01 September 2009

but i haven't thought of you lately at all

WHOA major drama on Veronica Mars tonight. AND OF COURSE it was right at the end of the last episode on the disc. AAAHHHH now i have to wait until they ship the next one!!!! it's too hard!!!! NETFLIX GO FASTER!!!

wow i am really tired right now. it's like, 1:19am. wednesday morning. i might actually go to bed soon.

these work days are wearing me out. yeah, i work for two days and i'm exhausted. it's just a weird schedule when i work in the morning for a few hours, and then for a lot of hours at night. like these past two nights. and especially today where i slept a lot, but it was all broken up.

yeah, feel bad for me! i got to take a nice afternoon nap.

i'm not working tomorrow night. or, anytime after 8am for that matter.

gots to be up at 6:30. i will keep telling you that incase there is someone out there who doesn't feel bad for me yet.

no, i don't want you to feel bad for me. my mom gets up for work at 5am every day.

it's just like tonight is my last night of summer vaca too. because ever since the girls were out of school, i didn't have to be up in the morning. and now that school is starting, i have to again.

i was really hoping tonight that we would have to go out and buy school supplies. that's ALL i wanna do. get some new notebooks. new pens. new folders. it's all so fresh and perky sitting there in the back to school aisles. loves it.


oh! i have to tell you about this totes brillz idea i came up with tonight!!

ok, if i ever own a honey store, it will be called Bee Mine. how cute is that?! it has two meanings:

1. obvious, bees make honey
2. and people call each other honey when they're sweet on one another, and "be mine" is like a valentine's day saying

Bee Mine. for all your honey needs. omg awesome!

at first, i thought, "if i ever own a honey factory, i will call it Bee Mine." but then i thought about it some more and decided, "wait a minute, if i owned a honey factory, that would probably make me a beekeeper."

and i don't really want to become a beekeeper. so, i downgraded the factory to a store. honey store! selling all natural, totally local honey products!!

aw man. these guys have the same idea. hair growth products for people with alopecia? i didn't know people with alopecia could ever grow hair. i guess with those bee products they can.

anyways, Bee Mine hair growth products aren't as fun as an all natural, totally local honey products store.

my honey store will be like the little store they run in the movie Practical Magic. that store is so sweet and tiny. that's what Bee Mine will be like.

i really have no idea what got me thinking about what i would call my honey store if i ever owned one. i was literally just making dinner and then thought, "Bee Mine! what a great name for a honey store!"

also, i realize that above when i was listing the double meaning behind "bee mine" i used the term "sweet on one another." i also have no explanation for my using that phrase. i promise i wasn't born in 1920.

ok. so, if anyone wants to go into the honey business, i guess we should talk. or, if you're a beekeeper looking for someone to sell your all natural, totally local products, get in touch!

and moving on.

today in birthing class we were going over the different stages of labor. oh yikes. the staff member who runs all the parenting and birthing classes here is named Julie too. i really, really like her. i admire her so much and think she is a wonderful person. and, she had all these charts with pictures of people trying to get more comfortable during labor and everything.

they were pictures of this man and woman (presumably husband and wife) and it would show him massaging her back, or helping her lean on the bed, just like, positions to make you more comfortable.

but, the clothes they were wearing were extremely confusing. the pregnant woman was wearing this long sleeve purple leotard. i kept thinking, "why is she wearing that? is she a gymnastics instructor?"

and the man was wearing this olive green jogging outfit. i'm assuming they were supposed to be his pajamas. but, it looked like a jogging outfit. it was long pants and long sleeves, loose fitting. his shirt was buttoned up to the very top and was tucked in looking. and the whole thing was olive green. and he had dark hair and a thick moustache.

if they wanted to portray pajamas, why didn't they have him wearing blue stripes? untucked. here they had him looking like he fought in the cuban revolution.

it was so strange!

OH! last piece of exciting news. TODAY - wednesday the 2 second of september - the new funny or die video starring super hottie Zachary Quinto is being released! make sure you watch it. i'm pretty excited for it, especially with all the drama it caused!

did you hear about this? it was totally crazy. i guess in the video, he is supposed to hold up a bakery. like, with a gun. and people walking by on the street thought it was a serious robbery - especially because he plays scary so well. SO, somebody called the police. and the police came and they had to tell Zachary something like, "stop acting so well." AND THEN, the exact same thing happened during a second take of the same scene.

it was all over the celebrity news the day it happened. i'm pretty excited to see the video. i'll post the link for you once it's released.

also today - Tammy's birthday! happy birthday Tammy!!! hope your day is happy.

AND, i think i have to go. my computer is actually being infected with viruses as we speak. i'm totes serious. and i tried running my virus program and it said that it has been disabled. soooo, yeah, that's great.

this actually happened in the middle of my ZQ story. but, i decided that it was more important to finish the story. in case you haven't noticed, he's a hottie. my laptop isn't that attractive. and neither are the viruses.

but, i just got a pop up saying, "somebody is trying to attack your computer!"

somebody? i hope this is a funny or die video.

but, ok. i should go try and sort this new mess out. maybe this will be the virus that finally kills it. meaning, the laptop.

oh yeah. it's bad. there are a million of those fake windows virus programs popping up in my icon bar.

ok. this is me signing off.

have a great day! i'll talk to you later if i still have a laptop!!!! wish me luck!

i can tell after this there's nothing else.


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