08 November 2009

oh my god i want to scream

i just had the most painful couple hours. COUPLE HOURS.

i heard the girls talking to each other on the monitor. i told them they could stay up until 10 o'clock to watch this murder crime show. i heard them talking at like, quarter to 11. and i thought, 'aw man, i have to go downstairs and be authoritative.'

so, i went downstairs. IMMEDIATELY as i walk in the door to the second floor all three girls come at me with explanations as to why they're up, they want pizza, they are laughing, they are loud, they are throwing things at each other, dropping the f-bomb every other word, they're running around, they are acting like five year olds.

i just stood there for a moment. wishing, wishing, wishing that i had never come downstairs. i had such a good day and in one minute it turned to crap.

i couldn't even speak they were annoying me so much. finally one of them said, "uh oh, julie's mad."

we had a donation of five boxes of pizza tonight and they all wanted to go downstairs and get a slice.

"we were just up here waiting for you to come down so we could go!!"
i said, "no, you should have called me to get permission to stay up."
"but you were going to come down eventually!"
"right, eventually. but i had said 10 o'clock."

i went downstairs with them. their collective age had dropped from five to two.

i finally said, "look, you guys need to calm down, because i'm getting really annoyed."

they ate their pizza. i sent them to their rooms. and then i had to go with the new mom to feed the baby.

wow. just, i wanted to scream. the whole time.

this is going to be a long effing week.

now, i'm going to curl up on the couch and watch a Jason Schwartzman movie. tonight calls for some schwartzman. not much could make me smile right now. but jason always seems to do the trick. Fantastic Mr. Fox opens soon. i'm happy about that. actually, i'm really freaking excited. me and kara are going. Meryl AND Jason!!!!

ok. i'm feeling better already. Miley just came on my iPod. that probably helps.

tonight my iPod froze up. it hadn't done that in a long time. i was bummed. and my slipper ripped. i am really bummed about that.

but! i watched some of saturday's SNL with Taylor Swift, and she sang a song during her opening monologue, and in her song she mentioned Joe Jonas. and how he broke up with her over the phone. i was really excited about that. not that he broke up with her, but that she mentioned him.

anyways. i'm getting tense again.

let me just say - i slept soooooo freaking good this weekend. friday and saturday nights. i was OUT. no interruptions. so sleeping with a baby monitor in my bed. no waking up to someone yelling, "JULIE!!!!"

but tonight it begins again. okay. i'm gonna go.

are Veronica and Piz gonna hook up or not? watching him on VM made me remember that i hadn't watched any Private Practice yet this season. so, i was all over that on friday. good stuff.

ok. have a good night. and a good start to your week. i'll talk to you later.


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