17 April 2009

the only thing better than hairspray???

that's me!

watched Hairspray tonight. i had been wanting to watch it again for some reason. and i thought it might satisfy my Zac Efron craving. (come on, we all know that 17 Again opened today and i really want to see it) and yeah, he's a total babe. especially singing Ladies Choice. and, i do really want to see 17 Again, i just don't want to see it ALONE. how pathetic would that be?!? it would be like if i had seen Aquamarine by myself. or, Crossroads. or, that tennis movie with Paul Bettany and Kirstin Dunst.

anyways. loved Hairspray. wish they had included It Takes Two. i love Hairspray because all the songs are like, big production numbers. at least, they make them out to be. Amanda Bynes really has a lot of good one-liners.

while i was watching Hairspray i made some wall-art. meaning, a picture i can hang on my wall. actually, it's already hanging on my wall. i bought a frame today.

so, i have this t-shirt that has a picture of a seahorse on it and it says, "it's much better down here." kind of sweet, but also a little sad. this is why i like it. and, i never wore the shirt. it never really fit right, and it's a shade of yellow that just didn't look good on. but, i didn't want to give it away.

SO! i cut out the picture and the words, bought a piece of teal felt (teal is an accent color in the picture), sewed the picture to the felt, framed it, and hung it on the wall!!! it looks great! i'm thrilled with it.

i have another t-shirt that i'm going to do this with, but i bought the wrong size frame. i bought 11 by 14. and the 11 part is what is too small. the length. no, i meant the width. it's another yellow shirt that says, "let the sun shine" and it has a picture of these two people holding hands. and i want to cut out that picture, frame it and hang it by the window. but, the frame is too small. perhaps an exchange tomorrow...

so today, i went into Shaw's because i needed some more bread. and the traffic was misery. well, not really. it was just all backed up and not moving at all. (because of the horrible traffic and traffic light patterns in this area...i won't go into more detail because i know i have before. but SERIOUSLY - something needs to be done.) anyways, so this lovely man in a truck (jeep?) let me out into traffic.

but i could only pull out halfway still because of the backed-up-ness. so, i wave to thank him for partially letting me go. and then when it's time to really go, i wave to him again.

now, normally, i am quite happy that people let me go. and i am even happier when i have the chance to let them go.

but today - i was THRILLED. just, so overjoyed with this nice man. and so when i waved at him again, we exchanged the biggest smiles ever. like we were old friends, or something. and it just made my day.

and then he was behind me all the way (meaning, stop and go, stop and go) to the 89 south turn off and then he got into the right lane, and i think he honked goodbye at me. because someone gave a friendly two honk, and i think it was him. so! i made a new friend. it was lovely.

went to the post office today. my netflix was IN MY BOX. so, this whole week when i was like, "aw crap i missed the window hours" to get my netflix - it was in my box the whole time. UGH!

it's Changling. with angelina. bleh. i think i'll watch it tonight. i hope it's at least good.

i think i also might try and make this necklace tonight. one of the shirts i got at Penney's came with this extra button incase the real one falls off. and it's this really pretty green button that would look great on a necklace. because the button holes are in a strange place, so that something should naturally be threaded through it. (like, thread, to sew the extra button on) (or, necklace material!) so, that may happen.

i'm getting hungry for supper. wow! it's midnight! what the what!?!? how did it get to be midnight?!?!

i was super shaky today out doing errands because i had too much coffee this morning and not enough food. so i had a sandwich when i came home.

i think i might make rice. with peas and chicken. i really wish i had another one of those calzones from Brattleboro. man, now that was delish.

OH!!! ALSO!!!! i don't know if any of you took advantage of this great deal. so, on tax day on iTunes, the new Coconut Records (jason schwartzman's one man band) cd was only $5.99! i learned about this via Twitter. nice! so, i bought it! and - i think it's great. i think overall i might like it better than his first cd. right now, my two favorites are Microphone and St. Jerome. he's got such a sweet little voice. and a gorgeous little face.

ok! now i'm hungry hungry.

aw crap i was supposed to do laundry tonight. hm. i'll do it tomorrow night.

alright. hope you had a great friday. and here's to a great saturday!!!!! i've heard rain!!!!

cause the world keeps spining round and round
and my heart's keeping time to the speed of sound
i was lost 'till i heard the drums and i found my way

1 comment:

  1. i gave you the "let the sun shine" shirt!! i had the same one. wonder where it ended up....


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!