09 November 2009

"Today if you are frightened, instead become inspired."

you may think that i took that quote from a college graduation speech. kind of sounds like one. but no! wanna know where it came from?? Grey's Anatomy. yep. a few weeks ago. best episode of Grey's in a while.

this guy who worked at the hospital had this super bad tumor on his spinal cord. like, all intertwining. and the Chief told Patrick Dempsey that he couldn't do the surgery because it was too risky and the tumor seemed inoperable. but the patient convinced Patrick Dempsey to do the surgery! and the title of this post is taken from a line the patient said to him right before being put under the anesthesia.

it was such a good episode! all the doctor's were working together to try and figure it out. it was like, a miracle surgery. like a mystery about how to start. McDreamy spent the first 10 hours just staring into the guy's spine, trying to decide where to make the first cut!!! HARDCORE!!!!

and then he went back the next day, behind the Chief's direction, and performed the rest of the surgery. and the very last cut he made was like a total gamble. he could have either saved the guy's life and the surgery would be a success, or he could have paralyzed the guy.


i want to be like that!!!! i want to go behind people's backs and do things that everybody thinks i can't do!!!!!! IIIIIIIIII want to be a neurosurgeon!!!!!

McDreamy is like everything i want to be. he's like a super awesome, famous surgeon that people come from all over the world to have him operate on them. i want to be that cool!!!

man i wish i had enough motivation to go to medical school.

once i invent the power to be able to know everything about whatever you want, i think the first thing i will automatically learn about is neurosurgery.

the second might be meteorology.

i really like science. even though i think i am way more of a creative person than a scientific person, man, i love science. that is one thing i wish i had appreciated more in high school. slash school in general.

i think i actually made pretty good use of science in college.

- forensic anthropology
- astronomy
- astronomy and public policy
- paranormal and supernatural phenomenons
- music, brain, and development

were those all my science classes? and then me and Jenny totes rocked Day in the Lab/Girl's Day in the Lab.


it's 1.26am. my goal sleep time was 1am. but now i'm not tired anymore. i was downstairs working from like, 9:45 to 11:45.

as my co-worker Sue was filling me in on everything that had happened during the day, as she was getting ready to go home for the night, all i could think of was, "they're just going to leave me here alone to deal with all of this?" like, aaaalllllllllll the crap from throughout the day which all the other staff have been dealing with together, is now MY responsibility.

yeah, that was a sucky feeling. i'm getting a break, though. dear wednesday night: please, feel free to come as fast as you want. love, julie.

my total number of hours worked these past two weeks has dropped!!!!!!! so, the two weeks before these last two weeks, it was 191 hours worked. but tonight when i calculated for the past two weeks, i had only worked 135 hours.


apparently one of the staff here who works weekends had the swine flu. good ol' H1N1. now everyone is freaking out. apparently like, tons of kids in the schools up here have been sick. i had no idea! i guess if i don't get it, i'll be pretty shocked. my immune system is down right now. my body is doing everything it can to try and get me to take out my earring. it's like, ''how could you go and pierce your ear?!?!! you went 23 years without a piercing!!!!"

yeah, this earring situation is not going well. despite what my mom tells me, i think my ear is turning black. i've been cleaning it with kosher salt water a bunch of times. and then when the salt water dries it leaves my ear all rough and salty and crusty.

pretty soon i'm gonna look like ol' Bootstrap Bill.

ol'. i just used that in the paragraph above, describing H1Ni. i apologize. i'll try not to use it again.

Bootstrap Bill Turner. remember how his face just leaked salt water? ooooo best makeup ever. slash CGI.

SO. oh, speaking of our ol' friend H1N1......Taylor from Rooney had the swine flu. i learnt this while listening to a voicemail left by Robert Schwartzman. and he was just giving a normal band update, and then said that Taylor had swine flu, but that he was feeling better. Taylor is the one who used to date Mischa Barton! the lead guitarist for Rooney. who will be at Wellesley College TONIGHT, 10 november, 2009.

oh you ladies of wellesley, how jealous am i?? how jealous i am. on the day before Leo DiCaprio's birthday, you have to go and schedule a "students only" Rooney show. what gives?

i should probably clarify a little when i said that Robert left a voicemail with a band update. man, i really wish i didn't have to clarify, ya know? i wish we could all just believe that he would call and leave a message on my telephone. but no. a clarification is in order.

so, Rooney is on this thing called SayNow. they have like, a band telephone number and you can call the number, leave a message, and they will call back on a number and everyone can listen to it. like a universal answering machine. universal is the wrong word. COMMUNAL. a communal answering machine. and so i was listening to some of their most recent messages. and that's how i found out.

i have to call people back tonight. kerianne and aliya i will call you back.

so, last night i fell asleep with my lullaby music on. i know, i shouldn't have told you that. YEAH OKAY, it's baby music. music for babies to sleep to. well, i like it. it's calm and soothing. and while i was laying in bed i thought to myself, there should be a lullaby version of every song.

and then i thought of the name of the company that would turn every song into a lullaby song. but now i can't think of the company name. CRAP. ugh what was the name??? aw man. nothing. nada. niente.

lullaby nation? lullaby the world? hmmm.

that would be a great job.
"oh, what do you do?"
"i record lullabys all day."

man. awesome. you would just never wake up. everything would just be so peaceful and quiet. and the recording studio could double as a daycare.

omg who wants to start a lullaby band?!?

wow, the lullaby version of Smells Like Teen Spirit is pretty freaky. as someone said in the comments section, "i think it would work great if you wanted your baby to become a supervillain."

i guess that's what Sylar listened to as a baby. i listened to lullaby renditions of Johnny Cash songs on the airplane over to Ireland. but it didn't work. i didn't fall asleep.

Octopus's Garden is also really good. and it has little bubbling sounds too.

ok. 2am. i'm getting tired now listening to this music. and i have to get up early, man. ugh. my goal is to leave my house at 11am. tres horrible.

ok. hope you all are having a wonderful tuesday. whatever time it is. wherever you are. whatever you are doing.

alright. i'll talk to you later. goodnight and farewell for now.



  1. so, you're coming to visit me this week! are you excited? i'm really sorry, but i kinda want to go out to eat at places and just get appetizers? is that a problem? i guess we'll get it sorted out later!

  2. I always want to be a combat surgeon after watching MASH. Or a paramedic or something. Just the adrenaline and the being absolutely expert and hardcore and saving peoples' LIVES...

    Yeah, so, tv makes people into doctors. TV is saving the world!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!