18 April 2009

holy moly

just finished watching Changling. man. i don't even know what to say. i didn't think i would be able to watch the whole thing in one night. it's almost 2.5 hours long. and i didn't start it until 1am. but it was noooo problem

what a movie! 4 stars out of 5. and i went into it with EXTREMELY low expectations. i am happy to say i was wrong. this is coming from a girl who can't stand Angelina Jolie OR Clint Eastwood. but man - they can sure make a movie.

the movie was extremely angering. i was completely furious throughout the whole thing. furious and terrified and heartbroken. it was pretty hard to watch. especially the second half.

MAN. i cried pretty hard. more than once. i can't imagine watching it being a mother. hard stuff.

my ONLY real complaint was that Angelina was too skinny. she looked disgusting. her little bony face and her tiny bony arms. and then there's a part where she's not wearing any clothes and you can see all the ribs on her sides. ugh. she looked gross.

but, i thought acting-wise she did good. (although, obviously not good enough.) (no, that was mean. i'm sorry.) (team winslet!!!!)

my other only real complaint has to do with the guy playing Detective Jones. he was the bad cop leading the case. and he was such a freaking bastard.

but man, was he gorgeous. i could look at him all day. and all night. he has the most beautiful face. and throughout the whole thing he's being all bastardy and such a jerk and being so mean to Angelina and i'm like, "wow, i feel bad for her but i really just want to make out with him."

so naturally, i did some research after the movie was over. Jeffery Donovan is his real name. oh, and where is he from, you ask? Amesbury, Massachusetts! which is like, an hour from my house! in maine. and oh, where did he go to school, you ask?? UMASS FREAKING AMHERST!!!! seriously. i could have passed him a million times on the street. or on the highway.

anyways. super hottie. super bastard. ain't it the truth.

but yeah. good movie. tough movie. man. still can't get over it. i hope i can sleep.

i made some good rice. with peas and chicken. just like i said i would.

and now i think i'm going to bed. it's almost 4am. i need to be up before noon to go to the post office to get my other movies. can't remember what's coming.

and then no plans for tomorrow. i have no money. no gas in my broken car. so i'll probs be home. ssoouunnddss great.....

WELL. again, have great nights. i feel like we've talked a lot today. i like it. i miss you when we don't talk.

i also miss my mom after seeing that movie. she's working today. and i love her.


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