10 November 2009

"Is this the part where you turn me into a vampire?"

another great quote to title an entry!!! this one perhaps less inspiring than the last. tonight's quote comes to us from Veronica Mars.

i received a disc of VM in the mail today. i did not realize that it was the last disc of the series until much later. i have one episode left. if you could only see what i'm feeling inside. you would probably freak out. it's a lot of sad emotions right here.

although, there's a particularly gorgeous photo of Dick Casablancas on the dvd menu which i am thoroughly enjoying. these past few episodes were tough for Dick. i am kind of worried.

also, i was looking through season 1 of Veronica Mars and find it totally creepy that the last episode of season 1 is called, Leave It To Beaver. it means nothing if you haven't watched the show. but, i am really creeped out by that. and STILL cannot believe the ending of season 2.

anyways. i plan to watch the last episode tomorrow. wednesday. goodbye my friends. i will miss them dearly. i will miss the Veronica/Eli relationship. at first i was so scared of Eli, but he turned out to be a good guy.

anyways. today was a busy, hectic day. i did not get a lot of sleep last night. had to get up early. staff meeting was okay. then we had a baby shower. i had to run around and do errands for the baby shower. and then i finally came home and collapsed.

slept until 9:50pm. woke up. started work alllll over.

currently it's 1:55am. after i finish this i'm going to bed. i'm tired.

but!!!!! starting at 8am wednesday morning, i'm on another mini-vacation.

vacation = still working, just not as intensely.

meaning, i won't have to get up in the night with the baby. this will make a huge difference on my life. i am so excited i really cannot even describe it to you.

ALSO, something totally weird happened today. my computer started working. like, all my programs. it was weird. i turned on my computer this evening and for some reason thought, "eh, what the heck, i'll just give iTunes a shot." and it took a while and i thought to myself, "whoa, is this going to work??"

AND IT WORKED!!!!! and then i tried microsoft office - WORKED. paint program - WORKED. double click on the time? CALENDAR POPS UP. it's awesome.

i have absolutely no idea what caused it to start working again. i'm a tad suspicious of it all. like, for a couple weeks i didn't have the "program opening thing" anymore, but now i do? where was it? on vaca? program opener road trip?

anyways. i hope it stays. maybe it thought i was taking it for granted and was upset that i keep thinking of getting a Mac every couple seconds. so, it wanted to make me jealous.

whatever it was, i'm glad it's back. welcome back, programs!

also. i don't know if you know this, but there is a funeral home at the end of my street. like, i can see it from my window. and lately, i can't really stop thinking about it. one day last week they were outside in the driveway washing the hearse.

now, i don't know if you know anything about me, but i hate seeing hearses. they freak me out. they have a blue one. AND a hearse mini-van. i didn't know it existed, but it does.

and so tonight i was googling the funeral home and found their website and discovered that they do cremations. right in the house. on my street. this really freaked me out. it also made me worry about the possible fire hazard. if something went wrong, that would suck.

some of the guys who work at the funeral home are nice looking guys. because i see them outside all the time.

ugh. but the whole thing just makes me feel unsettled.

tonight at the baby shower we talked about possible ghosts that inhabit this house. the director of our program told everyone that the trick to make a ghost leave is to say very firmly, "spirit depart!" apparently that has worked for him in the past.

he also told us that this house was built in 1860. and it was a major farm house in the area. and alllllll that was around this house were fields. 1860!! that's a loooong time ago.

i wonder what kind of people lived in this house. well, farmers, obvi. but like. who? which rooms did they sleep in?

ok. enough wondering for one night. time for bed. working tomorrow 3:30-10pm.

have a great mid-week day. i'll talk to everyone later :)


1 comment:

  1. glad to hear the PC is back. Did you know your Mom and I used to live above a funeral home? In Springvale Maine it was. $100 a month! oh, and we answered the phones after 5pm or so until the next morning when they came back to work. We called them Death Calls. " Hello this is Mercy Hospital and we have a pickup ..."

    did I mention I xo u?


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!