09 January 2010

gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife

man. it's sunny today, am i right? yes. too sunny. i actually woke up this morning (afternoon, actually) and thought to myself, "man, i wish it were cloudy like yesterday. for serious.

and i've just been sitting on my couch waiting for the sun to set. and it's finally happening. i've always known that i prefer cloudy days to sunny ones, but today it's actually a conscious thought. now that it's sunset, i am going to go out to the grocery store.

but first, i wanted to blog to let you know what's up. i didn't blog yesterday and i don't really know why. let's get going:

1. in my second viewing of Entourage, i have noticed that the show makes great use of the color orange. it's everywhere. Turtle wears a lot of orange, Ari Gold wears it, it's the color of the walls and couch in the Miller Gold Agency. it was the color of both Ari's scarf and the cute driver's scarf in the episode where they go to Sundance. it's everywhere. i think the show is shot with orange lighting to make it sparkle. just like they shot Reese Witherspoon in pink lighting for Legally Blonde.

anyways. in this orange revelation, i have realized that i don't own anything orange. and it was really the cute driver's scarf at Sundance that did it for me. so now, i am going to be the owner of an orange scarf. i couldn't find one at any store that i liked, and that captured the scarf vision that i wanted. so, i decided to take matters into my own hands.

i went to the fabric store, bought some "pumpkin" colored yarn - and i'm knitting one!!!! i started last night. it's going pretty well so far. just a simple knit and purl. i tried to follow a fancy pattern, but i was getting a head of myself. i haven't knit since LAST christmas. so, i was a little out of practice. but, i did a tiny practice run, and decided i just wanted to jump in.

i'm excited about it. although, the yarn is very curly. meaning, the edges are curling up. i have faith that once it's longer it will have more shape to it. i think i might add tassels in the end. at first, i didn't want tassels. but then i thought, "wait, who doesn't want tassels?" so, i think it's a go.

i've never knit anything for myself before. actually, i've only ever knit one thing before, and it was a pink and brown striped scarf for kara that came out freaking amazing. it was my first knitting project. pretty proud of that scarf.

this yarn is a thicker yarn, so i kind of wanted it to be simple. i thought if there was a fancy pattern, on top of the thick yarn, it would get to be too much.

and i don't actually think i'm going to look good with the orange scarf around my neck. whatevs. i'll still be proud to wear it.

2. i am very excited about the dinner i am making myself tonight. Coconut Mango Chicken with Black Beans and Coconut Rice. yum, right? i know. i am combining two recipes to create a super delish one. i have most of the ingredients already, which is why i'm so excited about it. it will be cheap to make. i'll let you know how it goes. maybe i'll even photo diary my way through cooking it. the chicken is defrosting in the fridge as we speak.

3. my boss let me borrow her Ingrid Michaelson CD. 'Everybody.' great cd. she has such a pretty voice. and, it's the first time i've really noticed how well the tracks are in order. like, it really feels like a complete cd. all the track placement is smooth and thought out. nice.

4. if you've been listening to me this past month, you know that i'm doing everything in my power to get you all to become super fans of Crash Kings. which you should be. because they are totally wonderful. now, in my effort to continue this, i am posting this link to some solo performances that Tony did for KROQ 106.7 FM in Los Angeles. there was one morning a few months ago that i listened to KROQ online for like, 2 hours because i read a rumor via Twitter that Jason Schwartzman was going to be doing a Coconut Records interview at noontime. so, i listened from like, 11am to 1pm and then realized that LA was three hours behind. yep. i am embarrassed to admit that. my math skills were blinded by Coconut Records.

anyways. i learned via Crash Kings twitter this week that they were doing some in-studio performances on KROQ and then they finally posted the videos yesterday. i thought it was going to be the entire trio of guys performing, but it's just Tony solo with piano. GREAT STUFF. for realz.

and if you'll take my word when i say that this band is freaking amazing, you'll watch these videos.

so, the first link up there is to the main radio website. and the second link is the link to the page with the videos. you also get some great shots of the hott tattoo. yep.

5. hm. alright. i think that might be all for now.

6. the other night i had a dream that i was going to this fancy party and couldn't decide how to wear my hair. and it was a super huge crisis. i wanted to wear it down, but couldn't find any fancy and quick ways to do so. the dream bordered on nightmare, it was so horrific.

7. ok. now i think that's all.

8. oh. in keeping the conversation going about my new wardrobe colors, last night i had a vision of myself wearing the red plaid shirt WITH the orange scarf. how crazy is that? 9 days into the new year and i'm already a new person. this broadening of my wardrobe colors is blowing my mind.

9. alright. i can't think of any other ways to make this longer.

10. my number 10 is my goodbye. i hope you have a wonderful saturday night. be safe and have fun. you may be going out to a crazy party, or out with friends, or heck, maybe you even have a hott date. have fun. drive safe. drink lots of water. love you.

until next time,


1 comment:

  1. If you take a picture I can diagnose the curling scarf and help you correct it. Is it knit a row purl a row?


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!