30 August 2009

on the run from johnny law. it ain't no trip to cleveland.

i'm tired tonight. so, i only have a few things to tell you:

1. happy yesterday birthday to my dad, again!! we had a great day together. lots of fun at his house with his girlfriend and her kids. and delish cake!
2. also, happy yesterday birthday to my cousin out on vancouver island! i never speak to him, and have only met him twice, i think. but, i hope he had a happy day. maybe we'll see each other soon.

3. i made my mom a totally beautiful bracelet the other day. i'm really proud of it because it took me a while to figure out how i wanted the pattern. and then i had it all finished and didn't like the order of the beads. so, i took it apart and started over. but, i'm really happy with the end result. i hope she likes it and i can't wait to give it to her.

4. i watched The Princess Diaries through the magic of Netflix Instant Watching the other night. i was bored and had nothing else to watch. man, i laughed so hard so many times. that movie is great. i had no memory of Sandra Oh playing the vice principal. and "Andy Brink" playing the guy she's in love with at school. and MAN, that kiss at the end is totally hott. like, i was surprised it was that hott for a G rated movie. she's wearing that strapless dress and he's running his hands around her shoulders...it was steamy.

5. my dad told me yesterday that he really liked the music of She & Him, that i posted for you the other day. so, this means that if you didn't click on those links before, you should go back and do it now! ok, go!

6. i got a call tonight from one of the girls! it was like, the first one all summer, pretty much. and i actually had to go downstairs and do something.

7. school starts on wednesday. that means i'll have to start waking up early again. remember how i had to be up every morning before school? i know, it seems like such a long time ago. but, it starts again on wednesday.

8. yesterday morning i realized the problem with my iPod alarm clock remote control. when i am half asleep, i think that by pressing the 'pause' button on the remote, it will act like a 'snooze' feature. but, that is not the case. for the snooze feature, you actually have to get up and press snooze on the alarm clock. this is the reason i don't have the clock next to my bed. i would press it for days. i have to teach myself that the remote does not equal snooze.

9. i was trying to get to 10, but i think i'm out.

10. i'm in the middle of watching Bottle Rocket right now. i really like it. i saw tonight that it was an instant watching movie on Netflix and i said, "hm, maybe i'll watch it!" and then i said, "oh! i'll just watch it on dvd instead!" so, i did. but, i think i may save the rest until tomorrow because i am tired. i really love watching the three Wilson bros act together.

and i really realized while watching it that Wes Anderson has yet to do a film with a female central character. i mean, there's Margot. but she's more part of an ensemble. there's Ms. Cross. but, i wouldn't consider her a main character. there's Nat Port. does her character have a name? i don't even think she has a name. and, she's pretty much naked the whole time. while Jason Schwartzman is fully clothed. she's an interesting character, but she's kind of objectified. and who wants to see Nat Port naked when we can see J.Schwartz naked? my point exactly. i can't believe Darjeeling was my only Climax review where i didn't talk about the lack of Schwartzman nudity. well, i'm doing it here.

i think wes anderson should do a film about sisters! he can still use The Rolling Stones and The Kinks! girls like that too! just maybe, throw in some Miley also. the film could be called G.N.O. (girl's night out) wow, sounds great. i'll write the screenplay with Owen Wilson this time.

oh man. writing with Owen Wilson. i would meet him and he'd be like,

OWEN: Wanna make out?
JULIE: No!!! Let's write characters together!!!!

yeah, that's definitely the first thing he would say if he met me.

anyways. where is this going? probably nowhere.

i started gathering pictures for my Heath Ledger/Joseph Gordon Levitt entry. and then i got carried away at just looking at how pretty they both are. so, i'll continue at a later time. but know, that it is coming. and it will rock.

anyone seen Mysterious Skin?

ok, who else loves Battlefield by Jordin Sparks??? YES. i do.

ok. now i'm going to bed. it's only 2:30am! this is early for me.

and everybody wish Dan luck! he's taking his driving test today!!

oh, and it's Monday! i have to say my favorite cheesy thing about Mondays!! know what it is?? it's pretty cheesy. if you're lactose intolerant - go take your pill.

Mondays...full of possibility!

i think it just makes it better. it's almost as great as my favorite greeting - "oh hi! i didn't see you there!"

ok. this is enough. have a great day! i'll talk to you later :)


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