03 May 2010

40 minutes!

that's how long i have left of "work."

there's NOTHING GOING ON. omg. in 8 hours there have been like, MAYBE 10 phone calls. there's nobody else here, except in the daycare. IT'S SO QUIET.

i worked on the website for a while, though. well, maybe like, an hour and a half. got a lot accomplished, so that's good.

it's kind of crazy. this quiet.

ANYWAYS. just wanted to update you on my work status. i can't even tell you what i've been doing because it has been NOTHING.

i have to go drop off two bags of clothes at the Listen center this afternoon.


oh! i'm excited about this weekend because i'm going home! home on sunday for mother's day and then i'm staying until tuesday and kara and i are going to have a


Kings on Kimmel. that's what we'll call it. it'll be a blog party too, don't worry. OH this will be a big event.

and i'm warning you now: as this event gets closer, there will be promotion. OHHHHH yes. non stop everybody-must-watch-them-on-kimmel promotion. nonstop.

oh, i have a sad story. it's sad, but i think you all will make it through.

i was in the grocery store yesterday - and they were OUT of the coconut coffee which i am obsessed with.

YES, i already needed to restock on the coffee because i drank the whole bag already. so i went to the coffee aisle and there was the sticker - but NO COFFEE. ohhhh i was bummed. so i had to get french vanilla instead.

AND, while i was at home i was able to get a fancy type of coffee creamer that we do not have up in these parts. CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY!!!! so mix that with the coconut coffee and you have:

Chocolate Coconut Raspberry Coffee.

oooooooyyuumm. sooo good. i love mixing flavors! i should become a person who mixes flavors. are those real people? like, ANY company in the world would call me and be like,

BIG COMPANY: Hi Julie, we're coming out with a new flavor of ice cream and wanted to hear your suggestions.
JULIE: Mocha ice cream with raspberry swirl and chocolate chips.
BIG COMPANY: It's perfect!! Your check is in the mail!!

so great!!

just watched the Crash Kings '#1 and drivin'' video on youtube. oh, that video is a great piece of film. 23 glorious seconds that will not waste your time. that's a blog promise. it's just the video that tony took while they were driving in ol' blue after they found out Mountain Man was number 1. hence the title of the video, '#1 and drivin'.'

oh, i was just going to tell you something and then was immediately distracted and now i forgot. i even opened up a new tab, and i can't figure out why. hmmm.

recently, as in today, i have become twitter friends with WEST COAST CRASH QUEEN JULIE!!! she's like a total celeb in the Crash Kings world. and i'm really excited. and i don't know if you noticed, but we have the same name. therefore we are both really awesome.

OH I KNOW what i was going to tell you!!!!

i was going to tell you that after all my complaining and stressing about the weather - it's not actually that hott after all. and i opening the new tab to go online and check the weather! so i'll go do that now. hold on.

ok, sorry. i got distracted again. it's the twitter!!! and all my new great friends. ok. back on track.

it's currently 73 degrees here. NOT BAD. not bad at all. i'll take it. in fact, i'll take a whole summer of that. and 0% humidity too, please.

alright. it's 4:03pm.

i'm very excited right now. in tweet talking with all these wonderful people who also love Crash Kings and get just as excited as i do about them.

but now i guess i'll go home. up the two flights of stairs.

ok, i'll talk to you later. i might take a nap. i haven't decided. because i'm thinking about maybe not going to the post office and getting the next O.C. disc. because if it's in my house, i'll have to watch it tonight. and that means not sleeping.

hmm. maybe i'll just go drop those clothes off.

ok!! hope you have a great evening. :)


1 comment:

  1. i think instead of big company you meant Jimmies Ice Cream Incorporated, yea i have an ice cream business too!


thanks for the comment! you're the best!!