16 November 2009

so i put my hands up, they're playing my song

i know i'm gonna be okay.

so. let's go. 1:31am. tuesday morning.

just finished watching Rocky. i had never seen it before. if you can believe that. i thought it was sweet. and funny. not a lot of boxing, which made me happy. but man, that fight in the end was gross. what did they do to his eye? did they actually cut it? to release the swelling of blood??? for realz? that was gross.

aw there was something else i was going to say about Rocky. it just escaped me. ..... oh! i didn't realize that Sylvester Stallone wrote it. i was impressed to see that. did he write them all?

and i think that Robert Schwartzman totally looks like his mother. i was really surprised to see that. also, Talia Shire has really beautiful skin in that movie.


today was a pretty good day. i had a good sleep that was full of interruptions. i was up once with the baby. then the baby monitor woke me up at 7:57am. then the phone woke me up at 8:15am. then Ruby Tuesday woke me up around 10am. then she woke me up again around noon because she was climbing up my curtains trying to get a fly. then i woke up at 1pm. but i was too tired so i slept until 1:18pm. and then i got up for real.

i mean, all the sleep was good. but un-peaceful.

woke up. had some cereal. watched The Office from last week. then got dressed and ready to go do errands. i had a long wal-mart list. it included boring things like socks. hair elastics. bronzer. stain remover. and then some exciting things like rubbing alcohol. and earrings. cat food.

my ear piercing has not been great. i have no idea what's wrong with it. i should really use some of my great american health insurance and go to the doctor's. i'm worried it will turn into gangrene. for serious. there's this large dark purple bump on the back of my ear. it hurts. and it's gross. and i think it's turning black.

but, i did have the stainless steel earring that it was pierced with in. and i thought it might be turning black because maybe i am allergic to it. so, i went to the children's jewelry case at wal-mart and bought some 14k gold birthstone earrings! i bought april, because they were diamond. and december, because they were teal. and i immediately put in the teal one.

and i washed my ear with the alcohol three times tonight.

the first washing i took the earring out to make sure the alcohol really got in the hole. and then i was going to take it out for the second washing, but it wouldn't come out. so, i don't know what's up with that.....

so, my piercing saga continues. if anyone is reading this who is a piercing person, or a doctor, and they have any suggestions, please let me know. or even if you're just a regular person with a suggestion, i'll take that too.

i don't even have the earring back on right now, because it hurt too much. and there's very little room on the post because of that bump.

why am i telling you this? this is gross.

kara and i had a great sister weekend in providence. we watched season 1 of veronica mars! in three days!!!!! we did it! no prob. she totes loved it. duh, it's the freaking best. and then i got home and bought season 2. we'll watch that over thanksgiving. soo good.

we also went to Davenport's. the best family restaurant in the northern hemisphere. our waiter's name was Scott and he reminded me of Cliff, the funny lawyer from VM.

on sunday kara and i went to this little breakfast place right down the street from her house. it's actually in pawtucket, but it's like, two minutes away. i had pancakes. they were great.

and we watched the newest episode of Jonas. awesome. Joe and Stella FINALLY kissed. and it was a super hott kiss too. for the disney channel! we were both surprised.

and it was very sad to leave on sunday. kara was heading home, so we drove together on the highway until she needed to go on 95 and i needed to stay on 93. we drove through Boston. it was very foggy. and pretty. hazy.

and then.

let me tell you about my panic attack.

so, about 15 minutes after kara and i parted ways, i-93 narrows to two lanes and gets pretty "woodsy" and dark.

omg my heart just started racing as i'm thinking about re-telling this.

so, i'm driving along. listening to great music. Easy Girl, by Coconut Records comes on. "hey, alright!" i think to myself. about two lines into the song, a giant deer jumps out into the road. like, jumps.

i have to SLAM on my brakes and swerve a little into the left lane.

i cannot believe that i did not hit that deer. in that split second, i was prepared for impact. like, i can't believe that the front passenger side didn't clip him on his legs. THAT'S how friggen close he was. i squinted my eyes closed at the very last second because i was so sure i was gonna hit.

i can honestly say that it has been the scariest moment in my life so far. i'm not kidding. folks, this is what i have nightmares about. DEER. deer in the road. deer in water. deer just staring at me. at nighttime, my eyes can pretty much trick me into thinking anything is a deer.

so, after this deer encounter is when i had my panic attack. if there had been room on the road to pull off, i would have. i was seriously hyperventilating for about 15 minutes straight. i'm totally not joking. i thought i was going to need to take my inhaler. and eventually all my windows fogged up because i was breathing so hard.

and i was sobbing for about 45 minutes. not kidding about that either. i didn't stop crying until the rest area on 93 north right after the tolls. i needed some air.

oh my god i was so scared. and for the ENTIRE ride home after that - which (from the deer encounter) was probably roughly 100 miles - all i could picture was that deer jumping in front of my car.

that is like, my worst fear. seeing a deer at nighttime while i am driving. and that's just on the side of the road - nevermind it jumping out in front of my car. again, i'm being serious, that is my worst fear.

i was even nervous about going to sleep last night because i was worried i would have nightmares about it. but i didn't.

and i woke up and i had kind of forgotten about it. and i was eating my cereal and listening to my ipod and what song came on? Easy Girl. and AS SOON as i heard the song, i remembered it. and i could see it all again. and now i hate it because it's probably going to be a trigger song.

and!! while i was driving to wal-mart this afternoon again, i almost started crying because i could picture the deer jumping out in front of my car. and i COULDN'T WAIT to get out of that stupid car.

it's horrible. i guess maybe it seems kind of silly. but it's not! i hate deer. i hate them. and hyperventilating for 15 minutes is not fun. especially while driving.

but enough about that. let's talk about something else.


entertainment weekly gave Fantastic Mr. Fox an A!!!!! it was the highest grade of their new releases that they reviewed. i was so excited about this. i am so freaking excited for that movie i can't even stand it. and the guy who was writing the review even said, "i am not a fan of wes anderson movies." he didn't like Rushmore or The Darjeeling Limited. and he was very strong about this. but then went on about how totally awesome Mr. Fox was.

i am so excited. it's going to be amazing. Best Picture nominee. my vote.

Jason Schwartzman was on Jimmy Fallon last week. they were super funny together. like, really funny. for once, Jason wasn't totally nervous and awkward. it was sweet. and as soon as he sat in the interview chair, someone from the audience shouted, "PHANTOM PLANET!!!!"

and then like, two days later, on Twitter, Darren (from Phantom Planet) wrote, "All right- who was it that yelled, "Phantom Planet" on the Jimmy Fallon show the other night when Jason S. was on? Come on... Who was it?"

i can't really tell if it sounds upset or not. i have a feeling that Darren and Jason don't get along anymore. i have this feeling - and it makes me extrememly sad.

also, Jason was on Alexa Chung the other night and he admitted to loving Miley Cyrus. he talked for like, a minute straight on how much he loves 'Party in the USA' and how the song is brilliant and the whole thing sounds like a chorus. it was totally funny. and he sang part of it. it made me really, really happy.

anyways. getting back to my erranding.

i guess there's nothing else to say about it. hm. i went to wal-mart and then to the grocery store. and then i pulled into the driveway and there was a huge can of corn spilled everywhere. i had to cautiously drive around it. i thought to myself, "hm, i wonder what happened here...."

and then i checked my phone and there was a message saying, "hi julie, i just wanted to update you on some things that have been happening here tonight." it was from Diane. so, i stopped into her office on my way upstairs. got the full story. and i was really, really happy that i wasn't working tonight.

OH!!! speaking of Twitter. from before. ALSO THIS WEEKEND: Taylor Hanson tweeted that he was having dinner with Robert Schwartzman. THIS also made me very happy. very, very happy. this (to my knowledge) is the second Rooney/Hanson crossover tweet. the first time Robert tweeted about hanging out with Taylor from Hanson. and now this. having dinner together!!!!!!!!! i can't even explain how excited this makes me. like, i don't even know where to go after this. because nothing could really get any better, right? hott hanson boys and hott rooney boys.

i don't think Kara was as excited as i was. at least not on the outside.....

in other news, the Jeremy Piven movie - The Goods - is released today. i have it as number one on my netflix. i am in serious need of some JP. i miss Ari Gold more than i thought i would. hopefully when Netflix receives disc 5 of Veronica Mars season 3 tomorrow, they will mail this one out. PLEASE don't turn into a very long wait. this is me, begging to the Netflix queue workers. PLEASE SEND ME JP.

i would probably marry Jeremy Piven. he seems like kind of a jerk. but, in all his interviews with David Letterman he's really sweet and funny. and he seems like a nice guy. so, i think he's a nice guy. and that scene with Ari and Vince at the airport. the one that made me cry. that was true Ari.

(the only thing i want for christmas are all the seasons of Entourage. (fyi) )

hm. what else!

it's quite nice that my computer is working again. i am on iTunes right now. and this afternoon i used my "turn youtube videos into mp3" program. it rocks. and i can use the calendar!!!!

last night i was on the craigslist for Los Angeles, and one of the writing jobs was like, "wanna write a romantic comedy?" and i was like, "um, YES." does anyone really need to ask me? come on.

also, Star Trek is released on dvd today. buy it! own it! in entertainment weekly they were like, "the only downside about the dvd is that it doesn't come with a drool bib." i laughed. because the guys are so freaking hott.

ok. 2:43am.

Ruby Tuesday gave me a pretty good scratching last night. my right arm was all swollen. i had to wash it with cold, cold water a lot to get it to stop hurting. and she really scratched my wrist up bad. there are two huge scratches in the letter X. i'm worried that people will think i did it on purpose. Tuesday gets so violent sometimes. she gets this look in her eyes. it's really scary. but then she can be so cute and sweet!!!!

ugh, but tonight, i wanted to paint my fingernails black. because i'm that classy. and i got out my nail file. ok, so Ruby was asleep on my bed. and i was in my living room on the couch. AS SOON as i started filing my nails, she comes running in and sits right in front of me. then she jumps on my lap. and it was a battle between us for the nail file. she loves it for some reason. this isn't the first time she's gone crazy over it. she loves to lick and bite it. i seriously have to hide them from her because she will find them.

ok. i have to get up early today. staff meeting day. meeting isn't until 12:30pm. but still. to be dressed and presentable by then? ugh.

also - britney spears. that song 3. i just heard this song last week for the first time, and now i've seen the video about 100 times on AMtv. the only time mtv plays videos is between like 5am and 8am. and we're usually feeding the baby sometime in there.

the video is just alot of sexy hair and body touching. you'll see what i mean. and oddly cut clothing. the song is about a threesome? come on, brit. for real? i still don't get it. it's like, a weird song. and a very weird video.

another song and video that are just plain weird? Funhouse. by Pink. like, what? come on. such a dumb song. she's all like, "aaaahhh i'm so crazy!!!! i'm so hardcore!!!!! and crazy!!!!!! look at me skip around!!"

and since we were talking about Party in the USA..... what's with that video?!?! she sings about wearing a cardigan, but does she wear one in the video?? NOPE. i wanted the video to be about a naive country girl moving to Hollywood and seeing tons of celebs. just like the song, right? but no. the video is about hair extensions and slutty dancing on top of cars.

UGH. know who should direct music videos?? ME.

and this has been another segment of, 'julie complaining about music videos.' thanks for watching.

ok. 3:09am. now i'm signing off. going to bed. we've covered a lot of ground in this one.

hope you have a great tuesday. i'll speak to you later on today. perhaps tonight. until then!


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