but i can't help it. i'm really excited.
and so i will bombard you with Crash Kings until then. or, at least until my food is done cooking in the toaster.
i think i told you that when we saw Crash Kings in Providence they did a cover of Black Sabbath's song, 'War Pigs,' and i believe i said that they rocked the hell out of this song. i had never heard them play it live before - and it was incredible.
i was searching for Crash Kings videos on youtube that i hadn't seen before and came across some videos from when they were in Jacksonville, Florida on the 26th of January, 2010. and they did their 'War Pigs' cover. and the crowd goes WILD. it's amazing. they're amazing.
and i would like to share that video with you here, right now. i understand if you don't watch the video because you're not familiar with the song. or, maybe you are familiar with the song and just don't like Crash Kings. whatever your reasoning is for not watching the video, i would like you to put those feelings aside and WATCH IT ANYWAYS.
WAR PIGS COVER, Crash Kings, Jacksonville, FL
prepare for amazement. the subject line of this entry, "ashes where the bodies burning" is a line from the song. now normally, i wouldn't use a sentence like this to open an entry because, let's face it, it's a little scary seeming.
BUT, i'm so in love with this cover, that I MYSELF put aside feelings of being scared by the lyrics and used it as the subject.
there you go.
AND NOW, what i have for you, is a review of when Crash Kings were in Portland, Maine performing at The Asylum.
remember the picture of Tony wearing the headband? take that picture, combined with all other Crash Kings videos in the whole world.
THAT MUCH AWESOME doesn't even begin to measure up to the amount of awesome in this review.
it's a review from Bowdoin College's weekly publication. the reviewer is a guy called Cameron Weller. let me just say up front - this guy is in love with Tony. like, totally. nothing to be ashamed about. it's hard to NOT be in love with Tony. i think we all can agree with that.
this review is so crazy insane good. i can't really say anything more. it's SO GOOD. and if reading it doesn't make you want to go see a Crash Kings show, then there is something majorly wrong.
let me just use my favorite part of the review as the link to the page...
Tony may as well have been making love to his clavinet, playing it with wildly moving fingers, his body thrown back in a sort of exorcised pose. His voice exploded with clarity as he belted the memorable lyrics, "I'm sipping on some sunshine!".
this is my favorite part of the review for many reasons. you can probably guess why.
wow. yeah. that guy has a way with imagery.
yep. there it is.
alright! i believe we just maxed out our pleasure quota per blog post.
so with that - i hope you all are having a lovely monday. i'm very tired today and my eye won't stop twitching. i think i am going to watch an ep of The O.C. Marissa just tried to overdose on painkillers and booze whilst on vaca in Tijuana....so, it's kind of a big episode.
also, the score on The O.C. reminds me A LOT of the score from American Beauty. like, a lot a lot.
ok. go back and look at that Tony pic. YEAH. I KNOW.
talk to you later!
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