02 September 2009

fake plastic trees

wow. Entourage. Season 5. episode "Gotta Look Up to Get Down." most touching moment ever. it brought tears to my eyes. for serious. i was so impressed by this scene between Ari and Vince. great scene overall. great acting. great song by Radiohead. great sunset. it was such a nice, honest moment. and i even cried again watching it on youtube. kind of a spoiler alert, but whatev. it's worth it. very moving. just very moving.

couldn't wait to share it with you.

anyways. my computer is virus free! well, free of that virus. it was the Windows Police Pro. which, if you google how to remove it, most of the dates on the sites are like, from last week and this week. i think it's a pretty new thing.

and (excuse my language here) but it was a freaking bitch to fix. seriously. i started running virus scans at like, 2am wednesday morning. and didn't get my computer back up and working normal again until around 5pm wednesday afternoon. yeah, it sucked.

i thought about trying to remove it manually. but, everything i was reading was like, "WARNING if you try and remove it manually and mess up even one tiny thing you could do irreversible damage to your computer!!!!" so, i decided not to try.

but, all my anti-virus, anti-spyware programs would tell me that they deleted all the virus. and then i would restart the computer and it would be there again. that happened like, 10 times. not kidding. i seriously ran SO many virus scans.

and the virus totally shut down everything. NOTHING would work. and so i had to get instructions while in computer safe mode, then restart the computer in normal mode. and i had to download this thing that would at least let me use the task manager. and then i had to go into task manager and find the virus and END THE PROCESS. but, even that, i had to do like, 1,000 times. because, i would end it, and then 10 seconds later, everything would pop up again. so, i devised this tricksy plan. i ended the process, and then VERY QUICKLY went and opened the anti-spyware scanner. and it opened even before the virus had time to come back.

it was like a living thing. a living, breathing virus.

but, throughout this whole thing, i was just so impressed by the people who design the virus. no, i'm serious. because, the trick was, the virus was made to look like a super good anti-virus program. but, duh, i'm not stupid. i immediately knew it was a virus.

but, it was a nice looking anti-virus software virus. like, it looked like something that people would really want. i mean, it must have been a lot of work to make this virus. or, any virus at that matter.

and like, who does this? who are the people who make the viruses? is it like a bunch of guys in a warehouse in queens who stay up all night drinking black coffee and designing viruses?

do they wear baseball caps and unbuttons plaid shirts over t-shirts?

like, does anybody know?

or, are they the type of people who hang out in the back room of sketchy bars wearing suits and breaking people's legs with baseball bats?

who are these online terrorists? i'm curious to know who are the people who caused this day of hell for me.


last week i decided that it might be cool to have the power to turn anything into a magnet. like, you could magnetize anything. no? yes? cool? lame?

again, not sure why i came up with this idea. just one of my random thoughts. like the Bee Mine honey store.

George Bluth from Arrested Development had a guest spot on Entourage tonight. i was really excited to see him. "It'll take a lot more than a heart attack to kill that old bear! Old bear! He likes his honey!"

haha. man. i really hope that Arrested Development movie happens.

so, i've got a new project at work: BABY THINK-IT-OVER. we've got one baby think-it-over doll and it's broken. and it is now my job to fix it. did anybody have to do this in school? take home one of the babies that cries? i had to. 8th grade, i think. maybe 7th.

so, i went down to the basement tonight to get it. it comes with a carseat, two diapers, a bottle and some clothes. and then this bracelet you have to wear. and it has this HUGE instruction manual, a smaller instruction manual, a movie, and a remote control.

it looks like programming this baby will be harder than actually taking care of it. right now it is set to an extreme colic-y setting. and my job is to make it normal again. it's a cute little thing, though.

so, i will photodocument my efforts in trying to fix it. that way you all can enjoy baby think-it-over too.

this morning was the first day of school. we had one girl starting. she was a brand new student. aw man, it was so hard to leave her there. she was so so nervous. it was very reminiscant of bringing the toddler to her first day of daycare. but, without the tears. i'm serious, though.

i walked in with her to the office. it was weird being in a high school. especially since everyone thought that i was a student too. we walk in and someone says, "can i help you girls?" and then a few minutes later, "are you girls waiting for mrs. parsons?"

yeah. yeah we are. mrs. parsons is the principal. she was very nice. seemed very warm. and then when she said she would walk with our resident down to the gym to get her schedule, i decided i should leave now. rip the band aid off, if you know what i mean. yeah, it was hard. you really feel protective.

and maybe it's different because i actually live in the same house as them. i think it does make it different.

tomorrow i'm going to follow the bus to school in my car. no, i'm joking. that's like what moms do on the first day of kindergarten. but, i am going to offer to walk her down to the bus stop. it's just at the end of the street. but, still. it's her first day taking the bus. if you don't know anybody, it's scary.

tomorrow morning i'm working 6:45-10am. ugh. actually, it will probably be more like, 7-10. this morning, i woke up at 6:30 (like i complained about for days and days), and then i was like, "wait a sec, we're not leaving the house until 7:15." so, i reset my alarm clock for 6:55 and went back to sleep.

as you can see, it doesn't take me long to get ready for my morning shifts. especially when i know i'm going back to bed.

and man! it's cold in the mornings. geeze. september is usually still pretty hott.

um, can you believe that it's september! when you're not in school, it's like the months don't mean anything. it's weird. like, oh, it's just another month. not another month closer to the end of the school year. or the beginning. just another one. probably not much different than the one before.

so, i'm going to providence this weekend to move my sister into her new apartment. RIGHT NEAR where David's boss lives. i looked it up on google maps. in aliya style, i suggested to Kara that one day her and david meet up for a high five. on Rochambeau.

i just love that street name. it ALWAYS makes me think of the poet Arthur Rimbaud.

anyways. i can't wait to see her new apartment. and to be in Providence again. love that crazy town. no, i've never experienced any of it's craziness. although, it was where i got my ear pierced. so, i would say that the city puts you in some sort of trance. if it had been any other city - i would still be piercing-less.

AND! even better than anything else - maybe we'll see THE WALL!!!!!! the great and curious wall of providence!!!!! one of my favorite things in the world to talk about!!!! if by some strange circumstance you DON'T know the history of the great and curious wall of providence, then i encourage you to head over to livejournal for some vintage Misty Green and Blue. and read about the time where I VISITED the great wall. i know, you won't believe it at first. but, i promise none of those photos are photoshopped.

yeah, i love providence. i would like to live there. providence is also home to the cuban revolution restaurants that are so fun to go to. mmmmm Che Fries.

so, i'm excited about this weekend. i'm taking saturday night off. so here's my plan:

- drive home saturday morning
- get home
- drive to providence with my mom
- meet my dad and kara there
- move kara in/set up her futon/desk
- drive home with my mom
- sleep in maine
- have a relaxing sunday with mom and chowder
- drive back up here sunday evening for work sunday night!

i guess it semi-sucks that on saturday, my first "non-up-at-7am-day" i have to wake up early anyways. but, it will be okay.

speaking of which, i should probs get to bed soon. it's 2:15am.

UGH today (thursday) i have to go to wal-mart. i am totes dreading it.

ALSO! this morning on the way back from school, i was listening to the Bob and Sheri morning show, and Bob was talking about this guy on twitter who is:


and it's this 28 year old guy who lives with his 73 year old dad. and his whole twitter is writing down stuff his dad says. and man, it's so funny. i just started following him today. loves it. thanks, Bob!

alright. time for me to start getting ready for bed. maybe i'll talk to you in the morning. since i'll be at work with nothing to do.

have a great night! and a great day!

i have stretched ropes from steeple to steeple; garlands from window to window; golden chains from star to star, and i dance.
- arthur rimbaud


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