18 April 2009

vacation too!!!

i just realized that i'm on vacation this week too!!!!! since there are no girls getting up for school in the morning, that means that julie doesn't have to get up in the morning either!!!!!! yesyes!!!!

i had totally forgotten about that. oh so nice.

aaahhhh yes.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Julie - Today was Spring Jam, and it was cold. There was a beer garden with free glasses (yay!), but Aliya was being professionally artistic, so I had to sit and drink by myself to earn the glass. I looked a little sketchy, but it was okay. Also, now I have to go be in a play again (ugh. I'm done with this play shit. I need to finish Div 3!), but I just wanted to tell you that one day I was feeling really annoyed and lonely and then I went and bought hard cider and a copy of Hairspray, and then I watched it and I felt much better. I even danced at the end! So when you wrote about Hairspray a couple of days ago, that's what I thought about.

    Alsoalso - Are you coming down for gradumawation/Aliya's D3, or do you have to save your time off for Ireland? Okay either way, just need to know so we can put a little 'Reserved For Julie Evans Esq.' sign on the couch. Love you!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!