and Stellan Skarsgard was the super crazy director! holy crap, that scene when they went to the meeting with Dana Gordon at the studio was CR-AZY. things got intense. i can't believe that happened.
i feel bad for Vince. man. first Medillin and now Smoke Jumpers. and then getting rejected by Gus Van Sant! yikes.
aw wow. what a season. what a show.
i loved the scene with Ari and his kids in the kitchen. when his daughter was telling him about how to talk to women. i'm kind of in love with Jeremy Piven. i feel bad for all those snippy comments i made about him "not looking sick" at the Golden Globes when he had mercury poisoning. but, i think he's very handsome and i just love when he gets mad. or when he can't stand somebody.
omg! i can't believe i have no more to watch! this is a very surreal moment. and, i looked at the clock when the credits started to roll after the last ep, and it was 2:25am. 225! that's my lucky number/birthday.
i didn't even start watching the disc tonight until late. i kept putting it off. but, i'm glad i finished. it ended on a really good note.
oh! i liked this part when they were debating whether or not to keep Vince in the movie:
CRAZY DIRECTOR: I put a call into Leo!!
ARI GOLD: Leo's in Boston doing Shutter Island!!!
love it.
oh, and i know what i was curious about.....there was a reference to Milk when they were trying to get Gus Van Sant on the phone. i think Drama said, "Milk was dope" or something like that. when did that movie come out?? and when was the season 5 finale? i'm not thinking that they got their facts wrong, i was just surprised to hear that.
but! i think they did get something wrong, actually. there was some line when Ari and Stellan Skarsgard were fighting and one of Ari's comeback lines was, "well, he's made a movie with an Oscar winning American director!!" and then Stellan said, "yeah, he played an underwater superhero," or something like that.
and i thought, "hm, they must be talking about James Cameron, who is in fact CANADIAN. bam!
AND ALSO: this is something that i was REALLY excited about. and i think my mom will be really excited about also.
i have for you, some screencaps from the season 5 finale of Entourage. let's take a look, shall we?

These two scenes feature Vince (sitting) and his best friend and manager Eric (standing). they are in Queens, NY sitting on the steps of Vince's mom's house.
BUT THAT MUG THAT VINCE IS HOLDING - my mom has the exact same one. and she's had it forever. like, forever. for some reason i'm thinking she got it when my sister was in 1st grade. which was like......13 years ago. maybe that's wrong. BUT, not only has she had it forever, but she uses it EVERY night for her tea. this is a true story.
i couldn't believe it when i saw it. i even paused the dvd and said outloud, "omg no way!!" it was great. i was really happy to see that my mom, and Vince's mom have the same mugs. because, i'm assuming it's Vince's mom's.
anyways. enough about Entourage.
the rest of my night at work was fine. i just did some logging and updated the behavior charts. tough work. didn't get into any more arguements, which was good. we'll see how the morning goes.
but, i meant to tell you about this really creepy thing that i experienced this morning.
so, my alarm was going off and i sat up in bed. i pulled my covers back, and something caught my eye. my curtain was blowing by the window. like, something or someone had just brushed up against it.
and i thought, "it must be Ruby Tuesday." but, then i looked in the hall and she was sitting there taking a bath.
and then i thought, "hm, well it must have been a tiny breeze from when i pulled my covers off." because, i was in a hurry to get out of bed and shut off my alarm clock. and so i tried to recreate the scene. like, getting up really quickly. and nothing i did to my sheets even made the slightest breeze to move my curtains.
and, they're pretty heavy curtains. they don't look it, but they are. so, i don't have an explanation for as to why there seemed to be someone brushing up against my curtains this morning. but, i was scared for a moment. and then decided that i shouldn't be scared. so, i wasn't.
and that's my creepy story for the day.
in other news, did everybody hear that Nicki Richie had her baby?!!? it was a little boy. they named him Sparrow James Midnight. i like that name a lot. i really like Midnight.
and, i read this short thing comparing this name with the name of their baby daughter, Harlow Winter Kate. and it was actually really interesting. it said:
“After Nicole and Joel gave their daughter the inventive name Harlow Winter Kate, there was much anticipation about what they would come up with for their second child — and they didn’t disappoint with their new son’s name, the equally unusual Sparrow James Midnight.
The two names have a perfect almost twin-like symmetry, one being ultra-feminine and the other very masculine. Sparrow has in the past been used for girls, but since the dynamically male appearance of Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, it’s taken on a swashbuckling pirate persona — while Harlow projects Old Hollywood feminissima glamour.
Both have traditional middle names — James and Kate — as well as a second dramatic, time-related name, with the darkness of Midnight contrasting with the whiteness of Winter. (They also reflect the growing trend for double middle names.)"
i read that on Celebrity Baby Blog, and it was from an interview with Linda Rosenkrantz, who is the co-owner of Nameberry, which is the best baby name site.
but, i just thought that was really interesting to read. especially the part about the time-related middle names, Midnight and Winter, and how they contrast each other with dark and light.
i hope one day i'm famous enough to have my baby's name analyzed on Nameberry.
ALSO! i'm very excited for Ioan Gruffudd and his wife Alice Evans (no relation, sadly). they just had a baby girl!!!! and they named her Ella Betsi. of course we know and love Ioan from his gripping performance of 5th Officer Lowe in James Cameron's Titanic. and also as Mr. Fantastic.
and! Katherine Heigl and Josh Kelley are adopting a baby girl from Korea!
wow. what a great week for celeb babies.
anyways. i'm feeling pretty tired. so, i'm gonna head to bed. and not forget about my tour of the Birthing Pav that i have today. i have no idea when we are leaving for that. but, i'm sure i'll figure it out.
alright! hope you're having a great day!!! i'll talk to you soon!
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