so, i go down to work at 3:30pm and it is dead silence. nothing is happening. my boss is just sitting there, ready to leave. she has nothing to report, it's been a super quiet, uneventful day.
after five minutes after she leaves - everything freaking happens.
it was NON-STOP GO GO GO right up until i shut the office door to go home.
i was flustered, annoyed and stressed out for 6.5 straight hours.
each weekend, the residents can choose one fun activity to do. movies, out for dinner, whatever. tonight, they wanted to go swimming. at the Upper Valley Aquatic Center, which is in Vermont. so, we went. i figured it would be okay because there were no babies coming with us.
but MAN. we entered that pool room and BAM BAM BAM that water safety training class came back to haunt me in full force. immediately i was like, "head counts, head counts, gotta do head counts every 10 seconds. what are the signs of drowning?!?! oh CRAP i can't remember the signs of drowning! flailing arms! hair in face! phew, okay. head counts! ok, reach and throw but never go, reach and throw but never go. where are the water safety devices?! ok, good, there. now, where is the first aid kit.....ok, i see it. head counts head counts head counts!!!!"
i was seriously starting to feel sick, i was so nervous. the thing that kept me most nervous were the lifeguards on duty. i was so worried that they hadn't had the water safety training that i had.
i was like, "why are they drinking Capri Sun!?!! why aren't they being lifeguards!?!?! why are they talking to other people when they should be doing head counts!??!? why are they hugging their coworkers goodbye!? they'll probably see them tomorrow!!!!!"
that was very stressful to me. there were two lifeguards for this pool area. and there was a birthday party with like, 7 and 8 year olds. and this pool area is crazy. it has waterfalls, shooting streams of water coming out of the ground, two water slides and the pool like, zig-zags around the ground. it's very cool, but very complicated and seemingly not very lifeguard friendly.
i immediately made the decision that if i ever have children, they are never going swimming. i was this stressed over keeping an eye on a 17 and 18 year old!?!? imagine how i would be with MY OWN young child.
and, the residents wanted to go on the water slide. but one of them is in her third trimester of pregnancy. so, i went over to one lifeguard and said,
JULIE: Hi, my friend is about 8 months pregnant, is it alright if she goes on the water slide?
LIFEGUARD: ........(laughing) I have no idea! Go ask him!
JULIE: (thinking) Oh no. That is not a good sign of their lifeguard capabilities. (to the second lifeguard) Hi, my friend is 8 months pregnant, is it alright if she goes on the water slide?
LIFEGUARD: She's 8 months?
JULIE: Yeah, around that.
LIFEGUARD: Um....I don't think so. I think only if it's in the first trimester.
JULIE: Great, thank you.
that first lifeguard. boy. i had my eye on him the whole rest of the time. the second one seemed like he knew what he was doing. he was very attentive and actually blew the whistle a few times. he was constantly telling people, "no running!" and he would actually get up and walk around the pool. the other one was just dead weight. i considered myself more useful than the first lifeguard.
i was a very happy person leaving the Aquatic Center.
then we ate at McDonald's. general annoyance and stress of being in a public place with teen girls.
then we went to Hollywood Video. now, i was fine with going to the video store UNTIL we walked into the video store. and then i remembered how powerless i get in video stores. my movie-purchasing addiction instantly kicks in.
now, my horoscope for wednesday said, "do what you need to do in the morning - the grocery store and video store - and then come home and relax." (or something along those lines.) and i thought, "that's strange that it's telling me to go to the video store, because i don't need to go." but, i did need to go to the grocery store. so, i went there, but resisted the video store.
tonight i walk into Hollywood Video and see, '$7.99 for all movies regularly $14.99!!!'
JULIE: Uh oh.
and then i see that (500) Days of Summer is now available previously viewed.
JULIE: Uhhhh ohhhh....
and so...
1. (500) Days of Summer
2. Coraline
regularly $14.99 each, but i got them for $7.99 each. not too bad.
it was between Coraline and Taking Woodstock. both of which i really enjoyed. but, i figured that i might watch Coraline more. plus, she has blue hair and blue nails. tres cool. but, Taking Woodstock has Emile Hirsch. and he's naked at one part. hm. i had forgotten about that until just now. ah well. the choice was made.
ANYWAYS. i finally made it upstairs at 10:30pm. after that super flustered, hectic night i still had to come home and do alllllll the logging and resident charts, etc. OH i really didn't want to do them.
and now i'm home and guess what?!!?!? i don't want to do any of the things i had planned to do!!!!!! HA!
recycling project? eh, it can wait.
clean living room? it actually doesn't look that bad....
but no. i will soldier on and at least do some of it. i might 'fake finish' the recycling project. not keep painting, but just use what i have now and put everything into the closet.
i'm super tired. i think it was all the worrying. i suppose that probably takes a lot out of someone.
but, i don't think i could go to sleep. so, i might as well be useful. put on some good music and warm socks and just do it.
i think i know why Ruby Tuesday always sits up in the window above the sink. because that's how the heat travels to my bedroom, so it's SUPER warm up there!!! i always pick her up afterwards and she's sooooo warm! and tonight i finally made the connection.

that is us from just a moment ago. she was sleeping on my shoulder, but the sound of the camera clicking woke her up. awwww sleepy tuesday!!! (note the navy polish)
ok. it's 12:10am. i should get a move on. i still want to pack tonight too. i think i generally know which clothes i'm bringing. (red plaid shirt what what!) yeah, i just wore it yesterday but, who cares? Tony doesn't have to know that.
OH! so, you know how i download all these super explicit songs for the residents here? WELL, the most recent CD that i burned was playing in the van today while we were on our adventures.
and, i have to admit, there is one song that i totally love. and i thought, "wait a minute, i have this song on my computer! i downloaded it!"
it's SUPER hott. it's a song called 'Crazy Possessive' by Kaci Battaglia. i had never heard of it or of Kaci until today! and now i totally love it. pay no attention to the lame music video. just focus on the killer beats. i might just put that song on my iPod so i can jam on my drive home.
OOOOOHHHHHHHH I CAN'T WAIT TO GO HOME. i can't wait to get away from here. tonight is my 29th night in a row working. that's not even that much. but it's been a tough 29 nights. not even that. it's been a tough past two weeks.
i think i might stop at Old Navy on my way home to exchange that sweater. oh wait, i didn't tell you about that. i told my mom. whatever. i have to exchange something. and then my mom called me tonight and left a voicemail saying that Seventh Generation laundry detergent is on sale at Targs. so, i might stop and pick up some of that too. because that's the kind i use.
what is the verdict about asking Old Navy about their music playlist? is that lame? would that just be annoying? should it depend on how busy it is? i guess i'll play it by ear.
12:27am. i should get busy.
alright, have a great saturday! a great night! a great day! a great everything. i'll probs blog from Maine.
i'll definitely blog before CRASH KINGS ON SUNDAY. ooooohhhhhh man we're gonna tear it up.
okay! love everybody. talk to you soon,
♥ ♥ ♥
have a safe ride home and have a great time in Allston at the show.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to Mt Washington tomorrow with Craig, Jen to go snowshoeing.