This is one of those times when I wish I had a compass tattoo. So that when I'm feeling super lost and confused and upset about my life, I could look down at my arm and not feel so alone. I need that compass. Why don't they make navigation systems for your life??
I actually had a break down in work yesterday. Apparently, it's very easy to tell when I'm in a bad mood. I suppose I'm usually pretty chipper. I was hiding out way in the back corner of the store folding sweaters that didn't really need to be refolded, and one of the managers whom I absolutely love, came over and asked,
MANAGER: Julie... what's wrong?
And then I pretty much burst into tears. LUCKILY, she had a project for me to do. Which was distracting AND fun. And I got to use the tall ladder. It was like those breakdown scenes in moves where you think, "that sucks." And it did. It sucked. I had also had a breakdown on the car ride into work! So, yesterday was overall a fail day.
Although, apparently, I led the whole team at work because I got 4 friends, 3 PWP's and 2 credits. That means nothing to you. And I hope in a few years it will mean nothing to me, either.
Hey!! So, this entry will be filled with lots of random stuff!! Pictures and stories.
Let's go!
Live music! At
The Brickhouse in Dover! Kara had heard that this guy, Dave Gutter, was pretty good, so we decided to go. He's the lead singer of the bands Paranoid Social Club and Rustic Overtones. Although, those actually might be the same band. I'm not too sure what the deal is.
Anyways, it was a really fun night. Kara and I got there early and got food. DELISH. Like, the food was awesome. Really, really good. Who knew?! And they had totally changed the set up around. I had only been there twice before (both on dates), but it was like, totally renovated. Nice. Kara thought her friend Matt might show up, but he was a no show. Greg ended up coming! And hanging with us. Which was fun.

For the second half, Dave was really drunk and apparently also really high. It was pretty interesting. At one point he called his girlfriend and put her on speakerphone right next to the mic. Funny stuff. Also, he invited those two guys up on stage. I don't know who they were.
At some other point this holiday season, I took artsy pictures of Kara in front of the Christmas tree. This is my favorite:

So pretty.
Julie and Jenn Have An Adventure!
The Sunday before Christmas, my friend Jenn and I had a super fun day together.
We got an early start (around 11am) and went to
The Barley Pub, in Dover, because they were having a craft fair! Seems like craft fairs and bars don't go hand in hand - but apparently they do! It was a great time. Lots of artsy, hipster people selling lovely handmade things. I ended up buying/custom ordering a paper lantern for Maria! I got to pick out the paper for the lantern as well as the cut outs on all four sides. It was awesome!
The woman who makes them, Carrie, is going to start selling them at
Lucy's Art Emporium, also in Dover, NH. I highly recommend you getting one. They make great personalized gifts. So pretty :)
After the craft fair, we drove to Kittery, ME with the intention of going straight to the candy store, Yummies. We took a spontaneous detour when we saw the sign, "$10 palm readings!"
Unfortunately, the lady was cash only, and Jenn didn't have any cash on her. But I did! So, I got my palm read. Just one. It went pretty well. Some things kinda seemed universal, but the main parts seemed relevant. That was only the second time I've had my palm read, and it's always fun. I love it.
After that, we went over to Yummies and bought candy and delicious things. Then had lunch at Friday's - also delicious. Then we went to the movies!! We saw The Descendants. While we were there, Jenn pointed out that the last movie that we saw together was also a George Clooney movie. Funny. But great movie. It was probably the most depressing movie we could have chosen to see... but it was great.
Then we went to Starbucks to get a coffee! Ended up staying there for like, 3 hours until they kicked us out.
It was such a great day. Lots of fun. :)
PICTURE:: Ruby Tuesday on Christmas Morning!

That's the stocking I made her!! It's pink. She's the best.
NOW! Pictures of Ruby Sleeping Under Things!

She was like that when I found her.

Peeking out from under the tree skirt.
Also! I don't know if you realize this, but I'm on the visual display team at work. It's a fun team to be on. So, I get to do a lot of the visual displays that are up in the store. Or, on the mannequins. I think I'm pretty good at it.
Here are some displays that I've photographed, because I'm just so proud of them :)

Pajama bottom and sock display!! The picture I was going by did not have the bows all perfect. It just showed the strings like, hanging down. And I thought, 'yeah, that's not gonna work." So, I tied them all in perfect bows!!! Doesn't it look great with the bows tied on the socks?!?! YES IT DOES. I love this. It's super cute.
The next one is probably my claim to fame. The Flying Sweater display. I had no idea how I was going to pull this off.
It took A LONG TIME. But, it was actually a lot like jewelry making. I had to use wire, crimping beads (giant super sturdy ones), pliers and fishing line to get the whole thing to work.
It was A LOT of trial and error. And my finger tips were literally numb by the end of it.

But, it pretty much rocks. Every time I walk into the store I look over and check to make sure it hasn't fallen. I think it came out awesome.
NOW! For a segment I would like to call,
"Our Cats Are Business Ladies."

*End Segment!*
Another exciting thing! Kara and I were hosts to a New Girl party last weekend!!!! Of course, we are all familiar with the show, New Girl, starring everyone's girlfriend, Zooey Deschanel.
We just thought there needed to be a night where we just invited all the girls over and watched every episode of New Girl. And that night was last weekend.
This was the table spread:

YUM - right?! I made bruschetta and the punch (pink lemonade concentrate, ginger ale, and white cranberry juice), Kara made spinach artichoke dip and lemonade cupcakes with raspberry frosting. We also had sweet potato waffle fries! And then everyone brought delicious things including wine, champagne and chips!!!
It was a great group of hotties: Kara, Maria, Jenn D, Meg, Danielle, Jen S, Renee, Brittany, and me! We had so much fun. Lots of laughs. That show rocks. Like, so hard. It's like you can relate to some aspect of her life at some point during the show. Hilarious. Everyone should watch.
And the next day! Was SISTER DAY. :) Instead of me and Kara getting each other gifts for Christmas, we decided to have a sister day. Always a good decision.
We slept in a little bit. Had to run to Targs for some quick errands. AND THEN, the day started.
We got coffee and food at Dunkin Donuts. Then headed down to Old Navy and did some light shopping. I got this really pretty blue cardigan and a orange striped tank. The tank was only $3. YEP.
Then! We headed over to the movies to see New Year's Eve! It was great. Made you laugh, made you cry. I didn't think it was as good as Valentine's Day, but it was definitely fun. Definitely good. :)
Then! We drove home and packed because earlier in the day we had called and reserved an OCEAN FRONT ROOM in Wells, ME at Lafeyette's Oceanfront Resort. Cheap winter rates!!
We checked in, got a redbox, got some Chinese food and Woodchuck cider and crashed for the night. IT. WAS. AWESOME.
And we took pictures!
This was the view from our room when we first got there:

Yeah - right on the beach.
We had a great night. And this was the view when we woke up the next morning:

AHHHH! Birds! Wild birds! Too close for me.

:) Nice, nice day at the beach. It was such a great Sister Day. I ♡ Kara.
OTHER THAN THAT... there has actually been a lot more going on. But I think that's all I'll share with you now. Mayybe another time.
Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'll try and be better. I'll make it a resolution. So far my resolutions for 2012 are:
- wear more yellow
- have no parking violations
- blog more!
I think those are pretty good.
2011 was a strange year. Overall, I think I liked it. I miss some parts of it. I did a lot of new things. Met new people. Kissed a lot of boys. Smiled a lot. Cried a lot. Drove to Brooklyn. Drove to Canada. My grandmother died. I got strep throat. Twice. Went to two weddings. Paid $85 worth in parking violations. Saw River City Extension twice. Had some articles published online.
Hm. I guess it sounds okay. I guess it was a good year.
And now, it's Golden Globes night!! My favorite season :)
Hope you all are having a great night! We'll talk again soon.