarrassed and didn't know how to react. it was awesome and awkward.
anyways. what was i buying at Walgreen's, you ask?
- hair conditioner
- hair dye
SUPER BLONDE!!! remember?!! i stood in the hair dye aisle for a long time trying to decide which bleachy blonde would work to bleach out the streaks. and then i saw SUPER BLONDE. and even though it's a little more expensive that normal hair dye, i KNOW it really works!!!
because remember when i had SUPER BLONDE hair?!?!
and that was going from dark brown. that was a cool time. when i was blonde. EVERYDAY i wish i had streaked my hair teal then. why didn't i? I DON'T KNOW. i have no idea.
that photo was taken on the night of the Ben Lee/Rooney concert! the first time i saw Rooney! AT THE PARADISE! where i just saw Crash Kings. amazing how that works out. and i'm pretty sure the reason that Robert Schwartzman didn't remember me when i met him this time was because of the hair color change....
so, i've got the blonde. i'm hoping people will give me some guidance as to the streakage. i wish i had someone to help me. how many streaks should i do?? i'm definitely thinking a tiny one in my bangs. although, a tiny piece would be hard to SUPER BLONDE and then teal.
Ryan sent me a link to the hair dye that she uses when she dyes her hair super awesome colors and it's much, much cheaper than the Manic Panic. and she says it lasts longer. when i saw her, her hair was a super cool mix of purple and green.
AND I REMEMBER standing behind her at Great Scott after seeing Crash Kings and Paper Tongues and thinking, "wow, she has cool hair."
true story!!
anyways, cheaper. it doesn't specifically come in teal. but, she says the 'indigo blue' is pretty much the same thing. and i trust her!
so that's that.
also, today i was looking at my bank account online and saw a credit for $5 from somewhere i have no idea what it is. why would i have a $5 credit?!? not like, a credit card charge - but like, $5 EXTRA. like a deposit. but from where? i have no idea. are people supposed to be worried when they get MORE money in their bank accounts? i mean, if it was money being taken away, then yes. but more? $5 more? hm, i don't know.
ALSO - season 5 of Weeds is available to watch instantly on netflix!!!! so i watched a lot of weeds today. so good!!!!!! i was very excited about this.
SO TODAY (friday) I AM GOING TO VISIT MARIA!!!!! in Rhode Island!!!! the last time i was in Rhode Island was to see Crash Kings with Kara!! what a great state!!!! i'm so excited to see her apartment!!!! and get some good hang out time in. i haven't seen her since christmas.
PLUS - it's her birthday next week. even better because birthdays are the best.
i found this great video on youtube tonight of Crash Kings covering JET!!!! yes, it's true. i thought it was a big hoax when i read the description. but NO!!!
the video starts and they're playing some of 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl' and then Tony says, "and they have that other song that goes...." and then he starts playing 'Look What You've Done.'
and then he talks for a few seconds about when JET came over to their parents house for dinner. he said that after ten bottles of wine and some whiskey, their house was not the same.
but! it reminded me of the time before i saw JET and i would try and sing their song to you in this blog. and it never really worked out because it's hard to sing in written form. but i'd be like, "and the other song i know goes like this!!!" and then i would 'sing' it for you.
anyways - it sounds better when Tony does it.
ok let's see. what else did i want to tell you real quick?
maybe that's all?
Ruby Tuesday is conveniently waiting in the kitchen for her second supper. every time i walk into the kitchen, she is waiting for me. and then starts to either meow or roll around on her back. aw she's so cute.
it's really nice to have her in the house with me. because if she weren't here, i think i'd go crazy. especially when it's empty like this.
OK!!! i think that's all.
do you have any awesome plans for the weekend?!?! tell me about them!!!
anyways, i'll be back here on saturday ready to tell you about all of our fun best friend adventures. AHI'MSOEXCITED!!!!
have a great day!! i'll talk to you later!!!
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