03 May 2010

flowers in her hair

no, i'm not wearing a flower in my hair today. but, i should be. why didn't i think of that this morning?! aw man. that would have completed my outfit nicely. i don't mean completed, i mean complimented. actually, i mean both.

so, let's see. i have a list of things that i want to talk about. i think it's gonna be good.

shall we get right into it?! we shall??? GREAT!

::: i'm at work right now. let's define work:

JULIE AT WORK: sitting in the staff office. ate a bowl of chocolate cheerios. drinking coffee. playing on laptop.

yeah. i came down last night and did two full hours of cleaning. nice, right?! i cleaned the inside of the fridge and the freezer in the staff office. GROSS. but, the cool air felt very nice since it was about 90 degrees in my apartment. i ended up taking ALL the shelving out of the fridge. like, even the part that holds in the drawers. and i hardcore washed it all in the sink.

then i did a load of laundry.

then i dusted all the furniture in all 6 bedrooms, including the woodwork around the windows. that was hard, because the windows are tall. and even standing on a chair i could barely reach.

then i cleaned the inside of the microwave in the kitchen.

then i did some vacuuming.

and that was it! great.

i knew that i wouldn't want to do all that cleaning so early in the morning. and i was right. especially because i only got three hours of sleep last night.

::: yikes! only three hours of sleep! yes. eh, it's okay. i work from 8-4. then i have to make a run to the post office. and possibly out to buy a window fan for my living room. i have one in my bedroom and last night that was where i ate supper and brought my laptop in to watch The O.C. it was hottt.

so, after i finish those few errands, i might take a nap. that sounds nice. ALTHOUGH, what i really should do is try and stick it out the whole day, so i can go to bed early tonight, so that i can get up for staff meeting tomorrow at 12:30pm.

and now it's time for a reality check:

dear julie,

i noticed that above you mentioned the phrase "go to bed early" when talking about yourself. really? REALLY??

love, julie

yeah, okay. so i never go to bed early. here's what will happen, despite my plan.

- i'll take a super long afternoon nap and then won't be tired to go to bed until around 5am.
- i'll sleep until noontime and then be tired all through staff meeting.

i'm so predictable!

but my "shortened version" of my horoscope made me happy. it reads,


sure. why not?!

::: i was up late last night talking to my new friend Christina. we are Crash Queens and therefore "practically sisters." we were tweeting back and forth like it was instant messaging or something. it was fun. and made me really happy that i have a new friend.

::: ALSO, remember Jo who Ryan and i talked to outside The Paradise for a while? (she was also the girl who let me and kara borrow her Sharpie at Great Scott.) well it looks like she'll be coming with me and Ryan to NYC!!!! the day after Earth Fest! SO FUN, right!?


and now for an update on the ongoing saga of the sign letters for the sketchy movie theater in my town,

::: in past weeks in the list of the movies on the sign it has said, WIMPY FUNERAL on the same line to advertise the movies, 'diary of a wimpy kid' and 'death at a funeral.' these two words seem unfortunate together. it's like, "aw, really? you had to put those two words together on the same line?"

i mean, OKAY, so they can't afford to buy a new set of letters so they can spell out the whole film title. but then they have to go and put 'wimpy' next to 'funeral.' i'm not sold, but i'll take it.

SO YESTERDAY, i was driving by, expecting to giggle at the Wimpy Funeral, as i have done every other time.*

*similar to driving past The Chateau family italian restaurant on I-93 in Andover, Massachusetts. makes me giggle every time. a never-fail smile-starter.

and i looked up to the sign and saw this:


um, what? FURR??? that's how people are supposed to know you are showing Death at a Funeral? really? REALLY LEBANON CINEMA?!?! oh come on. let's look at that again:


and at the very bottom of the long list of things that just don't make sense is this: last time i checked, the word FUNERAL only had one R. it's not even like it was, FUNR. two R's just don't make sense at all!

but as soon as i saw that sign, AS SOON as i realized what was going on with those words i thought,

JULIE: Oh man I can't wait to tell my blog friends about this!!!

i'm not making this stuff up! it just happens to be great blog material, in my opinion.

FURR. it's just crazy. if i had unlimited money supply i would totally buy them some new sets of letters. heck, not even unlimited. if i had MORE money, i would do it.

ah, but like i said, it's great blog material. :)

SO. it's 10am. the house inspection people from the state will be coming anytime now.

it's also very cloudy. i actually had to turn on the light.

and that means i have 6 hours left of work. i'm going to do some website design once i get a little more awake.

::: ooooo episode of The O.C. last night!! so juicy. this gang of hardcore surfers REALLY REALLY wanted to fight Ryan. the whole episode was this huge, 'should i fight them, should i not fight them?' it was crazy. BUT, in the end, he decided to "use his head instead of his fists" and did not end up fighting the surfer gang. life lesson! don't fight the surfers. it was beautiful, really.

::: when i was packing for work last night and this morning i realized i was kind of packing for the end of the world. for my 8 hour shift at work i brought:
- my laptop
- 2 magazines
- a book
- mug of coffee
- box of cheez-its
- box of cheerios
- soy milk

WHY? why did i bring the whole container of soy milk to work with me?!?! i don't know. it's crazymaking. i felt like i was preparing to go into a bomb shelter. nope. just two flights down to sit in a room all day.

::: so, i'm staring at this children's book right now called, 'On the Night You Were Born.' i cataloged this book last week. we have a total of 8 copies. and the cover is this seemingly suggestive picture of two polar bears doing some kind of dance move. i'm not too sure about that picture, folks. what do you think?

::: i'm also cold right now. i put on my cardigan that i brought with me. oh yeah, i also brought a cardigan with me to work. and i have the ceiling fan on. and i'm cold, but i don't want to shut it off because then later tonight when i'm hott and sweaty i'll wish i was cold.

::: OH. i know what else i possibly need to do today. but probably not today, but sometime soon. GET MY STUPID PHONE FIXED. now, i don't like using the word 'stupid.' but this phone is an exception. ugh it makes me so frustrated. the touch screen has totally gone to crap. last night i couldn't set my alarm because touching the screen was doing nothing. i tried shutting off the phone. sliding it up and down. CALIBRATING IT. i can't tell you how many times i've calibrated it this week. MANY TIMES. and sometimes that doesn't even work because it's like, "touch the dot on the screen as it moves" and i touch the dot, but it doesn't recognize it.

UGH. i am not a fan of that phone. it worked great at first. and it's just about a year old. Samsung Impression is what it is. would i recommend it? no. no i would not. it makes me very untrustworthy of touch screen phones.

and kara has the same phone as me and she was just able to get a brand new one because her screen was all messed up. her's was really weird, though. like, it would change colors and distort the picture. and to me, this is a testament about how the phone is great at first, but them goes to crap after a year.

and the phone insurance runs out in june. so, i'm going to try and get it replaced before then.

SO - because i couldn't set my phone alarm*

*which is unreliable anyways because the other day i woke up two hours after the alarm was supposed to go off. and i checked the phone. the alarm WAS going off, but there was no sound. THE ALARM PROBLEM has been a constant.

i had to set my ipod alarm clock, which meant that i was not able to listen to any lullabies while i slept. which wasn't so bad, because i had my window fan going anyways and i wouldn't have really been able to hear the lullabies anyways. BUT STILL.

dear samsung impression people,

your crap phone has caused me to be unable to listen to my nighttime lullabies due to the constant problem with the alarm. and now the touch screen. think about THAT!

love, julie

but, a note regarding the lullabies: i enjoyed listening to the 'Resistance' by Muse version during the day. but at nighttime, while i'm laying in my dark room - it's kind of scary.

AND ALSO, i wanted to clear something up. i mentioned that the two new lullabies i bought were from the 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star' lullaby collection. now i know what you must be thinking,

YOU: But Julie, I thought you bought the 'Rockabye Baby!' collection.

and YES. i do. i have bought from both collections and love them all. the Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star seems to have more up-to-date rock songs turned into lullabies. so that's why i think they will be the ones to release Crash Kings.

so, it's 11:10am right now. i think i'm getting more tired as the day goes on. it's pretty quiet here today.

once the afternoon gets here usually the time passes more quickly.

the last time i worked a shift in the house we had a newborn baby here! and it was the week after the Crash Kings Roadtrip Weekend. and i got to keep the newborn baby overnight. and he was so tiny and sweet!

apparently the house inspection people need vaccination papers for Ruby Tuesday. this bums me out. yes, she's vaccinated. but i just wish that my personal life and my work life didn't overlap this much. ya know? there's just no privacy.

okay. i think i'm going to eat some Cheez-its and work on the website now. it's coming out awesome! i love it. i just love looking at it and thinking, "yep. i picked all this out." i can't wait to show it to you once it's all done.

alright. i hope you are having a great monday and are more rested than i am.

also, last night while reading that awesome article about Crash Kings, in the section when he was talking about 'Non-Believer' he posted some lyrics and said that they are "probably the most poetic lyrics on the record." and yes, i've heard these lyrics a million times. but, seeing them in written form was a new experience and it was like i was seeing them for the first time. and i was taken aback by how beautiful they are....

“Always letting go could bring you closer
Leaving doesn’t mean that this is over
Don’t forget about the things that make you feel free”


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