18 November 2009

"Today for lunch, and due to some serious early morning noise making, I will have BBQed parakeet with labrador aioli."

(above subject line taken from mr. sam farrar's twitter this morning. it made me laugh. sam is the bassist for phantom planet. and has the most beautiful baby daughter.)

any! ways! just wanted to do a quick update before i head off to work. currently 3:19pm.

went to the post office and went to get a coffee after. i got a tiny phone book in my mailbox. it's like the cliff notes of phone books.

also, in this coffee shop that i go to they always have a different quote posted on their chalkboard. much in the style of Logan Echoll's voicemail message. this was today's quote: The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. that quote is by none other than my favorite person, Oscar Wilde.

i thought that was fitting for me today.

and then! i was reading my horoscope a few minutes ago and i can't tell if it's supposed to be read with a sarcastic tone or not.

Play your cards right, and you'll end up with an instant replay of last night's fun. Then again, play them any way at all, and you'll probably get the same effect. So what's the hold up? Do you really not want to experience all that good stuff all over again? Sure you do. Go ahead and pick out a new outfit, and a new bottle of wine, and get ready to intensify this delicious new connection.

the last couple lines makes me think it's not sarcastic. but i think the first part is. at least, that's the way i'm reading it.

oh alright. it's time for me to go to work now.

i have the jeremy piven movie. pretty cool, right? it just came out yesterday! i'm the first netflixian to watch the dvd!

okay. hope you all have a great night. i'll probably talk to you laterrrr.


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