12 November 2009


hey there friends.

had a super horrible night at work that i can't even talk about because it was so bad. i am exhausted right now and have a headache that just won't go away.

so, i don't want to talk about it. i'm calming down now, and talking about it will just get me upset again.

and also, i'm tired. and i'm going to bed very soon. like, probably even before 1:30am.

i just wanted to let you that i am going to Providence, RI today for a Sister Weekend with kara. i am in desperate need to get away from this house. i'll be back on sunday evening sometime. and i probably won't be doing much blogging while i'm away.

so, i wanted to give you a heads up.

i hope you all have a great weekend! doing anything fun and special??

i love you all. miss everybody. one week is over. let's hope next week brings some happy.


1 comment:

thanks for the comment! you're the best!!