31 August 2009

do what you want do what you want baby

it's just me.  saying hello.

i'm working.  

i was doing my norm 8-9am shift this morning and Cheryl called.  she was sick and was asking if i could work tonight.  i said yes!!  so, i am working her 2-10 shift.  right now it's 4:15pm.

i'm not sure why, but it's like nobody came into work today.  the driveway was pretty empty.  and the phone has basically not rung at all.  except for a few time.  but, i only answered it once. 

it's super quiet.  one of the girls is out doing her first set of GED testing.  she was nervous about it this morning.  

so this morning, one of the girls was on the phone in this huge fight with her boyfriend.  and everytime they talk on the phone, it's like DRAMA CENTRAL.  for serious.  it makes me so mad i can't even tell you.  well, not really mad.  just ANNOYED TO THE MAX.  i can't stand it.  

so, it ended with her hanging up on him and then storming upstairs.  and then he called back, and i answered and talked to him for a long time.  he was really upset and i tried to calm him down.  he was asking me, "what should i do!?  what should i do!?"  it made me feel like i was running some relationship crisis telephone service.  i thought i did pretty good.  he seems like a really nice guy.  

but, that was an interesting way to start the day.  wasn't expected or welcome - but it came anyways.

so then, i went back to sleep.  from 9:30am-12:20pm.  woke up and immediately got dressed.  because!  i knew that since i was working from 2-10, i would have no other chance to get my Netflix and do some grocery shopping.

SO!  i actually pulled it together and did both of those things!  i was so surprised.  i went to the post office and the postal worker asked me for my box number so he could give me my Netflix and then he said,

USPS EMPLOYEE:  I'm sorry I don't know the number!  I'll learn it one of these days!

this made me really happy.  because, clearly it's his goal to be able to recognize all of the post office customers.  and he seemed genuinely upset that he didn't know.  

maybe he's the one i should talk to about my drive-thru post office idea.  

then i went to the grocery store.  bought some lettuce and tomato.  

then i got an iced coffee!  

and then, on my drive home i realized i had forgotten to get CHICKEN at the store.  i have chicken with my salad every night and i didn't have any for tonight.  i was so mad at myself.

but luckily!  i was driving right past the Price Chopper when i thought this, so i said to myself, "i will have an adventure and go into the Price Chopper."  i had never been in there before.  they claim to be 24-hours.  

so, i went in.  it's a huge store.  and it was the weirdest thing......it was almost silent.  like, there was no music.  nobody was really talking.  the only real sounds were the beeping of the scanners at the checkouts.  it was almost like time was at a stand still.  and like, i thought it was pretty weird while i was there, but the more i think about it, the more weird it seemed.  like, it was so quiet that i noticed it.  and it's not like it was empty!  it was packed full of people.  

it was very strange.  i wonder what it's like in the middle of the night when the store is really empty.  might be comparable to being the only one in the library building at 3am.  at hampshire college.  

but being in a silent, empty grocery store?  that's eerie.  yeah, it was strange.  

came back home just in time to unpack the groceries and start work!

and i've done nothing productive for about 2.5 hours.  

well, that's not treu.  ooo treu.  how come nobody spells it like that?  way more sexy.  anyways, i filled out my timesheet.  know how i always put it off until like, 4am?  not this time bro!  i did it approximately 12 hours earlier.  

AND - you will be happy to know, that for the FIRST time since returning from Ireland, i will get a decent paycheck.  i was very happy to know this.  i just wish i was getting it this week instead of next so i can pay my student loan.  

hopefully i'll get a reimbursement check for my CPR class tomorrow.  and that will pay the loan.  and then i'll just have to do no spending or driving for a week.  hey, i have those books.  

i had a dream about baby clothes last night!  one of the girls showed me all her baby clothes that she had just gotten last night before she went to bed.  and she was so excited about it.  and the clothes were so cute and tiny!  and then i dreamt about it.  baby clothes are probably the sweetest thing ever.  tiny baby socks.  i'm excited for the new baby.

so, my famous uncle in canada emailed me to ask me about my allergies.  because!  he also has super bad allergies.  i was excited to learn this.  he recommended i go to an allergist.  it was nice to 1) talk to him and 2) not feel so alone in my constant suffering

i'm kidding.  it's not constant suffering.  like, i haven't sneezed in maybe......2 hours.  that's pretty good.  but, that makes up for last night when i had to take my inhaler before going to bed, and then again when i woke up like, 4 hours later.  i hate that inhaler because it tastes so gross.  i also had to take the maximum allowed dose for my super allergy eye drops.  eh, last night was a bad night.

the thing i'm really nervous about is that i am allergic to bees.  BEES.  i don't know if i'm allergic because i've never been stung by anything in my life.  


no plans for tonight.  got a new disc of Veronica Mars today.  disc 2, season 1.  i'm excited.  i don't like the new guy she has a crush on.  or, who more clearly has a crush on her.  

remember i told you about that tv survey they were going to send me?  Nielson TV survey, or something.  well, they sent it to me today!  and i filled it out.  i thought it was going to be cooler than it actually was.

but, i felt weird filling it out because i don't watch tv on my tv.  i watch it on my laptop.  but, the tv works and i watch movies on it.  so, i checked it as a working tv.  

but!  i was reading the instructions for the survey and they said, "as a thank you for completing the survey, we are enclosing $2."  and i was like, "NO WAY."  and i opened the survey and there were TWO one dollar bills inside!!!  it was the greatest!  FREE MONEY.  

they look and feel like they came right from the money warehouse in Dallas, Texas.  no cocaine on these bills.  anyone else read that gross story on CNN?  at first i thought they were fake, because they looked so perfect.  i hope they're real.  that would suck if i tried to use them and then i got arrested or something.  

Nielson TV surveys...has anyone else heard of them?  are they a real thing?  it said they've been producing tv surveys for 50 years, or something.  whatever.  i'm gonna use the money.  

ok.  enough for now.  hope you are having a great monday night.  i'll talk to you later  <3

loooooove ya.

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